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Numerical Methods Homework

Views: 706
Kernel: SageMath 8.2
def height(m): return len(m) def gauss_seidel(m, x0=None, eps=1e-5, max_iteration=100): """ Parameters ---------- m : list of list of floats : coefficient matrix x0 : list of floats : initial guess eps: float : error tolerance max_iteration: int Returns ------- list of floats solution to the system of linear equation Raises ------ ValueError Solution does not converge """ n = height(m) x0 = [0] * n if x0 == None else x0 x1 = x0[:] for __ in range(max_iteration): for i in range(n): s = sum(-m[i][j] * x1[j] for j in range(n) if i != j) x1[i] = (m[i][n] + s) / m[i][i] if all(abs(x1[i]-x0[i]) < eps for i in range(n)): return x1 x0 = x1[:] raise ValueError('Solution does not converge') if __name__ == '__main__': m = [[3,-1,5], [-1,2,4]] print(gauss_seidel(m))
[14108771/5038848, 34264163/10077696]
def jacobi(A,b,N=25,x=None): """Solves the equation Ax=b via the Jacobi iterative method.""" # Create an initial guess if needed if x is None: x = zeros(len(A[0])) # Create a vector of the diagonal elements of A # and subtract them from A D = np.diag(A) R = A - np.diagflat(D) # Iterate for N times for i in range(N): x = (b -,x)) / D return x A = np.array([[2.0,1.0],[5.0,7.0]]) b = np.array([11.0,13.0]) guess = np.array([1.0,1.0]) sol = jacobi(A,b,N=25,x=guess) print "A:" print(A) print "b:" print(b) print "x:" print(sol)
A: [[ 2. 1.] [ 5. 7.]] b: [ 11. 13.] x: [ 7.11110202 -3.22220342]
def generate(condition_number): import numpy as np i = 0 j = 0 A = np.zeros((condition_number, condition_number)) while i< condition_number: while (j <condition_number): if i == j: A[i][j]=3 elif np.abs(i-j)==1: A[i][j]=-1 else: j = j + 1 print(A[i]) i = i + 1 j = 0 b = np.ones((condition_number,1)) #return (b) generate(6)
#Had trouble generating the matrix, so I gave up since I can clearly computer it above