Project 3: GDP and life expectancy

produced by Jez Phipps on 30th October 2016.

This is the project notebook for Week 3 of The Open University's Learn to code for Data Analysis course.

Richer countries can afford to invest more on healthcare, on work and road safety, and other measures that reduce mortality. On the other hand, richer countries may have less healthy lifestyles. Is there any relation between the wealth of a country and the life expectancy of its inhabitants?

The following analysis checks whether there is any correlation between the total gross domestic product (GDP) of a country in 2013 and the life expectancy of people born in that country in 2013.

The project has also been extended to answer some key questions including those concerning whether GDP per capita has greater bearing on life expectancy than GDP.

In [79]:
from IPython.display import display, HTML
HTML('''Note: <p style="display:inline;color:darkred;">Option to toggle code visibility on/off is at <a href="#Bottom">bottom</a> of page.</p>''')

Option to toggle code visibility on/off is at bottom of page.

Getting the data

Two datasets of the World Bank are considered. One dataset, available at, lists the GDP of the world's countries in current US dollars, for various years. The use of a common currency allows us to compare GDP values across countries. The other dataset, available at, lists the life expectancy of the world's countries. The datasets were downloaded as CSV files in March 2016.

In [80]:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)

from pandas import *

YEAR = 2013
gdpReset = read_csv('WB GDP 2013.csv')

lifeReset = read_csv('WB LE 2013.csv')
country year SP.DYN.LE00.IN
0 Arab World 2013 70.631305
1 Caribbean small states 2013 71.901964
2 Central Europe and the Baltics 2013 76.127583
3 East Asia & Pacific (all income levels) 2013 74.604619
4 East Asia & Pacific (developing only) 2013 73.657617

Cleaning the data

Inspecting the data with head() and tail() shows that:

  1. the first 34 rows are aggregated data, for the Arab World, the Caribbean small states, and other country groups used by the World Bank;
  2. GDP and life expectancy values are missing for some countries.

The data is therefore cleaned by:

  1. removing the first 34 rows;
  2. removing rows with unavailable values.
In [81]:
gdpCountries = gdpReset[34:].dropna()
lifeCountries = lifeReset[34:].dropna()

Transforming the data

The World Bank reports GDP in US dollars and cents. To make the data easier to read, the GDP is converted to millions of British pounds (the author's local currency) with the following auxiliary functions, using the average 2013 dollar-to-pound conversion rate provided by

In [82]:
def roundToMillions (value):
    return round(value / 1000000)

def usdToGBP (usd):
    return usd / 1.564768

GDP = 'GDP (£m)'
gdpCountries[GDP] = gdpCountries[GDP_INDICATOR].apply(usdToGBP).apply(roundToMillions)
country year NY.GDP.MKTP.CD GDP (£m)
34 Afghanistan 2013 2.045894e+10 13075
35 Albania 2013 1.278103e+10 8168
36 Algeria 2013 2.097035e+11 134016
38 Andorra 2013 3.249101e+09 2076
39 Angola 2013 1.383568e+11 88420

The unnecessary columns can be dropped.

In [83]:
COUNTRY = 'country'
headings = [COUNTRY, GDP]
gdpClean = gdpCountries[headings]
country GDP (£m)
34 Afghanistan 13075
35 Albania 8168
36 Algeria 134016
38 Andorra 2076
39 Angola 88420

The World Bank reports the life expectancy with several decimal places. After rounding, the original column is discarded.

In [84]:
LIFE = 'Life expectancy (years)'
lifeCountries[LIFE] = lifeCountries[LIFE_INDICATOR].apply(round)
headings = [COUNTRY, LIFE]
lifeClean = lifeCountries[headings]
country Life expectancy (years)
34 Afghanistan 60
35 Albania 78
36 Algeria 75
39 Angola 52
40 Antigua and Barbuda 76

Combining the data

The tables are combined through an inner join on the common 'country' column.

In [85]:
gdpVsLife = merge(gdpClean, lifeClean, on=COUNTRY, how='inner')
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
0 Afghanistan 13075 60
1 Albania 8168 78
2 Algeria 134016 75
3 Angola 88420 52
4 Antigua and Barbuda 767 76

Calculating the correlation

To measure if the life expectancy and the GDP grow together, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient is used. It is a number from -1 (perfect inverse rank correlation: if one indicator increases, the other decreases) to 1 (perfect direct rank correlation: if one indicator increases, so does the other), with 0 meaning there is no rank correlation. A perfect correlation doesn't imply any cause-effect relation between the two indicators. A p-value below 0.05 means the correlation is statistically significant.

In [86]:
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

gdpColumn = gdpVsLife[GDP]
lifeColumn = gdpVsLife[LIFE]
(correlation, pValue) = spearmanr(gdpColumn, lifeColumn)
print('The correlation using Spearman ranking is', correlation)
print('The p-value is', pValue)
if pValue < 0.05:
    print('It is statistically significant.')
    print('It is not statistically significant.')
The correlation using Spearman ranking is 0.501023238967
The p-value is 3.26140570336e-13
It is statistically significant.

The value shows a direct correlation, i.e. richer countries tend to have longer life expectancy, but it is not very strong.

Showing the data

Measures of correlation can be misleading, so it is best to see the overall picture with a scatterplot. The GDP axis uses a logarithmic scale to better display the vast range of GDP values, from a few million to several billion (million of million) pounds.

In [87]:
%matplotlib inline
gdpVsLife.plot(x=GDP, y=LIFE, kind='scatter', grid=True, logx=True, figsize=(10, 4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f871917ba90>

The plot shows there is no clear correlation: there are rich countries with low life expectancy, poor countries with high expectancy, and countries with around 10 thousand (104) million pounds GDP have almost the full range of values, from below 50 to over 80 years. Towards the lower and higher end of GDP, the variation diminishes. Above 40 thousand million pounds of GDP (3rd tick mark to the right of 104), most countries have an expectancy of 70 years or more, whilst below that threshold most countries' life expectancy is below 70 years.

Comparing the 10 poorest countries and the 10 countries with the lowest life expectancy shows that total GDP is a rather crude measure. The population size should be taken into account for a more precise definiton of what 'poor' and 'rich' means. Furthermore, looking at the countries below, droughts and internal conflicts may also play a role in life expectancy.

In [88]:
# the 10 countries with lowest GDP
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
87 Kiribati 108 66
141 Sao Tome and Principe 195 66
111 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 202 69
168 Tonga 277 73
37 Comoros 383 63
157 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 461 73
140 Samoa 509 73
180 Vanuatu 512 72
65 Grenada 538 73
60 Gambia, The 578 60
In [89]:
# the 10 countries with highest GDP
gdpVsLife.sort(GDP, ascending=False).head(10)
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
177 United States 10715999 79
35 China 6065182 75
83 Japan 3143957 83
62 Germany 2393529 81
58 France 1795953 82
176 United Kingdom 1733354 81
23 Brazil 1528714 74
81 Italy 1363486 82
138 Russian Federation 1328647 71
75 India 1189826 68
In [90]:
# the 10 countries with lowest life expectancy
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
95 Lesotho 1418 49
160 Swaziland 2916 49
32 Central African Republic 983 50
146 Sierra Leone 3092 50
33 Chad 8276 51
41 Cote d'Ivoire 19998 51
3 Angola 88420 52
124 Nigeria 329100 52
30 Cameroon 18896 55
153 South Sudan 8473 55

Extending the project

Task 1

To what extent do the ten countries with the highest GDP coincide with the ten countries with the longest life expectancy?

In [91]:
# Extending the project - Task 1
# To what extent do the ten countries with the highest GDP coincide
# with the ten countries with the longest life expectancy?

# Which to use? sort(LIFE, ascending=False).head(10) or sort(LIFE).tail(10) ?
# The two sort methods don't return the same data frames:
# -Using sort(LIFE, ascending=False).head(10) gives you just Japan and France.
# -Using sort(LIFE).tail(10) gives Italy as well as Japan and France.
# See PROOF below.

# the 10 countries with highest GDP
gdpTopTenHead = gdpVsLife.sort(GDP, ascending=False).head(10) 
#gdpTopTenTail = gdpVsLife.sort(GDP).tail(10)

# the 10 countries with highest life expectancy
lifeTopTenHead = gdpVsLife.sort(LIFE, ascending=False).head(10) 
#lifeTopTenTail = gdpVsLife.sort(LIFE).tail(10)

###### PROOF ###### 
# Proof that sort(LIFE, ascending=False).head(10) and sort(LIFE).tail(10) give different results:

# What are the differences regarding countries included in each resultant table?
#lifeTopTenTailList = lifeTopTenTail[COUNTRY].tolist()
#lifeTopTenHeadList = lifeTopTenHead[COUNTRY].tolist()
#print(set(lifeTopTenTailList) ^ set(lifeTopTenHeadList)) # Calculate symmetrical difference
In [92]:
print("From the data, just Japan and France have some of the highest GDP figures that coincide with the longest life expectancy figures.")
print("Hence there appears to be no strong correlation between a country's wealth and the life expectancy of its inhabitants.")
display(merge(gdpTopTenHead, lifeTopTenHead,how='inner'))  # Gives just Japan and France
#display(merge(gdpTopTenTail[[COUNTRY]], lifeTopTenTail[[COUNTRY]],how='inner')) # Gives Italy, Japan and France
From the data, just Japan and France have some of the highest GDP figures that coincide with the longest life expectancy figures.
Hence there appears to be no strong correlation between a country's wealth and the life expectancy of its inhabitants.
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
0 Japan 3143957 83
1 France 1795953 82
Task 2

Which are the two countries in the right half of the plot (higher GDP) with life expectancy below 60 years? What factors could explain their lower life expectancy compared to countries with similar GDP? Hint: use the filtering techniques you learned in Week 2 to find the two countries.

In [93]:
gdpVsLife[(gdpVsLife[GDP] > 10E4) & (gdpVsLife[LIFE] < 60)]
country GDP (£m) Life expectancy (years)
124 Nigeria 329100 52
152 South Africa 234056 57

The two countries with higher GDP (i.e. above £105 million) but a life expectancy below 60 are Nigeria and South Africa.

Task 3

Redo the analysis using the countries’ GDP per capita (i.e. per inhabitant) instead of their total GDP. If you’ve done the workbook exercises, you already have a column with the population data. Hint: write an expression involving the GDP and population columns, as you learned in Calculating over columns in Week 1. Think about the units in which you display GDP per capita.

In [94]:
# 1 Get the GDP data from earlier (missing data and first 34 rows already removed).
# 2 Convert GDP from $ to £ (not £m because we don't want to round it too early and introduce rounding errors).
# 3 Get rid of columns we don't want

GDP = 'GDP (£)'
gdpCountries[GDP] = gdpCountries[GDP_INDICATOR].apply(usdToGBP) # US$ to GB£ 
headings = [COUNTRY, GDP] # Put headings we want to keep in a list                                      
gdpClean = gdpCountries[headings] # Create new dataframe with selected headings 
country GDP (£)
34 Afghanistan 1.307474e+10
35 Albania 8.168003e+09
36 Algeria 1.340157e+11
38 Andorra 2.076410e+09
39 Angola 8.842001e+10
In [95]:
# 1 Get the POP data
# 2 Clean it by removing missing data and first 34 rows of unwanted data.
# 3 Get rid of columns we don't want

POP = 'SP.POP.TOTL' # NOTE - This 'indicator' is a column name in csv file
popReset = read_csv('WB POP 2013.csv')

popCountries = popReset[34:].dropna() #1
headings = [COUNTRY, POP] #2 Put headings we want to keep in a list                                      
popClean = popCountries[headings] #3 Create new dataframe with selected headings 
country SP.POP.TOTL
34 Afghanistan 30682500
35 Albania 2897366
36 Algeria 38186135
37 American Samoa 55302
38 Andorra 75902
In [96]:
# OK, lets merge gdp and population tables to get one table we can use to calculate 'GDP per capita'.
gdpVsPop = merge(gdpClean, popClean, on=COUNTRY, how='inner')
country GDP (£) SP.POP.TOTL
0 Afghanistan 1.307474e+10 30682500
1 Albania 8.168003e+09 2897366
2 Algeria 1.340157e+11 38186135
3 Andorra 2.076410e+09 75902
4 Angola 8.842001e+10 23448202
In [97]:
# Create 'GDP per capita' column using an appropriate calculation on the other two columns.
def roundTo2dp (value):
    return round(value, 2) 

GDPPC = 'GDP per capita (£)'

gdpVsPop[GDPPC] = gdpVsPop[GDP] / gdpVsPop[POP]
gdpVsPop[GDPPC] = gdpVsPop[GDPPC].apply(roundTo2dp) # Round GDPPC to 2 decimal places
headings = [COUNTRY, GDPPC] # Put headings we want to keep in a list                                      
gdppc = gdpVsPop[headings]  # Create new dataframe with selected headings 
country GDP per capita (£)
0 Afghanistan 426.13
1 Albania 2819.11
2 Algeria 3509.54
3 Andorra 27356.47
4 Angola 3770.87
In [98]:
# OK, lets merge gdppc and life expectancy tables to get one table we can work with...
gdppcVsLife = merge(gdppc, lifeClean, on=COUNTRY, how='inner')
gdppcTop3 = gdppcVsLife.sort(GDPPC, ascending=False).head(3)
gdppcBottom3 = gdppcVsLife.sort(GDPPC, ascending=False).tail(3) 
lifeTop3 = gdppcVsLife.sort(LIFE, ascending=False).head(3)
lifeBottom3 = gdppcVsLife.sort(LIFE, ascending=False).tail(3) 
print("Top 3 for GDP per capita (£):")
print("Bottom 3 for GDP per capita (£):")
print("Top 3 for life expectancy (years)")
print("Bottom 3 for life expectancy (years):")
print("The UK GDP per capita (£) and life expectancy figures are as shown below:")
display(gdppcVsLife[(gdppcVsLife[COUNTRY] == 'United Kingdom')]) # Sanity check!
Top 3 for GDP per capita (£):
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
99 Luxembourg 72679.55 82
125 Norway 65717.26 81
136 Qatar 61400.15 78
Bottom 3 for GDP per capita (£):
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
32 Central African Republic 208.62 50
27 Burundi 165.75 56
103 Malawi 153.29 61
Top 3 for life expectancy (years)
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
72 Hong Kong SAR, China 24517.50 84
74 Iceland 30351.62 83
162 Switzerland 54109.81 83
Bottom 3 for life expectancy (years):
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
146 Sierra Leone 500.40 50
95 Lesotho 680.50 49
160 Swaziland 2331.38 49
The UK GDP per capita (£) and life expectancy figures are as shown below:
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
176 United Kingdom 27038.54 81
In [99]:
gdppcVsLife.plot(x=GDPPC, y=LIFE, kind='scatter', grid=True, logx=True, figsize=(10, 5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f871931c978>
In [100]:
from scipy.stats import spearmanr

gdppcColumn = gdppcVsLife[GDPPC]
lifeColumn = gdppcVsLife[LIFE]
(correlation, pValue) = spearmanr(gdppcColumn, lifeColumn)
print('The correlation using Spearman ranking is', correlation)
print('The p-value is', pValue)
if pValue < 0.05:
    print('It is statistically significant.')
    print('It is not statistically significant.')
The correlation using Spearman ranking is 0.850255459772
The p-value is 3.59839537407e-53
It is statistically significant.


From our analysis, there appears to be no strong correlation between a country's wealth and the life expectancy of its inhabitants: there is often a wide variation of life expectancy for countries with similar GDP, countries with the lowest life expectancy are not the poorest countries, and countries with the highest expectancy are not the richest countries. Nevertheless there is some relationship, because the vast majority of countries with a life expectancy below 70 years is on the left half of the scatterplot.

From the chart above, however, we can see that, generally, as GDP per capita increases so does life expectancy. Having said that, there is one country with a higher GDP per capita but a life expectancy below 60. This country is Equatorial Guinea, as shown below. This alongside the moderate correlation (0.501, p<0.001) indicates that although there is a general trend between these two variables, there are likely to be other factors involved in this relationship, which should be identified and further investigated.

In [101]:
gdppcVsLife[(gdppcVsLife[GDPPC] > 10000) & (gdppcVsLife[LIFE] < 60)]
country GDP per capita (£) Life expectancy (years)
52 Equatorial Guinea 13738.71 57
In [102]:
numberOfRows = len(gdppcVsLife.index) # Get number of rows 
set_option('max_rows', numberOfRows) # Set max_rows option
gdppcSort = gdppcVsLife.sort(GDPPC, ascending=False)
gdppcSort = gdppcSort.reset_index(drop=True) # Reset index and drop old one

print("\nNOTE:\n\nFor GDP per capita, Equatorial Guinea is " + str(gdppcSort[(gdppcSort[COUNTRY] == 'Equatorial Guinea')].index[0]+1) + " out of " + str(len(gdppcSort)) + " countries.")

lifeSort = gdppcVsLife.sort(LIFE, ascending=False)
lifeSort = lifeSort.reset_index(drop=True) # Reset index and drop old one

print("But for life expectancy, Equatorial Guinea is number " + str(lifeSort[(lifeSort[COUNTRY] == 'Equatorial Guinea')].index[0]+1) + "!")

For GDP per capita, Equatorial Guinea is 41 out of 186 countries.
But for life expectancy, Equatorial Guinea is number 171!
In [103]:
print("\nPandas version", pandas.__version__, end="")
from IPython.display import HTML
function toggler() { 
<p style="display:inline;"><center>Click <a href="javascript:toggler();">here</a> to toggle code visibility on/off</center></p>
Pandas version 0.15.0

Click here to toggle code visibility on/off

© 2016 Phipps E&OE.