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#reminder about list slicing L=[0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1] L[:2] sum(L[:2]) sum(L[:5])
[0, 0] 0 2
#the simplified problem: first you flip T,H, then what should you do? #generate lots (500) flips #also calculate #of heads/number of flips flips = [0,1] for i in [1..500]: flips.append(randint(0,1)) #now we have the flips, lets gerate the outsomes (winnings) in stop after k flips outcomes = [n(sum(flips[:k])/k, digits = 3) for k in [1..len(flips)]]
flips[:20] outcomes[:20] max(outcomes)
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1] [0.000, 0.500, 0.667, 0.500, 0.400, 0.500, 0.571, 0.625, 0.667, 0.700, 0.727, 0.750, 0.692, 0.643, 0.600, 0.625, 0.647, 0.611, 0.579, 0.600] 0.750
#repeat many times, we'll record the best outcome, and then average experiments = 100 total = 0 for j in [1..experiments]: flips = [0,1] for i in [1..500]: flips.append(randint(0,1)) #now we have the flips, lets gerate the outsomes (winnings) in stop after k flips outcomes = [n(sum(flips[:k])/k, digits = 3) for k in [1..len(flips)]] best = max(outcomes) total = total + best total/experiments
#suggests that if we start with t,H we should keep flipping! #many unanswered questions: we still need a stopping strategy #what should do after the kth flip?!?!?!??!?!?!??!
#write general code where we can vary (1) the initial sequence of flips (2) the number of flips and (3) the number of experiments def optimal_stopping_value(flips, number_of_flips, experiments): total = 0 for j in [1..experiments]: for i in [1..number_of_flips]: flips.append(randint(0,1)) #now we have the flips, lets gerate the outsomes (winnings) in stop after k flips outcomes = [sum(flips[:k])/k for k in [1..len(flips)]] best = max(outcomes) total = total + best return n(total/experiments, digits=3)
#case: T,H, 500 flips, 100 experiments optimal_stopping_value([0,1], 500, 100)
def optimal_stopping_value(initial_flips, number_of_flips, experiments): total = 0 for j in [1..experiments]: flips = initial_flips + [randint(0,1) for i in range(number_of_flips)] temp = 0 maxx = 0 for k in range(len(flips)): temp = temp + flips[k] if temp/(k+1) > maxx: maxx = temp/(k+1) total = total + maxx return total/experiments
#testing as we vary the number of extra flips #keeping number of experiments fixed at 200 data_flips = [optimal_stopping_value([0,1],i,200) for i in [1..300]]
scatter_plot([(i+1,data_flips[i]) for i in range(len(data_flips))])
#testing as we vary the number of experiments #keeping number of flips fixed at 200 data_experiments = [optimal_stopping_value([0,1],200,i) for i in [1..300]]
scatter_plot([(i+1,data_flips[i]) for i in range(len(data_experiments))])