Enumerated set from iterator


We build a set from the iterator graphs that returns a canonical representative for each isomorphism class of graphs:

sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(
...     graphs,
...     name = "Graphs",
...     category = InfiniteEnumeratedSets(),
...     cache = True)
sage: E
sage: E.unrank(0)
Graph on 0 vertices
sage: E.unrank(4)
Graph on 3 vertices
sage: E.cardinality()
sage: E.category()
Category of facade infinite enumerated sets

The module also provides decorator for functions and methods:

sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import set_from_function
sage: @set_from_function
... def f(n): return xsrange(n)
sage: f(3)
{0, 1, 2}
sage: f(5)
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
sage: f(100)
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}

sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import set_from_method
sage: class A:
...    @set_from_method
...    def f(self,n):
...        return xsrange(n)
sage: a = A()
sage: a.f(3)
{0, 1, 2}
sage: f(100)
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}
class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.Decorator

Abstract class that manage documentation and sources of the wrapped object.

The method needs to be stored in the attribute self.f

class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.DummyExampleForPicklingTest

Class example to test pickling with the decorator set_from_method.


This class is intended to be used in doctest only.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import DummyExampleForPicklingTest
sage: DummyExampleForPicklingTest().f()
{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ...}

Returns the set between self.start and self.stop.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import DummyExampleForPicklingTest
sage: d = DummyExampleForPicklingTest()
sage: d.f()
{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ...}
sage: d.start = 4
sage: d.stop = 200
sage: d.f()
{4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...}
class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.EnumeratedSetFromIterator(f, args=None, kwds=None, name=None, category=None, cache=False)

Bases: sage.structure.parent.Parent

A class for enumerated set built from an iterator.


  • f – a function that returns an iterable from which the set is built from
  • args – tuple – arguments to be sent to the function f
  • kwds – dictionnary – keywords to be sent to the function f
  • name – an optional name for the set
  • category – (default: None) an optional category for that enumerated set. If you know that your iterator will stop after a finite number of steps you should set it as FiniteEnumeratedSets, conversly if you know that your iterator will run over and over you should set it as InfiniteEnumeratedSets.
  • cache – boolean (default: False) – Whether or not use a cache mechanism for the iterator. If True, then the function f is called only once.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(graphs, args = (7,))
sage: E
{Graph on 7 vertices, Graph on 7 vertices, Graph on 7 vertices, Graph on 7 vertices, Graph on 7 vertices, ...}
sage: E.category()
Category of facade enumerated sets

The same example with a cache and a custom name:

sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(
...      graphs,
...      args = (8,),
...      category = FiniteEnumeratedSets(),
...      name = "Graphs with 8 vertices",
...      cache = True)
sage: E
Graphs with 8 vertices
sage: E.unrank(3)
Graph on 8 vertices
sage: E.category()
Category of facade finite enumerated sets


The cache is compatible with multiple call to __iter__:

sage: from itertools import count
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(count, args=(0,), category=InfiniteEnumeratedSets(), cache=True)
sage: e1 = iter(E)
sage: e2 = iter(E)
sage: next(e1), next(e1)
(0, 1)
sage: next(e2), next(e2), next(e2)
(0, 1, 2)
sage: next(e1), next(e1)
(2, 3)
sage: next(e2)

The following warning is due to E being a facade parent. For more, see the discussion on trac ticket #16239:

sage: TestSuite(E).run()
doctest:...: UserWarning: Testing equality of infinite sets which will not end in case of equality

sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(xsrange, args=(10,), category=FiniteEnumeratedSets(), cache=True)
sage: TestSuite(E).run()


In order to make the TestSuite works, the elements of the set should have parents.


Clear the cache.


sage: from itertools import count
sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(count, args=(1,), cache=True)
sage: e1 = E._cache
sage: e1
lazy list [1, 2, 3, ...]
sage: E.clear_cache()
sage: E._cache
lazy list [1, 2, 3, ...]
sage: e1 is E._cache

Test whether x is in self.

If the set is infinite, only the answer True should be expected in finite time.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: P = Partitions(12,min_part=2,max_part=5)
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(P.__iter__)
sage: P([5,5,2]) in E

Returns the element at position i.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: E = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(graphs, args=(8,), cache=True)
sage: F = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(graphs, args=(8,), cache=False)
sage: E.unrank(2)
Graph on 8 vertices
sage: E.unrank(2) == F.unrank(2)
class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.EnumeratedSetFromIterator_function_decorator(f=None, name=None, **options)

Bases: sage.sets.set_from_iterator.Decorator

Decorator for EnumeratedSetFromIterator.

Name could be string or a function (args,kwds) -> string.


If you are going to use this with the decorator cached_function, you must place the cached_function first. See the example below.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import set_from_function
sage: @set_from_function
... def f(n):
...    for i in xrange(n):
...        yield i**2 + i + 1
sage: f(3)
{1, 3, 7}
sage: f(100)
{1, 3, 7, 13, 21, ...}

To avoid ambiguity, it is always better to use it with a call which provides optional global initialization for the call to EnumeratedSetFromIterator:

sage: @set_from_function(category=InfiniteEnumeratedSets())
... def Fibonacci():
...    a = 1; b = 2
...    while True:
...       yield a
...       a,b = b,a+b
sage: F = Fibonacci()
sage: F
{1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...}
sage: F.cardinality()

A simple example with many options:

sage: @set_from_function(
...        name = "From %(m)d to %(n)d",
...        category = FiniteEnumeratedSets())
... def f(m,n): return xsrange(m,n+1)
sage: E = f(3,10); E
From 3 to 10
sage: E.list()
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
sage: E = f(1,100); E
From 1 to 100
sage: E.cardinality()
sage: f(n=100,m=1) == E

An example which mixes together set_from_function and cached_method:

sage: @cached_function
... @set_from_function(
...    name = "Graphs on %(n)d vertices",
...    category = FiniteEnumeratedSets(),
...    cache = True)
... def Graphs(n): return graphs(n)
sage: Graphs(10)
Graphs on 10 vertices
sage: Graphs(10).unrank(0)
Graph on 10 vertices
sage: Graphs(10) is Graphs(10)

The cached_function must go first:

sage: @set_from_function(
...    name = "Graphs on %(n)d vertices",
...    category = FiniteEnumeratedSets(),
...    cache = True)
... @cached_function
... def Graphs(n): return graphs(n)
sage: Graphs(10)
Graphs on 10 vertices
sage: Graphs(10).unrank(0)
Graph on 10 vertices
sage: Graphs(10) is Graphs(10)
class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.EnumeratedSetFromIterator_method_caller(inst, f, name=None, **options)

Bases: sage.sets.set_from_iterator.Decorator

Caller for decorated method in class.


  • inst – an instance of a class
  • f – a method of a class of inst (and not of the instance itself)
  • name – optional – either a string (which may contains substitution rules from argument or a function args,kwds -> string.
  • options – any option accepted by EnumeratedSetFromIterator
class sage.sets.set_from_iterator.EnumeratedSetFromIterator_method_decorator(f=None, **options)

Bases: object

Decorator for enumerated set built from a method.


  • f – Optional function from which are built the enumerated sets at each call
  • name – Optional string (which may contains substitution rules from argument) or a function (args,kwds) -> string.
  • any option accepted by EnumeratedSetFromIterator.


sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import set_from_method
sage: class A():
...    def n(self): return 12
...    @set_from_method
...    def f(self): return xsrange(self.n())
sage: a = A()
sage: print a.f.__class__
sage: a.f()
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}
sage: A.f(a)
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}

A more complicated example with a parametrized name:

sage: class B():
...    @set_from_method(
...        name = "Graphs(%(n)d)",
...        category = FiniteEnumeratedSets())
...    def graphs(self, n): return graphs(n)
sage: b = B()
sage: G3 = b.graphs(3)
sage: G3
sage: G3.cardinality()
sage: G3.category()
Category of facade finite enumerated sets
sage: B.graphs(b,3)

And a last example with a name parametrized by a function:

sage: class D():
...    def __init__(self, name): self.name = str(name)
...    def __str__(self): return self.name
...    @set_from_method(
...        name = lambda self,n: str(self)*n,
...        category = FiniteEnumeratedSets())
...    def subset(self, n):
...        return xsrange(n)
sage: d = D('a')
sage: E = d.subset(3); E
sage: E.list()
[0, 1, 2]
sage: F = d.subset(n=10); F
sage: F.list()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


It is not yet possible to use set_from_method in conjunction with cached_method.


alias of EnumeratedSetFromIterator_function_decorator


alias of EnumeratedSetFromIterator_method_decorator

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Disjoint union of enumerated sets

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Finite Enumerated Sets

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