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Some Visualizations using CoCalc

Views: 1340

3D Graphics

The 3D graphics functionality built into Sage is modeled on Mathematica's 3d plotting. Many of the functions have the same names and input arguments.

Historically, this was initially largely written by Bill Cauchois (a UW freshman), Robert Miller, Robert Bradshaw and me...

See the Sage Reference Manual » 3D Graphics

  • hundreds of examples, and a complete reference.

Second half Gregory Bard's book is on 3d graphics

sage: G = tetrahedron((0,-3.5,0), color='blue') + cube((0,-2,0),color=(.25,0,.5)) sage: G += octahedron(color='red') + dodecahedron((0,2,0), color='orange') sage: G += icosahedron(center=(0,4,0), color='yellow') sage:[1,1,1])
3D rendering not yet implemented
f(x,y) = x*sin(y) show(plot3d(f, (x, -5, 5), (y, -5, 5)))
3D rendering not yet implemented
T = RDF(golden_ratio)^2 F(x,y,z) = 2 - (cos(x+T*y) + cos(x-T*y) + cos(y+T*z) + cos(y-T*z) + cos(z-T*x) + cos(z+T*x)) r = 4.77 implicit_plot3d(F, (x,-r,r), (y,-r,r), (z,-r,r), plot_points=30, color='orange')
3D rendering not yet implemented