ENSP 330 Homework 1

In this homework, you will get acquainted with the Jupyter Notebook, which we will be using extensively in this class. You will need to sign up on SageMathCloud and pay the fee for this semester to use the tool. If you find yourself stuck, please read the computing tutorial

Style Guide for Homeworks

There are multiple ways to earn full credit on your assignments. Along with a correct value, answers are expected to include units and to be in a reasonable notation. Reasonable notation would be an answer that does not have infinite digits (e.g. cannot equal 12389243.9343 joules, but must be written as 12.4 megajoules or 1.2e6 joules)

More about the style guide will be provided on the next homework


Fill in your list of twenty questions you would like to answer about energy and the environment in this class in the list below.

  1. What will be the next big fossil fuel?
  2. What will be the most reliable form of energy in the future?
  3. How do we plan for a rise in energy use?
  4. Which green energy is best for the future?
  5. Is there a better source of energy we do not know about yet?
  6. How do we plan to integrate everyone into the power grid?
  7. What is the best plan to use green energy to the best of our abilities?
  8. How do we turn it into a profitable business?
  9. Should we simplify our power options?
  10. How do we provide power without destroying our planet?
  11. Should we let 3rd world countries have their own industrial revolution?
  12. Should it be required to help out developing countries?
  13. How will the car industry change over the next 40 years?
  14. What kind of energy legislation will change our current energy grid?
  15. What new technology will come out in the next few years?
  16. How will building design be affected by new green technology?
  17. How will the public respond to a possible energy crisis?
  18. Can we use comets to extract energy?
  19. What are the best ways to lower energy use?
  20. Would it be beneficial to stay on Earth if we continue our path for the next 50yrs? Or leave Earth and mine it for its last resources?

Homework Image

Replace the image below with one of your choosing. You will need to upload your own image file, choose a name, and change the link below.

Simple Calculation

In the cell below, explain a simple calculation and show the results.

Here is my example.
How many meters of shoelaces are on humanity's feet right now?

We assume a population of 7 billion and that 20% of the world is awake and wearing shoes with laces. We also assume that the average shoelace is 1 meter long.

In [1]:
# What is the percentage of bikes to students on SSU's campus? Assuming there are 8500 students and 10% ride bikes. 
students = 8.5e3
bike_riders = 0.10
students * bike_riders


Enter a table with some new values here:

Cars Family Size
One 1
Two 3
In [ ]: