Project 4: Exploring the UK's milk imports and exports

by Tony Hirst and Michel Wermelinger, 19 November 2015 and 28 March 2016 with ammendments by Chris Pyves 17th November 2016.

This is the project notebook for Week 4 of The Open University's Learn to Code for Data Analysis course.

A country's economy depends, sometimes heavily, on its exports and imports. The United Nations Comtrade database provides data on global trade. It will be used to analyse the UK's imports and exports of milk and cream in 2015:

  • How much does the UK export and import and is the balance positive (more exports than imports)?
  • Which are the main trading partners, i.e. from/to which countries does the UK import/export the most?
  • Which are the regular customers, i.e. which countries buy milk from the UK every month?
  • Which countries does the UK both import from and export to?
In [321]:
# Now Repeat the whole analysis for January–May 2014 and compare the results:
In [322]:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)

from pandas import *
%matplotlib inline

Getting and preparing the data

The data is obtained from the United Nations Comtrade website, by selecting the following configuration:

  • Type of Product: goods
  • Frequency: monthly
  • Periods: January to May of 2015 [note datafile says Jan_Jul_2015]
  • Reporter: United Kingdom
  • Partners: all
  • Flows: imports and exports
  • HS (as reported) commodity codes: 0401 (Milk and cream, neither concentrated nor sweetened) and 0402 (Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened)

Clicking on 'Preview' results in a message that the data exceeds 500 rows. Data was downloaded using the Download CSV button and the download file renamed appropriately.

In [323]:
#Type of Product: goods
#Frequency: monthly
#Periods: January to May of 2015
#Reporter: United Kingdom
#Partners: all
#Flows: imports and exports
#HS (as reported) commodity codes: 0401 (Milk and cream, neither concentrated nor sweetened) and 0402 (Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened)
#downloaded comtrade(12).csv
In [324]:
#Type of Product: goods
#Frequency: monthly
#Periods: January to May of 2014[ Note: systems limit: can only select 5 items]
#Reporter: United Kingdom
#Partners: all
#Flows: imports and exports
#HS (as reported) commodity codes: 0401 (Milk and cream, neither concentrated nor sweetened) and 0402 (Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened)
#downloaded comtrade(13).csv
In [325]:
# Now Repeat the whole analysis for January–May 2014 and compare the results:
# there seem to be two ways of approaching this problem
# 1. Repeat what has already been done but with a new datafile, or
# 2. Add the previous year data to the file and work through the questions using all the techniques and methods that we have learnt
In [326]:
LOCATION2 = 'comtrade_milk_uk_jan_jul_15.csv'# OK
LOCATION1 = 'comtrade_milk_uk_jan_may_14.csv'# OK

The data can also be downloaded directly from Comtrade using the "View API Call" URL, modified in two ways:

  • max=500 is increased to max=5000 to make sure all data is loaded,
  • &fmt=csv is added at the end to obtain the data in CSV format.
In [327]:
# LOCATION2 = ''

On reading in the data, the commodity code has to be read as a string, to not lose the leading zero.

In [328]:
milk1 = read_csv(LOCATION1, dtype={'Commodity Code':str})# 2014
#type(milk1)# pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
#milk1.describe# [606 rows x 35 columns]
Classification Year Period Period Desc. Aggregate Level Is Leaf Code Trade Flow Code Trade Flow Reporter Code Reporter ... Qty Alt Qty Unit Code Alt Qty Unit Alt Qty Netweight (kg) Gross weight (kg) Trade Value (US$) CIF Trade Value (US$) FOB Trade Value (US$) Flag
604 HS 2014 201405 May 2014 4 0 2 Exports 826 United Kingdom ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 18480 NaN 30162 NaN NaN 0
605 HS 2014 201405 May 2014 4 0 2 Exports 826 United Kingdom ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 50000 NaN 313417 NaN NaN 0

2 rows × 35 columns

In [329]:
milk2 = read_csv(LOCATION2, dtype={'Commodity Code':str})# 2015
Classification Year Period Period Desc. Aggregate Level Is Leaf Code Trade Flow Code Trade Flow Reporter Code Reporter ... Qty Alt Qty Unit Code Alt Qty Unit Alt Qty Netweight (kg) Gross weight (kg) Trade Value (US$) CIF Trade Value (US$) FOB Trade Value (US$) Flag
635 HS 2015 201505 May 2015 4 0 2 Exports 826 United Kingdom ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 2213 NaN 37883 NaN NaN 0
636 HS 2015 201505 May 2015 4 0 2 Exports 826 United Kingdom ... NaN NaN NaN NaN 1588 NaN 5676 NaN NaN 0

2 rows × 35 columns

The data in the two files above only covers the first five months of 2014 & 2015. Most columns are irrelevant for this analysis, or contain always the same value, like the year and reporter columns. The commodity code is transformed into a short but descriptive text and only the relevant columns are selected.

In [330]:
def milkType(code):
    if code == '0401': # neither concentrated nor sweetened
        return 'unprocessed'
    if code == '0402': # concentrated or sweetened
        return 'processed' 
    return 'unknown'
In [331]:
COMMODITY = 'Milk and cream'
milk1[COMMODITY] = milk1['Commodity Code'].apply(milkType)
YEAR = 'Year'
PERIOD = 'Period'
PARTNER = 'Partner'
FLOW = 'Trade Flow'
VALUE = 'Trade Value (US$)'
milk1 = milk1[headings]
Year Period Partner Trade Flow Milk and cream Trade Value (US$)
601 2014 201405 United Arab Emirates Exports processed 243150
602 2014 201405 Uganda Exports processed 415292
603 2014 201405 Egypt Exports processed 941909
604 2014 201405 United Rep. of Tanzania Exports processed 30162
605 2014 201405 Burkina Faso Exports processed 313417
In [332]:
COMMODITY = 'Milk and cream'
milk2[COMMODITY] = milk2['Commodity Code'].apply(milkType)
YEAR = 'Year'
PERIOD = 'Period'
PARTNER = 'Partner'
FLOW = 'Trade Flow'
VALUE = 'Trade Value (US$)'
milk2 = milk2[headings]
Year Period Partner Trade Flow Milk and cream Trade Value (US$)
632 2015 201505 Sweden Exports processed 569
633 2015 201505 Switzerland Exports processed 16713
634 2015 201505 United Arab Emirates Exports processed 338823
635 2015 201505 Turkey Exports processed 37883
636 2015 201505 United Rep. of Tanzania Exports processed 5676
In [333]:
# merge(left=frame1, right=frame2, on=columnName, how=string) returns a new dataframe, 
# obtained by joining the two frames on the columns with the given common name. 
# The how argument can be one of ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘inner’ and ‘outer’.
In [334]:
# Join the two data files using append
milk = milk1.append(milk2)
# reset the index 605 + 1 + 636 + 1 = 1242 rows (0 - 1242)
# frame = frame.reset_index(drop=True) returns a new dataframe in which rows are labelled from 0 onwards.
milk = milk.reset_index(drop=True)
#milk.describe # [1243 rows x 6 columns]
Year Period Partner Trade Flow Milk and cream Trade Value (US$)
1238 2015 201505 Sweden Exports processed 569
1239 2015 201505 Switzerland Exports processed 16713
1240 2015 201505 United Arab Emirates Exports processed 338823
1241 2015 201505 Turkey Exports processed 37883
1242 2015 201505 United Rep. of Tanzania Exports processed 5676

The data contains the total imports and exports per month, under the 'World' partner. Those rows are removed to keep only the per-country data.

In [335]:
milk = milk[milk[PARTNER] != 'World']
Year Period Partner Trade Flow Milk and cream Trade Value (US$)
1238 2015 201505 Sweden Exports processed 569
1239 2015 201505 Switzerland Exports processed 16713
1240 2015 201505 United Arab Emirates Exports processed 338823
1241 2015 201505 Turkey Exports processed 37883
1242 2015 201505 United Rep. of Tanzania Exports processed 5676
In [336]:
# Check your data:
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= PERIOD,
# This suggest you may need to create a MONTH column - which when combined with Year will give you the granularity you require
# see next cell:
Period 201401 201402 201403 201404 201405 201501 201502 201503 201504 201505
2014 139512730 111789783 131100878 139406385 144276259 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2015 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 86330673 76215898 84114502 85389026 89463540
In [337]:
MONTH = 'Month'
milk[MONTH]=milk[PERIOD].astype(str).str[5:].astype('int64')# removes year from Period and puts month value in MONTH column
#milk[MONTH]# operation successful
In [338]:
# Now check the data (using MONTH):
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= YEAR,
Year 2014 2015
1 139512730 86330673
2 111789783 76215898
3 131100878 84114502
4 139406385 85389026
5 144276259 89463540

Total trade flow

To answer the first question, 'how much does the UK export and import and is the balance positive (more exports than imports)?', the dataframe is split into two groups: exports from the UK and imports into the UK. The trade values within each group are summed up to get the total trading.

In [339]:
# Original answer:
# This is a neat way to get the two totals - adding another YEAR of data just requires adding YEAR to groupby
grouped = milk.groupby([YEAR,FLOW])[VALUE]# puts it all in one statement
# grouped.groups.keys()# dict_keys([(2014, 'Imports'), (2015, 'Imports'), (2015, 'Exports'), (2014, 'Exports')])
# grouped.get_group(groupName)
print ('in 2014 the trade surplus was: ',(grouped.get_group((2014, 'Exports')).sum())-(grouped.get_group((2014, 'Imports')).sum()))
print ('in 2015 the trade surplus was: ',(grouped.get_group((2015, 'Exports')).sum())-(grouped.get_group((2015, 'Imports')).sum()))
in 2014 the trade surplus was:  209527379
in 2015 the trade surplus was:  108545683
In [340]:
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= [YEAR , FLOW],
#note these totals are all positive - may have to create InFlows & OutFlows to report Net Trade Flow (see cell below)
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
Month Milk and cream
1 processed 40215103 30423330 26195709 19770570
unprocessed 46923551 21950746 26259790 14104604
2 processed 32298379 20614513 21025054 17405593
unprocessed 40191337 18685554 25359029 12426222
3 processed 42987355 26335257 26293698 19060366
unprocessed 43794069 17984197 26028318 12732120
4 processed 52900517 24770338 29029756 15331783
unprocessed 42295261 19440269 25981444 15046043
5 processed 55987927 26409462 29415739 16511555
unprocessed 40213208 21665662 29441124 14095122
In [341]:
values= milk['Trade Value (US$)']# set up values
milk[NET] = values.where(milk[FLOW] == 'Exports', other=-values)#apply condition
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= [YEAR, FLOW],
print('2014 Net Flows',result[2014].sum().sum())
print('2015 Net Flows',result[2015].sum().sum())
2014 Net Flows 209527379
2015 Net Flows 108545683
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
Month Milk and cream
1 processed 40215103 -30423330 26195709 -19770570
unprocessed 46923551 -21950746 26259790 -14104604
2 processed 32298379 -20614513 21025054 -17405593
unprocessed 40191337 -18685554 25359029 -12426222
3 processed 42987355 -26335257 26293698 -19060366
unprocessed 43794069 -17984197 26028318 -12732120
4 processed 52900517 -24770338 29029756 -15331783
unprocessed 42295261 -19440269 25981444 -15046043
5 processed 55987927 -26409462 29415739 -16511555
unprocessed 40213208 -21665662 29441124 -14095122

These figures indicate that in the first five months Jan - May the UK trade surplus has declined by 100m dollars from 209m dollars in 2014 to 109m dollars in 2015.

Main trade partners

To address the second question, 'Which are the main trading partners, i.e. from/to which countries does the UK import/export the most?', the dataframe is split by country instead, and then each group aggregated for the total trade value. This is done separately for imports and exports. The result is sorted in descending order so that the main partners are at the top.

In [342]:
# The following cells are various attempts at reworking the data with different coding approaches to achieve the desired result
# First pass - note: table now contains two years of data instead of one - results will by combined (see cell below)
# make your selection by FLOW then use groupby
imports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Imports']# with additional year data an additional filter is required (see cell below)
grouped = imports.groupby([PARTNER])
#print('The UK imports from', len(grouped), 'countries.')
#print('The 5 biggest exporters to the UK are:')
totalImports = grouped[VALUE].aggregate(sum).sort(inplace=False,ascending=False)# this now includes both years!!!!!!
In [343]:
# second pass using same approach as first to return results by year
imports2014 = milk[((milk[FLOW] == 'Imports') & (milk[YEAR] == 2014))]# simply add a year to your filter
grouped = imports2014.groupby([PARTNER])
print('In 2014 the UK imports from', len(grouped), 'countries.')
print('The 5 biggest exporters to the UK are:')
totalImports = grouped[VALUE].aggregate(sum).sort(inplace=False,ascending=False)
In 2014 the UK imports from 23 countries.
The 5 biggest exporters to the UK are:
Ireland        75342679
France         43094286
Germany        29234902
Belgium        26762776
Netherlands    25742755
Name: Trade Value (US$), dtype: int64
In [344]:
# How to use groupby as a filter (without resorting to the filter function)
# Problem: to return total number of countries imported/exported with during a given year
# grouped = milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow'])# extracts key components 'Year' & 'Flow' (does not incluse country)
# next line strips out a unique list of countries traded with and returns total count:
# len(grouped.get_group((2014,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique())# how identify which countries you imported/exported with in a given year
# consolidated into one line
# len(milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2014,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique())
In [345]:
# second pass using pivot table to return both year results
# make your selection (at detail level) then summarise:
# How to return total countries you imported/exported with in a given year using groupby without filter
print('In 2014 the UK imported from',len(milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2014,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('In 2015 the UK imported from',len(milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2015,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('The following table shows the top 5 importers for 2015')
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= [YEAR , FLOW],
result.dropna().sort((2015,'Imports'),ascending=False).head(5)# sorts by latest year Imports descending order
#note the results in original cell (first pass) will now report results for two years
In 2014 the UK imported from 23 countries
In 2015 the UK imported from 21 countries
The following table shows the top 5 importers for 2015
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
Ireland 200713266 75342679 128155891 46263897
France 19856738 43094286 9381762 28314091
Germany 17966838 29234902 10828464 21899123
Netherlands 38625707 25742755 18018603 17658912
Belgium 20506014 26762776 7209121 14325697

The UK import values by country can be plotted as a bar chart, making differences between countries & year easier to see.

In [346]:
#totalImports.head(10).plot(kind='barh')# worked with original data
# How to plot bar chart for both years Imports?
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f0633459a20>

From these results it can be seen that in 2015 the UK reduced imports from its top 5 suppliers (in the first five months compared to 2014).

In [347]:
# Additional question: Who are regular exporters to the UK (i.e. more than 10 months of sales)
def sellsEveryMonth(g):
    return (len(g) >= 10)
importer = milk[(milk[FLOW]=='Imports')]# simple but powerful comand to return imports only
regular = importer.groupby([YEAR,PARTNER]).filter(sellsEveryMonth)
countries = pivot_table(regular, 
countries.sort(('sum',2015,'Imports'),ascending=False)# how to specify a pivot table col to sortby
# note: can put .dropna() after countries to exclude places like Denmark but that would be wrong.
len sum
Year 2014 2015 2014 2015
Trade Flow Imports Imports Imports Imports
Ireland 10 10 75342679 46263897
France 10 10 43094286 28314091
Germany 10 10 29234902 21899123
Netherlands 10 10 25742755 17658912
Belgium 10 10 26762776 14325697
Denmark NaN 10 NaN 13681759
Poland 10 10 4336432 4933917
Sweden 10 10 3107260 1962413
Italy 10 10 542209 321635
Lithuania 10 10 186038 318407
Portugal NaN 10 NaN 308654

Now lets look at who the UK exports to:

In [348]:
# Note original code - worked for 2015 but now you have added 2014 it will report total for both years
exports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Exports']
grouped = exports.groupby([PARTNER])
print('The UK exports to', len(grouped), 'countries.')

The UK exports to 120 countries.
Ireland        328869157
Algeria         64469244
Netherlands     56644310
France          29238500
Germany         28795302
Name: Trade Value (US$), dtype: int64
In [349]:
# second pass using pivot table to return both year results
# make your selection (at detail level) then summarise:
# How to return total countries you imported/exported with in a given year using groupby without filter
exports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Exports']
print('Len(exports. In 2014 the UK exported to',len(exports.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2014,'Exports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('In 2015 the UK exported to',len(exports.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2015,'Exports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('The 5 biggest importers from the UK are:')
result = pivot_table(exports,
                     columns= [YEAR , FLOW],
#note the results in original cell (first pss) will now report results for two years
Len(exports. In 2014 the UK exported to 107 countries
In 2015 the UK exported to 107 countries
The 5 biggest importers from the UK are:
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Exports
Ireland 200713266 128155891
Netherlands 38625707 18018603
China 7700931 14111163
Germany 17966838 10828464
China, Hong Kong SAR 8637173 9482458
In [350]:
# Where could the export market be further developed, i.e. which countries import the least? Do the figures look realistic?
countries = pivot_table(exports, 
# The figures are too low to start with - may heve to start higer up >greater than
# Poor countries that have better cattle & grazing than we do. Need to study each market for niche opportunities
# What are they buying when & why?
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Exports
Croatia 17 5
Romania 5829 36
Slovakia 314 65
Estonia 881 102
Bulgaria 198 216
Luxembourg 17006 448
Latvia 41 567
Lithuania 1216 1172
Ethiopia NaN 2188
Czech Rep. 78055 2590

Regular importers

Given that there are two commodities, the third question, 'Which are the regular customers, i.e. which countries buy milk from the UK every month?', is meant in the sense that a regular customer imports both commodities every month. This means that if the exports dataframe is grouped by country, each group has exactly ten rows (two commodities bought each of the five months). To see the countries, only the first month of one commodity has to be listed, as by definition it's the same countries every month and for the other commodity.

In [351]:
# Original code - see improved code in next cell
#def buysEveryMonth(group):
#    return len(group) == 10

#grouped = exports.groupby([PARTNER])
#regular = grouped.filter(buysEveryMonth)
#regular[(regular[MONTH] == 201501) & (regular[COMMODITY] == 'processed')]
In [352]:
# which countries buy milk from the UK every month?
# a regular customer = imports both commodities every month: Partner Year 'Exports' 'Both Commodoities' = 10
def bothImpExp(g): 
    return (len(g)==10) & (g[VALUE].min() > 0)# set at 20 cos you have 5 months of data for each year x 2 years
# Partner year commodity flow =5 (combine flow = 10 = both imports & exports)
exports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Exports']
table = exports.groupby([YEAR,PARTNER]).filter(bothImpExp)# 
PT = pivot_table(table, 
                index = [PARTNER], 
                columns = [YEAR, FLOW], 
                values = VALUE,
#                margins = True,# True (default) or False seems to make no difference
                aggfunc = [len,sum])
PT.dropna() # 
# Whilst you might be willing to drop a contry that has a NaN in latest year does the same apply for a new customer who had NaN in prior year?
# see also calculation problems encountered as a result of using dropna below - does not return the correct resultant table data
len sum
Year 2014 2015 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Exports Exports Exports
Belgium 10 10 20506014 7209121
China 10 10 7700931 14111163
China, Hong Kong SAR 10 10 8637173 9482458
Cyprus 10 10 129766 101579
Denmark 10 10 331697 335068
France 10 10 19856738 9381762
Germany 10 10 17966838 10828464
Hungary 10 10 96600 71378
Ireland 10 10 200713266 128155891
Italy 10 10 78354 173689
Malta 10 10 159830 129516
Netherlands 10 10 38625707 18018603
Poland 10 10 409739 106659
Portugal 10 10 25916 25855
Spain 10 10 1212545 1229172
Sweden 10 10 45396 34972
In [353]:
#regular[(regular[MONTH] == 201501) & (regular[COMMODITY] == 'processed')]
PT[('sum',2014,'Exports')].sum() / milk.groupby([YEAR,FLOW]).get_group((2014,'Exports'))[VALUE].sum(VALUE)# 
In [354]:
#regular[(regular[MONTH] == 201501) & (regular[COMMODITY] == 'processed')]
PT[('sum',2015,'Exports')].sum() / milk.groupby([YEAR,FLOW]).get_group((2015,'Exports'))[VALUE].sum(VALUE)# 

Whilst in 2014 these regular customers represented 73% of total UK exports in 2015 it increased to 75%.

In [355]:
# note problem with dropna series total reports all in group.
Austria                      5430
Belgium                  20506014
China                     7700931
China, Hong Kong SAR      8637173
Cyprus                     129766
Denmark                    331697
Finland                    721216
France                   19856738
Germany                  17966838
Hungary                     96600
Ireland                 200713266
Italy                       78354
Malta                      159830
Netherlands              38625707
Poland                     409739
Portugal                    25916
Spain                     1212545
Sweden                      45396
United Arab Emirates          NaN
Name: (sum, 2014, Exports), dtype: float64

Bi-directional trade

To address the fourth question, 'Which countries does the UK both import from and export to?', a pivot table is used to list the total export and import value for each country.

In [356]:
# Which countries does the UK both import from and export to?',
# This whole task can be done so easily with pivot table = create NET column
# NET='Netflow'
# values= milk['Trade Value (US$)']# set up values
# milk[NET] = values.where(milk[FLOW] == 'Exports', other=-values)#apply correect sign to net column Exports=+ Imports=-
# sum is calculated by adding margins-True
# filter by year
table = milk[milk[YEAR] == 2014]# Need to select year
result = pivot_table(table,index=[PARTNER],columns=[YEAR,FLOW],values=[NET],margins=True,aggfunc=[sum]).dropna()
Year 2014 All
Trade Flow Exports Imports
Belgium 20506014 -26762776 -6256762
Czech Rep. 78055 -358822 -280767
Denmark 331697 -11743192 -11411495
Finland 721216 -12 721204
France 19856738 -43094286 -23237548
Germany 17966838 -29234902 -11268064
Greece 14087 -7 14080
Hungary 96600 -346 96254
Ireland 200713266 -75342679 125370587
Italy 78354 -542209 -463855
Latvia 41 -567 -526
Lithuania 1216 -186038 -184822
Luxembourg 17006 -23724 -6718
Netherlands 38625707 -25742755 12882952
Poland 409739 -4336432 -3926693
Portugal 25916 -51332 -25416
Romania 5829 -1228494 -1222665
Slovakia 314 -90696 -90382
Spain 1212545 -6406647 -5194102
Sweden 45396 -3107260 -3061864
United Arab Emirates 1573610 -15629 1557981
United States of America 523017 -6790 516227
All 437806707 -228279328 209527379
In [357]:
# What is the total amount of exports to and imports from the bi-lateral trade countries? 
#[Hint: pivot tables can have ‘marginal’ values.]
# Series of pivot table has colum total 'All' - need to access this result
print('Total Net Trade for UK Milk Products:',result[('sum', 'Netflow', 'All')][count-1])# correct result is 209527379.0
Total Net Trade for UK Milk Products: 209527379.0
In [358]:
# How to get Net Trade result - series
# What is the total amount of exports to and imports from the bi-lateral trade countries? [Hint: pivot tables can have ‘marginal’ values.]
# just report sum 2,099,527,379 
In [359]:
#'Which countries does the UK both import from and export to?'
# What is the total amount of exports to and imports from the bi-lateral trade countries? [Hint: pivot tables can have ‘marginal’ values.]
# This whole task can be done so easily with pivot table - sum is calulated by adding margins-True
countries = pivot_table(milk, index=[PARTNER], columns=[YEAR,FLOW], 
                        values=VALUE, dropna= True, margins=True, aggfunc=sum,)
countries# returns table of imports & exports by year by country total: 1087599674
#How to sort the list using 'All' as the criteria
Year 2014 2015 All
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
All 437806707 228279328 265029661 156483978 1087599674
Ireland 200713266 75342679 128155891 46263897 450475733
France 19856738 43094286 9381762 28314091 100646877
Netherlands 38625707 25742755 18018603 17658912 100045977
Germany 17966838 29234902 10828464 21899123 79929327
Belgium 20506014 26762776 7209121 14325697 68803608
Denmark 331697 11743192 335068 13681759 26091716
Spain 1212545 6406647 1229172 4910615 13758979
Poland 409739 4336432 106659 4933917 9786747
Sweden 45396 3107260 34972 1962413 5150041
In [360]:
values= milk['Trade Value (US$)']# set up values
milk[NET] = values.where(milk[FLOW] == 'Exports', other=-values)#apply condition
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= [YEAR, FLOW],
                     #margins=True,# including this creates problems when summing values
print('2014 Net Flows',result[2014].sum().sum())
print('2015 Net Flows',result[2015].sum().sum())
2014 Net Flows 209527379
2015 Net Flows 108545683
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
Month Milk and cream
1 processed 40215103 -30423330 26195709 -19770570
unprocessed 46923551 -21950746 26259790 -14104604
2 processed 32298379 -20614513 21025054 -17405593
unprocessed 40191337 -18685554 25359029 -12426222
3 processed 42987355 -26335257 26293698 -19060366
unprocessed 43794069 -17984197 26028318 -12732120
4 processed 52900517 -24770338 29029756 -15331783
unprocessed 42295261 -19440269 25981444 -15046043
5 processed 55987927 -26409462 29415739 -16511555
unprocessed 40213208 -21665662 29441124 -14095122
In [361]:
# How to return a total value from a datFrame that has totals included
# How to return a total value from a datFrame that DOES NOT HAVE totals included
Trade Flow
Exports       437806707
Imports      -228279328
dtype: int64
In [362]:
# 2014
# 437806707-228279328 = 209527379 net trade
# 2015
# 265029661-156483978 = 108545683 net trade
# total net 
# 209527379+108545683 = 318073062


The milk and cream trade of the UK for 2014 & 2015 was analyse over the periods January to May in terms of which countries the UK mostly depends on for income (exports) and goods (imports). Over the period, the UK trade surplus fell by 50% form 200 million US dollars in 2014 to just over 100 million US dollars 2015.

In [363]:
print('In 2014 the UK imported from',len(milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2014,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('In 2015 the UK imported from',len(milk.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2015,'Imports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('The following table shows the top 5 importers for 2015')
result = pivot_table(milk,
                     columns= [YEAR , FLOW],
In 2014 the UK imported from 23 countries
In 2015 the UK imported from 21 countries
The following table shows the top 5 importers for 2015
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
Ireland 200713266 75342679 128155891 46263897
France 19856738 43094286 9381762 28314091
Germany 17966838 29234902 10828464 21899123
Netherlands 38625707 25742755 18018603 17658912
Belgium 20506014 26762776 7209121 14325697

Ireland remains the UK's number one importer for Milk Products; although exports fell by 73m from 200m in 2014 to 128m in 2015. Whilst imports of Milk products from Ireland also fell during the same period the reduction of 29m from 75m in 2014 to 46m in 2015 was not sufficient to halt decline in the UK Net Balance of trade of 43m with Ireland.

In [364]:
exports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Exports']
print('In 2014 the UK exported to',len(exports.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2014,'Exports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('In 2015 the UK exported to',len(exports.groupby(['Year','Trade Flow']).get_group((2015,'Exports'))['Partner'].unique()),'countries')
print('The 5 biggest importers from the UK are:')
result = pivot_table(exports,
                     columns= [YEAR , FLOW],
In 2014 the UK exported to 107 countries
In 2015 the UK exported to 107 countries
The 5 biggest importers from the UK are:
Year 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Exports
Ireland 200713266 128155891
Netherlands 38625707 18018603
China 7700931 14111163
Germany 17966838 10828464
China, Hong Kong SAR 8637173 9482458

The UK exported to over 100 countries during the period 2014-2015, the num,ner of countries that the UK imported from reduced from 23 to 21, the main ones (top five by trade value) all being geographically close to the UK. China and Hong Kong are the main importers that are not also main exporters.

In [365]:
def bothImpExp(g): 
    return (len(g)==10) & (g[VALUE].min() > 0)# set at 20 cos you have 5 months of data for each year x 2 years
exports = milk[milk[FLOW] == 'Exports']
table = exports.groupby([YEAR,PARTNER]).filter(bothImpExp)# 
PT = pivot_table(table, 
                index = [PARTNER], 
                columns = [YEAR, FLOW], 
                values = VALUE,
#                margins = True,# True (default) or False seems to make no difference
                aggfunc = [len,sum])
PT.dropna() # 
len sum
Year 2014 2015 2014 2015
Trade Flow Exports Exports Exports Exports
Belgium 10 10 20506014 7209121
China 10 10 7700931 14111163
China, Hong Kong SAR 10 10 8637173 9482458
Cyprus 10 10 129766 101579
Denmark 10 10 331697 335068
France 10 10 19856738 9381762
Germany 10 10 17966838 10828464
Hungary 10 10 96600 71378
Ireland 10 10 200713266 128155891
Italy 10 10 78354 173689
Malta 10 10 159830 129516
Netherlands 10 10 38625707 18018603
Poland 10 10 409739 106659
Portugal 10 10 25916 25855
Spain 10 10 1212545 1229172
Sweden 10 10 45396 34972

The UK is heavily dependent on its regular customers, the 16 countries (see above) that buy all types of milk and cream every month. They contribute three quarters of the total export value.

In [366]:
#'Which countries does the UK both import from and export to?'
# What is the total amount of exports to and imports from the bi-lateral trade countries? [Hint: pivot tables can have ‘marginal’ values.]
# This whole task can be done so easily with pivot table - sum is calulated by adding margins-True
countries = pivot_table(milk, index=[PARTNER], columns=[YEAR,FLOW], 
                        values=VALUE, dropna= True, margins=True, aggfunc=sum,)
countries# returns table of imports & exports by year by country total: 1087599674
#How to sort the list using 'All' as the criteria
Year 2014 2015 All
Trade Flow Exports Imports Exports Imports
All 437806707 228279328 265029661 156483978 1087599674
Ireland 200713266 75342679 128155891 46263897 450475733
France 19856738 43094286 9381762 28314091 100646877
Netherlands 38625707 25742755 18018603 17658912 100045977
Germany 17966838 29234902 10828464 21899123 79929327
Belgium 20506014 26762776 7209121 14325697 68803608
Denmark 331697 11743192 335068 13681759 26091716
Spain 1212545 6406647 1229172 4910615 13758979
Poland 409739 4336432 106659 4933917 9786747
Sweden 45396 3107260 34972 1962413 5150041
United Arab Emirates 1573610 15629 1590593 27225 3207057
Romania 5829 1228494 36 975996 2210355
United States of America 523017 6790 548910 46044 1124761
Italy 78354 542209 173689 321635 1115887
Czech Rep. 78055 358822 2590 486889 926356
Lithuania 1216 186038 1172 318407 506833
Portugal 25916 51332 25855 308654 411757
Hungary 96600 346 71378 4762 173086
Slovakia 314 90696 65 39990 131065
Latvia 41 567 567 870 2045

The UK has bi-directional trade (i.e. both exports and imports) with 20 countries, although for some the trade value (in US dollars) is suspiciously low, which raises questions about the data's accuracy.