Tutorial 2, Part 1: Impact of uncentered measurements on functional connectivity

The standard correlation matrix assumes data is distributed according to a one-way multivariate model. This assumption is violated in spatio-temporal measurements that come from fMRI.


1. Simulate null functional connectivity using centered one-way multivariate normal

2. Simulate null functional connectivity using row-uncentered two-way multivariate normal

3. Histogram of correlation coefficients without centering two-way data

Conclusion: Standard pairwise correlation intended for one-way measurements is a statistically biased estimator for uncentered two-way measurements

Simulate one-way multivariate data.

Default simulation uses p=50 brain regions and m=200 BOLD fMRI volumes or measurements with null correlation matrix sigma

In [3]:
% Simulate one-way multivariate data 
% Dimensions or Features 
p = 50; 
% Measurements or Observations
m = 200; 

% Multivariate, i.i.d normal data
rcen_mean = @(mu)(repmat(mu,[m 1])); 
rcen_mvnsim = @(mu,sigma)(rcen_mean(mu) + randn(m,p)*sqrtm(sigma)); 
title = @(tstring)(title(tstring,'fontsize',16)); 

mu = zeros(1,p); 
sigma = eye(p); 
X = rcen_mvnsim(mu,sigma); 
imagesc(rcen_mean(mu)); colorbar;
title('Row-centered, Mean')
Shat_centered = corr(X); 
imagesc(Shat_centered); colormap(summer);  colorbar; axis image equal;
title(sprintf('Sample Correlation. \n  Centered mean m=%d, p=%d',m,p)); set(gca,'fontsize',18)
hist_norm = 1;
hist(triu(Shat_centered,1),100,hist_norm);ylim([0 hist_norm*1.1]); xlim([-.5 .5]); 
title('Histogram of off-diagonal correlations')

Simulate null functional connectivity using row uncentered two-way model

Default simuluation now adds a random offset for each measurement. This can be modified by setting rsignal to some non-zero value.

In [4]:
% Simulate row uncentered two-way multivariate data 
% Vary amount of the row offset by changing signal. Default signal = 1; 
rsignal = 2; csignal = 0;  rand('seed',0); 
% %Constant offset for each feature
% row_offset = ones(m,1)*.25*sqrt(signal);
% Random offset for each observation
row_offset = rsignal + randn(m,1)*.25*sqrt(rsignal);     
% Random offset for each feature. Default 0. 
mu = csignal + randn(1,p)*.25*sqrt(csignal);     

rncen_mean = @(mu)(repmat(mu,[m 1])+repmat(row_offset,[1 p])); 
rncen_mvnsim = @(mu,sigma)(rncen_mean(mu) + randn(m,p)*sqrtm(sigma));

Examine the uncentered data

In [8]:
Xnc = rncen_mvnsim(mu,sigma); 
disp('Center the features (columns or brain regions or voxels)')
Xnc = bsxfun(@minus,Xnc,mean(Xnc));
mu_c_hat = mean(Xnc);
mu_r_hat = mean(Xnc');
disp('Mean signal corresponding to Regions.  Region 1, ...., Region 5')
disp('Mean "brain wide" signal at each measurement due to measurement error. Observation 1, ...., Observation 5')
Center the features (columns or brain regions or voxels)
Mean signal corresponding to Regions.  Region 1, ...., Region 5
ans =

  -8.2601e-16  -4.7296e-16  -1.1458e-15  -1.0514e-15  -9.7478e-16

Mean "brain wide" signal at each measurement due to measurement error. Observation 1, ...., Observation 5
ans =

  -0.154242   0.075572   0.353733  -0.690877   0.017067

Histogram of correlation coefficients

Though all population correlation coefficients are zero 0. Sample correlation coefficients are statistically biased due to uncentered measurements. Excercise: Try increasing the number of measurements $m$.

In [10]:
Xnc = rncen_mvnsim(mu,sigma); 
imagesc(rncen_mean(mu)); colorbar; 
title('Row uncentered, Mean')
Shat_ncentered = corr(Xnc);  
imagesc(Shat_ncentered); colormap(summer);  colorbar; axis image equal;
title(sprintf('Sample Correlation. \n Uncentered mean m=%d, p=%d',m,p)); set(gca,'fontsize',18)
hist_norm = 1;
hist(triu(Shat_ncentered,1),100,hist_norm);ylim([0 hist_norm*1.1]); xlim([-.5 .5]); 
title('Histogram of off-diagonal correlations')