Evaluating Python code without any preparsing

class sage.misc.python.Python

Allows for evaluating a chunk of code without any preparsing.

eval(x, globals, locals=None)

Evaluate x with given globals; locals is completely ignored. This is specifically meant for evaluating code blocks with %python in the notebook.


x – a string globals – a dictionary locals – completely IGNORED


sage: from sage.misc.python import Python
sage: python = Python()
sage: python.eval('2+2', globals())

Any variables that are set during evaluation of the block will propagate to the globals dictionary.

sage: python.eval('a=5\nb=7\na+b', globals())
sage: b

The locals variable is ignored – it is there only for completeness. It is ignored since otherwise the following won’t work:

sage: python.eval("def foo():\n return 'foo'\nprint foo()\ndef mumble():\n print 'mumble',foo()\nmumble()", globals())
mumble foo
sage: mumble
<function mumble at ...>

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