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Kernel: SageMath 8.1

Math 157: Intro to Mathematical Software

UC San Diego, winter 2018

Group 7:Permutation Group By Ping Chen


Permutation Group and either be a text string, like "(3,4,5),(6,7)" or can be a list of tuples, as the example below

G = PermutationGroup([[(3,4,5),(6,7)],[(8,9,10)]])
# the degree of Permutation Group G.cardinality()
Subgroup of (Permutation Group with generators [(8,9,10), (3,4,5)(6,7)]) generated by [(8,9,10), (6,7), (3,5,4)]
#return all the subgroups of a Permutation Group
[(), (8,9,10), (3,5,4), (6,7), (3,5,4)(6,7), (3,4,5), (3,5,4)(8,9,10), (6,7)(8,9,10), (8,10,9), (3,4,5)(6,7), (3,5,4)(8,10,9), (3,4,5)(8,9,10), (6,7)(8,10,9), (3,5,4)(6,7)(8,9,10), (3,4,5)(8,10,9), (3,5,4)(6,7)(8,10,9), (3,4,5)(6,7)(8,9,10), (3,4,5)(6,7)(8,10,9)]

Symmetric Group

The full symmetric groups of a set G are all the permutations of the set, usually written as sym(G).

S = SymmetricGroup(6)
Permutation Group with generators [(4,5,6), (1,2,3,4,5)]
<bound method SymmetricGroup_with_category.is_abelian of Symmetric group of order 6! as a permutation group>
a = S("(4,5,6)") b = S("(1,3)") H = S.subgroup([a,b]) H.list()
[(), (1,3), (4,5,6), (4,6,5), (1,3)(4,5,6), (1,3)(4,6,5)]
from sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup_element import is_PermutationGroupElement print(is_PermutationGroupElement(S))
E = PermutationGroupElement([(5,6), (1,2,3,4)]) print(is_PermutationGroupElement(E))

Elements in a permutation group can do algebraic computaions.

g = S.random_element() g = S.gen(1) g
f = g^(-1) print(f)

Dihedral Group

  • As a kind of permutation group, a dihedral group is the group of symmetries of a regular polygon, including rotations and flips.

  • An n-gon group has 2n symmetries, composing of n rotations and n flips

#Dihedral group of order 20 as permutation group D = DihedralGroup(10)

Subgroups can generated according to specific order we want. If AA is a subgroup of DD above and g∈Dg \in D, {gag−1∣a∈D}\{gag^{-1} | a \in D\} is also a subgroup of DD. Therefore, a permutation group can generated a list with order of kk. Since the list does not represents full subgroups of DD, some permutaion groups of DD are not in the list with order of kk that is arbitrarily chosen.

cc = D.conjugacy_classes_subgroups() print("An order two subgroup:{}".format(cc[1].list())) random_g = D("(1,4)(2,3)(5,10)(6,9)(7,8)") p = PermutationGroup([random_g]) print(p in cc)

Cyclic Group

A cylic permutation is the mapping of each element to each other in the group and fix the other elements at the same time. A cylic permutation group with order 2n2n is defined to be nn-cycle.

The standard cyclic form of a permutation group should be written as:

$$\sigma = (a_{1},1,\dots,a_{1},k_{1})(a_{2},1,\dots,a_{2},k_{2})\dots(a_{m},1,\dots,a_{m},k_{m})\$$

for a1<a2<...<ama1 < a2 <...< am, and k1<k2<...<kmk1 < k2 <...< km

It can be represented as: ParseError: KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \< at position 6: \̲<̲a | a^{n} >\ …

C = PermutationGroup(['(2,3,4,5,6,7)']) C.is_cyclic()
Finitely presented group < a | a^10 >
Note: On the contrary to cyclic group, the klein four-group is the non-cyclic group with order 4.
K = KleinFourGroup();K
The Klein 4 group of order 4, as a permutation group

Alternating Group

# get all the subgroups of alternating group with symbol 4 A = AlternatingGroup(4) s1 = A("(1,2) (3,4)") s2 = A("(1,3) (2,4)") s3 = A("(1,4) (2,3)") sub = A.subgroup([s1, s2, s3])
# Test properties of the alternating group print(sub.is_abelian()) print(sub.is_normal(A)) print(sub.is_simple())
True True False

Cayley Table and Graph

Cayley Table is named after Arthur Cayley, who gives the idea of Cayley's theorem that each group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group acting on G.

Question: What can be told by the Cayley Table?

  • The cayley table can be used to determine whether the permutation group is abelian or not. The permuation group is abelian or communicative if and only if the diagonal of the vayley table is symmetric.

  • Each row and column of the cayley table is a permutation element of the permutation group, since no row or column of the table can contain the same element twice.

# Example: D = DihedralGroup(6) C = D.cayley_table(); C
* a b c d e f g h i j k l +------------------------ a| a b c d e f g h i j k l b| b a e h c j k d l f g i c| c d f g b i l a k e h j d| d c b a f e h g j i l k e| e h j k a l i b g c d f f| f g i l d k j c h b a e g| g f d c i b a l e k j h h| h e a b j c d k f l i g i| i l k j g h e f a d c b j| j k l i h g f e d a b c k| k j h e l a b i c g f d l| l i g f k d c j b h e a
# Example: E = AlternatingGroup(4) text= ['student', 'id', 'number', 'class','yes', 'no', 'play', 'study','','','',''] E.cayley_table(names=text)
* student id number class yes no play study +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ student| student id number class yes no play study id| id no class study play student number yes number| number yes play no student study class id class| class play student id number study no yes yes| yes no student number study play id class no| no student study number id yes class play play| play student id class number no yes study study| study yes id no class number student play | id no study class yes student play number | number play study yes no student class id | class number play student id yes study no | study yes class id no play number student
D8 = DihedralGroup(8) show(D8.cayley_graph())
Image in a Jupyter notebook


  • The cayley graph of D8 above with order 16 presents the 8 rotations r's and 2 flips f's. Therefore the product of number of r and f is 16 which is the order.

  • It is represented as ⟨rf∣rn,f2,(rf)2⟩ \langle rf \rvert r^{n}, f^{2}, (rf)^{2}\rangle


  1. Write a function to mimick the cayley table of the permutation group with order n, and test the function by comparing with the cayley_table().

# your code goes here
# Solution: from sage.matrix.operation_table import OperationTable def table(n): R=Integers(n) OT = OperationTable(R, operation=operator.add) return OT
p = DihedralGroup(5) p.cayley_table()
  1. Write a function 'conj' to comprise a dihedral group with order n and a cyclic group with order m and return the conjugating self group.

def conj(n,m): # your code goes here
#Solution: def conj(n,m): D = DihedralGroup(n) C = CyclicPermutationGroup(m) if (n>m): H = PermutationGroup([D]) else: H = PermutationGroup([C]) d = cycle = [i+1 for i in range(1, d)] + [1] p = H.conjugate(cycle) return p