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%matplotlib inline # analyzeRadioExp automatically read experiment files and does a lot of pre-computations, etc. [version 2015, unmodified] from analyzeRadioExp import * import random as random_module
#plot3dFloorPlan() #plotFurthestNodes() # indicate the nodes with the maximum distance
# plot all nodes in the network (axis unit: meters) xlabel("distance in meters") ylabel("distance in meters") plot(xArray, yArray, ".") plt.savefig("grenoble-topology-m3.pdf") grid()
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Get topology information summarized in a matrix 'neighDist'

  • if nodes uu and vv are neighbors: neighDist[u,v] is set to 1

  • otherwise: neighDist[u,v] is set to the constant InfiniteDist

The topology is computed for two different graphs:

  • IoT-LAB grenoble topology

  • a graph with nodes placed randomly in a square (for testing)

###### Compute the neighborhood in IoT-LAB grenoble testbed ## Copied from "analyzeRadioExp.estimateConnectivityProb" and modified: # Channel (we have measurements on channels 11 to 26) - 26 is the cleanest, 22 has the most "noise", hence most nb hops Channel = 20 channelIdx = Channel-11 # Link selection: nb packets received must be >= 50% nb packets send (e.g. PDR >= 50%): NbPacketConnectivity = nbPacket /float (2) # Neighborhood: `neighDist[u,v]' is set to: 1 if nodes `u' and `v' are neighbors or `InfiniteDist' otherwise InfiniteDist = 1000000 #InfiniteDist = inf hasLink = ( (connRecv[channelIdx] >= NbPacketConnectivity) & (connRecv.transpose(0,2,1)[channelIdx] >= NbPacketConnectivity) ) neighDist = (hasLink.astype(int32) + logical_not(hasLink).astype(int32) * InfiniteDist) # ^^^^^^^ neighDist is the only information we need from IoT-LAB (it contains the neighborhood) # -- the sink is selected to be one of nodes that are the furthest apart: # compute the distance between all nodes in the networks (in hops) from the neighborhood (hopDist) hopDist = scipy.sparse.csgraph.floyd_warshall(neighDist) # find two nodes which are at maximum distance furthestNodes = np.unravel_index(hopDist.argmax(), hopDist.shape) sinkIdx = min(furthestNodes) print ("node #%s <-> node #%s : max distance = %s hops --- selected sink is node #%s"% (furthestNodes+(hopDist.max(),sinkIdx)))
node #59 <-> node #326 : max distance = 9.0 hops --- selected sink is node #59
####### alternate graph: random node placement in a square SquareWidth = 50 SquareRadioRange = 8 SquareNbNode = nbNode # - generate nodes placed randomly in a square asGrid = True if not asGrid: np.random.seed(1) squareXArray = np.random.uniform(0, SquareWidth, SquareNbNode) squareYArray = np.random.uniform(0, SquareWidth, SquareNbNode) else: q = int(sqrt(SquareNbNode)+1) squareXArray = (np.arange(0, nbNode) %q) /float (q) * SquareWidth squareYArray = (np.arange(0, nbNode) // q) /float (q) * SquareWidth squareSinkIdx = 0 # sink in the middle: squareXArray[squareSinkIdx], squareYArray[squareSinkIdx] = (SquareWidth /float (2), SquareWidth /float (2)) # - compute distance between pairs of nodes (in meters), and then the neighborhood matrix `squareInitialDist' ncoord = np.array([squareXArray, squareYArray]).transpose() # from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28687321/computing-euclidean-distance-for-numpy-in-python D = np.sqrt(((ncoord[:, :, None] - ncoord[:, :, None].T) ** 2).sum(1)) hasSquareLink = (D < SquareRadioRange) squareNeighDist = hasSquareLink.astype(int32) + logical_not(hasSquareLink).astype(int32) * InfiniteDist #s = where(D[squareSinkIdx] < 7) ; plot(squareXArray[s], squareYArray[s], "*")

Select one of the graphs (iotlab or random-in-a-square) as 'test' graph for testing functions

testGraph = "square" testGraph = "iotlab" #testGraph = None if testGraph == "iotlab": testNeighDist = neighDist testSinkIdx = sinkIdx testXArray,testYArray = xArray, yArray testXYArray = np.array([xArray, yArray]) elif testGraph == "square": testNeighDist = squareNeighDist testSinkIdx = squareSinkIdx testXArray,testYArray = squareXArray, squareYArray testXYArray = np.array([testXArray, testYArray]) if testGraph != None: #plot (testXArray, testYArray, ".") xlabel("distance in meters") ylabel("distance in meters") plot(testXYArray[0], testXYArray[1], ".") plot(testXYArray[0][testSinkIdx], testXYArray[1][testSinkIdx], "or", markersize=10) plt.savefig("grenoble-sink-node.pdf") grid()
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Utility functions for subgraph extraction, with two different techniques:

  1. extract the subset of nodes which are less than n hops from a reference nodes, in one given graph

  2. extract a random subset of n nodes, in one given graph

# -- Function to extract a graph of nodes which are at most at `x' hops from one reference point # Ignore all nodes which are more than `maxNbHop' away from node #refNodeIdx # and return the resulting "neighborhood distance", and updated `refNodeIdx' (i.e. after removing the above and renumbering) def getCloseSubgraph(neighDist, refNodeIdx, maxNbHop): hopDist = scipy.sparse.csgraph.floyd_warshall(neighDist) closeToRefArray = where(hopDist[refNodeIdx] <= maxNbHop)[0] subgraphNeighDist = neighDist[closeToRefArray][...,closeToRefArray].copy() currentRefNodeIdx = where(closeToRefArray == refNodeIdx)[0][0] # idx changed because of taking subset -> renumbering return closeToRefArray, subgraphNeighDist, currentRefNodeIdx # Testing the function: if testGraph != None: print ("test: subset of nodes limited distance (#hops) from the sink") closeNodeIdxArray, closeNeighDist, closeSinkIdx = getCloseSubgraph(testNeighDist, testSinkIdx, maxNbHop=5) xlabel("distance in meters") ylabel("distance in meters") plot(testXArray[closeNodeIdxArray], testYArray[closeNodeIdxArray], "*") print closeNeighDist.shape
test: subset of nodes limited distance (#hops) from the sink (215, 215)
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# -- Function to extract `x' random nodes from a graph def getRandomSubgraph(neighDist, sinkIdx, nbSubsetNode, seed): myNbNode = neighDist.shape[0] # select `nbSubsetNode-1' random nodes plus node `sinkIdx' random_module.seed(seed) nodeList = range(myNbNode) nodeList.remove(sinkIdx) random_module.shuffle(nodeList) nodeSubsetArray = np.array([sinkIdx] + nodeList[0:nbSubsetNode-1]) subgraphNeighDist = neighDist[nodeSubsetArray][...,nodeSubsetArray].copy() currentSinkIdx = where(nodeSubsetArray == sinkIdx)[0][0] # idx changed because of taking subset -> renumbering return nodeSubsetArray, subgraphNeighDist, currentSinkIdx # Testing the function: if testGraph != None: print ("test: (this is a subset of the previous plot)") subgraphNodeIdxArray, subgraphNeighDist, subgraphSinkIdx = getRandomSubgraph(closeNeighDist, closeSinkIdx, nbSubsetNode=40, seed=8) subgraphNodeIdxArray = closeNodeIdxArray[subgraphNodeIdxArray] # because double re-numbering xlabel("distance in meters") ylabel("distance in meters") plot(testXArray[subgraphNodeIdxArray], testYArray[subgraphNodeIdxArray], "o") plt.savefig("grenoble-reachable-m3.pdf")
test: (this is a subset of the previous plot)
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# Construct a shortest path tree (in number of hops) from the sink to all the nodes # input: neighborhood # output: # fromToArray= array of edges (to,from) where the tree is a routing tree *to* the sink # coveringTree=neighborhood with only the links that are used in the routing tree # distanceArray= distance of node #i to the sink def makeRoutingTree(subgraphNeighDist, subgraphSinkIdx): adjacency = np.zeros_like(subgraphNeighDist) adjacency[where(subgraphNeighDist < InfiniteDist)] = 1 distanceArray = scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra(adjacency, indices=subgraphSinkIdx) distanceArray[where(distanceArray == inf)] = -1 if distanceArray.max() == 0: # empty tree (cannot reach any other node) return None, None, None coveringTree = scipy.sparse.csgraph.breadth_first_tree(adjacency, subgraphSinkIdx, directed=True) toFromArray = np.array(where(coveringTree.todense() > 0)) return toFromArray.transpose(), coveringTree.todense(), distanceArray #[subgraphSinkIdx] def computeUnicastMulticastCost(routingTree, treeToFromArray, distanceArray, probSelected=1.0): mcastCost = (routingTree.sum()) assert (treeToFromArray.shape[0]) == mcastCost assert ((distanceArray>0).sum()) == mcastCost ucastCost = distanceArray[where(distanceArray>0)].sum() #return ucastCost, mcastCost nodeInTreeList = list(sorted(list(treeToFromArray[::,1]))) selectedNodeSet = set([nodeId for nodeId in nodeInTreeList if random_module.random() <= probSelected ]) parentTable = { child: parent for (parent, child) in treeToFromArray } treeForSelectedSet = set() currentSet = selectedNodeSet while len(currentSet) > 0: treeForSelectedSet = treeForSelectedSet.union(currentSet) currentSet = set([parentTable[nodeId] for nodeId in currentSet if nodeId in parentTable]) selectedNodeArray = np.array(list(selectedNodeSet)) if len(selectedNodeSet) == 0: return None, None, None ucastCost = distanceArray[selectedNodeArray].sum() mcastCost = len(treeForSelectedSet)-1 # because of the sink return ucastCost, mcastCost, len(selectedNodeSet) # -- test the functions if testGraph != None: toFromArray, routingTree, distanceArray = makeRoutingTree(subgraphNeighDist, subgraphSinkIdx) nbNodeInTree = (distanceArray > 0).sum() ucastCost, mcastCost, nbSelected = computeUnicastMulticastCost(routingTree, toFromArray, distanceArray, probSelected=1) print "unicast cost=%s (sum of distance) ; multicast cost=%s (number of nodes connected to the root-1)" % (ucastCost, mcastCost) globalToFromArray = subgraphNodeIdxArray[toFromArray] # local numbering in the subgraph (0,1,2) -> to global numbering of the initial graph #plot(*testXYArray[::,subgraphNodeIdxArray], marker="*", linestyle="None") xlabel("distance in meters") ylabel("distance in meters") for i in range(toFromArray.shape[0]): relFromIdx = toFromArray[i,1] if distanceArray[relFromIdx]%2 == 1: color = "b" else: color = "g" plot(*testXYArray[::,globalToFromArray[i]], marker=".", color=color, linewidth=1)#, linewidth=distanceArray[i]) for i in range(subgraphNeighDist.shape[0]): if distanceArray[i] == 1: markerSize = 10 ; color = "b" elif distanceArray[i] == 0: markerSize = 15 ; color = "r" elif distanceArray[i] == 2: markerSize = 7 ; color ="g" elif distanceArray[i] < 0: markerSize = 3 ; color = "r" else: markerSize = 5 ; color = "#000000" plot(*testXYArray[::,subgraphNodeIdxArray[i]], marker="o", color=color, markersize=markerSize) plt.savefig("grenoble-RPL.pdf") #distanceArray.shape #toFromArray #distanceArray[subgraphSinkIdx]
unicast cost=198.0 (sum of distance) ; multicast cost=39 (number of nodes connected to the root-1)
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# Final Result: Compute the avg. necessary number of transmissions (unicast or with-cache) - A subset of the topology is taken varying the max number of hops (from the sink) - Then in this sub-topology, the target "number of nodes" is selected: the number goes from 10 to the max number - For each such number of nodes: `NbIter` experiments are run where that amount of nodes are selected randomly in the sub-topology - For each experiment, the cost of unicast and the cost with caching are computed (= the number of necessary transmissions) with all nodes trying to get same identical content. Disconnected nodes are not considered.
NbIter = 100 ProbSelection = 0.5 maxNbHopList = [5, 10] ucastTable = {} mcastTable = {} nbNodeTable = {} distanceTable = {} connectedNbNodeTable = {} for maxNbHop in maxNbHopList: closeNodeIdxArray, closeNeighDist, closeSinkIdx = getCloseSubgraph(neighDist, sinkIdx, maxNbHop=maxNbHop) nbNodeList = [2,4,6,8] + range(10, closeNodeIdxArray.shape[0], 10) ucastList = [] mcastList = [] distanceList = [] trueNbNodeList = [] for subsetNbNode in nbNodeList: itUcastCostList = [] itMcastCostList = [] itDistanceList = [] itTrueNbNodeList = [] for it in range(NbIter): subgraphNodeIdxArray, subgraphNeighDist, subgraphSinkIdx = getRandomSubgraph( closeNeighDist, closeSinkIdx, nbSubsetNode=subsetNbNode, seed=hash((it, subsetNbNode))) subgraphNodeIdxArray = closeNodeIdxArray[subgraphNodeIdxArray] # because double re-numbering toFromArray, routingTree, distanceArray = makeRoutingTree(subgraphNeighDist, subgraphSinkIdx) if toFromArray is None: continue #print computeUnicastMulticastCost(routingTree, toFromArray, distanceArray, probSelected = ProbSelection) ucastCost, mcastCost, nbSelected = computeUnicastMulticastCost(routingTree, toFromArray, distanceArray, probSelected = ProbSelection) if ucastCost == None: continue #itTrueNbNodeList.append( (distanceArray>0).sum() ) itTrueNbNodeList.append( nbSelected ) itUcastCostList.append(ucastCost) itMcastCostList.append(mcastCost) itDistanceList.append( distanceArray[where(distanceArray>=0)].mean() ) ucastList.append(np.array(itUcastCostList).mean()) mcastList.append(np.array(itMcastCostList).mean()) distanceList.append(np.array(itDistanceList).mean()) trueNbNodeList.append(np.array(itTrueNbNodeList).mean()) ucastTable[maxNbHop] = np.array(ucastList) mcastTable[maxNbHop] = np.array(mcastList) nbNodeTable[maxNbHop] = np.array(nbNodeList) connectedNbNodeTable[maxNbHop] = np.array(trueNbNodeList) distanceTable[maxNbHop] = np.array(distanceList)
for maxNbHop in maxNbHopList: plot(nbNodeTable[maxNbHop], ucastTable[maxNbHop], ".-", label="unicast (max %s hops)" % maxNbHop) plot(nbNodeTable[maxNbHop], mcastTable[maxNbHop], ".-", label="calpulli (max %s hops)" % maxNbHop) xlabel("number of nodes") ylabel("total cost (#nb transmissions)") plt.legend(loc=0) grid() plt.savefig("nb-of-retransmitions-%s.pdf" % maxNbHop) show()
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array([ 1. , 1.16666667, 1.72413793, 2.36111111, 3.30769231, 11.66666667, 29.11578947, 69.24242424, 98.2 , 119.75 , 140.37 , 155.73 , 175.86 , 188.74 , 206.08 , 215.63 , 232.8 , 249.97 , 269.25 , 281.65 , 292.41 , 312.58 , 333.73 , 346.24 , 364.87 ])
array([ 1. , 1.08333333, 1.44827586, 1.80555556, 2.34615385, 5.52 , 10.81052632, 20.82828283, 29.33 , 36.62 , 42.1 , 48.71 , 54.33 , 60.04 , 66.11 , 71.34 , 76.18 , 82.16 , 88.13 , 93.5 , 98.01 , 103.98 , 110.92 , 116.09 , 121.98 ])
for maxNbHop in [5,10]: plot(nbNodeTable[maxNbHop], ucastTable[maxNbHop]/connectedNbNodeTable[maxNbHop], ".-", label="unicast (max %s hops)" % maxNbHop) plot(nbNodeTable[maxNbHop], mcastTable[maxNbHop]/connectedNbNodeTable[maxNbHop], ".-", label="calpulli (max %s hops)" % maxNbHop) #plot(nbNodeTable[maxNbHop], distanceTable[maxNbHop], ".-", label="avg distance (max %s hops)" % maxNbHop) print (maxNbHop, "avgdistance=", distanceTable[maxNbHop][-1].mean()) plt.legend(loc=0) grid() xlabel("number of nodes") ylabel("avg. cost per node (#nb transmission / nb node)") plt.savefig("avg-cost-per-node-%s.pdf" % maxNbHop) show()
(5, 'avgdistance=', 3.4673809523809518)
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(10, 'avgdistance=', 4.701352941176471)
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