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exercise1List = srange(1,101, 1) print "exercise 1:" print(exercise1List) exercise2List = srange(1,51,1) print "exercise 2:" print(exercise2List) print "exercise 3:" exercise3List = srange(0, 11, 1) for i in exercise3List: print i print "exercise 4:" exercise4List = srange(10, 50, 10) for j in exercise4List: sqareroot = float(sqrt(j)) print(sqareroot) print "exercise 7:" print "the line mult3.append(3*n) appends the empty list (mult3) with the values from the nums list, multiplied by 3" mult3 = [] #Create an empty list to hold the results. nums = srange(1,6) #Why do we use 6? #Because the srange function will only actually print values from 1 to 5 for n in nums: mult3.append(3*n) print mult3 [3, 6, 9, 12, 15] print "exercise 8:" exercise8List = [] multiplesof4 = srange(1,11) for i in multiplesof4: exercise8List.append(4*i) print exercise8List print "exercise 9:" print "Plot of multiples of 4:" show(points([(multiplesof4[0],exercise8List[0]),(multiplesof4[1],exercise8List[1]),(multiplesof4[2],exercise8List[2]),(multiplesof4[3],exercise8List[3]),(multiplesof4[4],exercise8List[4]),(multiplesof4[5],exercise8List[5]),(multiplesof4[6],exercise8List[6]),(multiplesof4[7],exercise8List[7]),(multiplesof4[8],exercise8List[8]),(multiplesof4[9],exercise8List[9])], color ='darkgreen', pointsize=50), aspect_ratio=.5) print "exercise 10" N = 10 func=0.2*N*(1-N/100) ## the formula for X’ dt=.2 ## the time step >>X=10. ## the starting value of X for t in srange(0,10,dt, include_endpoint=True): ## ????? Xp = func ## get X’ dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X [t,N,Xp,dX] ## print the row of the Euler table N=N+dX ## find the new X value print "exercise 11" N = 10 func=0.2*N*(1-N/100) ## the formula for X’ dt=.2 ## the time step >>X=10. ## the starting value of X Xvals = [] tvals = srange(0,50,dt, include_endpoint=True) for t in tvals: ## ????? Xp = func ## get X’ dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X #[t,N,Xp,dX] ## print the row of the Euler table Xvals.append(N)## N=N+dX ## find the new X value #Xvals.append(N)## p=list_plot(zip(tvals,Xvals),axes_labels=["t","X"]) show(p,figsize=5,svg=False) print "exercise 12" N = 30 func=0.2*N*(1-N/100) ## the formula for X’ dt=.2 ## the time step >>X=10. ## the starting value of X Xvals1 = [] tvals = srange(0,50,dt, include_endpoint=True) for t in tvals: ## ????? Xp = func ## get X’ dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X #[t,N,Xp,dX] ## print the row of the Euler table Xvals1.append(N)## N=N+dX ## find the new X value #Xvals.append(N)## N = 20 func=0.2*N*(1-N/100) ## the formula for X’ dt=.2 ## the time step >>X=10. ## the starting value of X Xvals2 = [] tvals = srange(0,50,dt, include_endpoint=True) for t in tvals: ## ????? Xp = func ## get X’ dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X #[t,N,Xp,dX] ## print the row of the Euler table Xvals2.append(N)## N=N+dX ## find the new X value #Xvals.append(N)## N = 10 func=0.2*N*(1-N/100) ## the formula for X’ dt=.2 ## the time step >>X=10. ## the starting value of X Xvals3 = [] tvals = srange(0,50,dt, include_endpoint=True) for t in tvals: ## ????? Xp = func ## get X’ dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X #[t,N,Xp,dX] ## print the row of the Euler table Xvals3.append(N)## N=N+dX ## find the new X value #Xvals.append(N)## p=list_plot(zip(tvals,Xvals3),axes_labels=["t","X"],color='darkgreen') p1=list_plot(zip(tvals,Xvals2),axes_labels=["t","X"],color='red') p2=list_plot(zip(tvals,Xvals1),axes_labels=["t","X"]) show((p+p1+p2),figsize=5,svg=False) #line([(0,0), (1,2), (1/2,pi), (1/2,pi/2)], color='darkgreen', thickness=3) print "exercise 13" def Euler(Xprime,N,t_start,t_end,dt): tvals = srange(t_start,t_end,dt, include_endpoint=True) Xlist = [] for t in tvals: ## ????? Xp = Xprime dX=dt*Xp ## use it to get Delta X Xlist.append(N)## N=N+dX #print Xlist return(Xlist) ## return the list of X values. print "exercise 14" #Using your function Euler from Exercise 13, simulate X = 0.05X for 100 time units, starting with #X(0) = 10, using step sizes of 1, 0.1 and 0.01. #2. Plot each of your results and the actual solution X(t) given above on the same set of axes. #3. Describe how similar each simulation is to the true solution. onestep = Euler(0.05*N,10,0,100,1) g=list_plot(zip(tvals,onestep),axes_labels=["t","X"],color='darkgreen') twostep = Euler(0.05*N,10,0,100,.1) g1=list_plot(zip(tvals,onestep),axes_labels=["t","X"],color='red') threestep = Euler(0.05*N,10,0,100,.01) g2=list_plot(zip(tvals,onestep),axes_labels=["t","X"],color='blue') show((g+g1+g2),figsize=5,svg=False) print "exercise 15" print "in order to generate more accurate graphs we must make the step size sufficiently small" print "exercise 16" var("J,R") vector_field(J,R)=[R,-J] ## the formula for J’ and R’ ## make a vector field plot to use later pvf=plot_vector_field(vector_field,(J,-2,2),(R,-2,2),plot_points=10,color="green") dt=0.1 ## the time step J=10 ## the starting values of J R=50 ## and R Jvals=[] ## start the lists for Jvals and Rvals Rvals=[] ## tvals=srange(0,120,dt, include_endpoint=True) ## list of time values for t in tvals: [Jp,Rp]=vector_field(J,R) ## get J’ and R’ dJ=dt*Jp ## use it to get Delta J dR=dt*Rp ## and Delta R J=J+dJ ## find the new J value R=R+dR ## and the new R value Jvals.append(J) ## append the new R and J values Rvals.append(R) ## to the lists. ## trajectory ptr=list_plot(zip(Jvals,Rvals),plotjoined=True,axes_labels=["J","R"],aspect_ratio=1) ## time series J pts1=list_plot(zip(tvals,Jvals),plotjoined=True,color=’black’,legend_label="Juliet") ## time series R pts2=list_plot(zip(tvals,Rvals),plotjoined=True,color=’red’,legend_label="Romeo") ## combine vector field and trajectory show(pvf+ptr,frame=False,axes_labels=["J","R"],aspect_ratio=1) ## combine the two time series show(pts1+pts2,axes_labels=["t","Fish"])
exercise 1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100] exercise 2: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50] exercise 3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 exercise 4: 3.16227766017 4.472135955 5.47722557505 6.32455532034 exercise 7: the line mult3.append(3*n) appends the empty list (mult3) with the values from the nums list, multiplied by 3 [3, 6, 9, 12, 15] [3, 6, 9, 12, 15] exercise 8: [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40] exercise 9: Plot of multiples of 4:
exercise 10 [0.000000000000000, 10, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [0.200000000000000, 10.3600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [0.400000000000000, 10.7200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [0.600000000000000, 11.0800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [0.800000000000000, 11.4400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [1.00000000000000, 11.8000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [1.20000000000000, 12.1600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [1.40000000000000, 12.5200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [1.60000000000000, 12.8800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [1.80000000000000, 13.2400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [2.00000000000000, 13.6000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [2.20000000000000, 13.9600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [2.40000000000000, 14.3200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [2.60000000000000, 14.6800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [2.80000000000000, 15.0400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [3.00000000000000, 15.4000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [3.20000000000000, 15.7600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [3.40000000000000, 16.1200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [3.60000000000000, 16.4800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [3.80000000000000, 16.8400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [4.00000000000000, 17.2000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [4.20000000000000, 17.5600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [4.40000000000000, 17.9200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [4.60000000000000, 18.2800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [4.80000000000000, 18.6400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [5.00000000000000, 19.0000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [5.20000000000000, 19.3600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [5.40000000000000, 19.7200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [5.60000000000000, 20.0800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [5.80000000000000, 20.4400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [6.00000000000000, 20.8000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [6.20000000000000, 21.1600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [6.40000000000000, 21.5200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [6.60000000000000, 21.8800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [6.80000000000000, 22.2400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [7.00000000000000, 22.6000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [7.20000000000000, 22.9600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [7.40000000000000, 23.3200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [7.60000000000000, 23.6800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [7.80000000000000, 24.0400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [8.00000000000000, 24.4000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [8.20000000000000, 24.7600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [8.40000000000000, 25.1200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [8.60000000000000, 25.4800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [8.80000000000000, 25.8400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [9.00000000000000, 26.2000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [9.20000000000000, 26.5600000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [9.40000000000000, 26.9200000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [9.60000000000000, 27.2800000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [9.80000000000000, 27.6400000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] [10.0000000000000, 28.0000000000000, 1.80000000000000, 0.360000000000000] exercise 11
exercise 12
exercise 13 exercise 14
exercise 15 in order to generate more accurate graphs we must make the step size sufficiently small exercise 16 (J, R)