$L$-Functions of Quadratic Characters at Negative Integers

Henri Cohen

Alex Best

Casper Putz

Jana Sotáková

Joey van Langen


The beginning of the project is the following theorem due to Siegel, and Cohen and Zagier:

Theorem 2.1: Let $F_{k,D}$ be defined as follows: $$F_{k,D}(\tau) = -\frac{B_k}{4k} L(\chi_D, 1-k) + \sum_{n \geq 1} c_{k,D}(n)q^n$$

for $$ c_{k,D}(n) = \sum_{d|N} d^{k-1} \left( \frac{D}{d} \right) \sum_{|s|< (n/d)\sqrt(D), s \equiv (n/d)D \mod 2} \sigma_{k-1}\left( \frac{(n/d)^2 D - s^2}{4} \right) $$ then $F_{k,D} \in M_{2k}(\Gamma)$.

With the notation that $\sigma_{k-1}(\alpha) =0$ if $\alpha$ is not an integer, we can simplify the formula using $$S_k(m,N) = \sum_{s\in \mathbf Z} \sigma_{k-1}\left(\frac{m - s^2}{N}\right)$$

to the following: $$F_{k,D}(\tau) = -\frac{B_k}{4k} L(\chi_D, 1-k) + S_{k}(D,N) \cdot q + O(q^2)$$

For small values of $k$, we know that $M_{2k}(\Gamma) = \mathbb{C} \cdot E_{2k}$ for the Eisenstein series $$ E_{2k} = 1 + \frac{- 2 \cdot 2k }{B_{2k}} \sum_{n \geq 1} \sigma_{k-1}(n)q^n$$

For example, for $k=2$, $M_4(\Gamma)$ is generated by $$ E_4 = 1 + 240 q + O(q^2)$$ and so we have $F_{2,N}$ is a multiple of $E_4$, say $F_{2,N} = \alpha E_4$.

Comparing coefficients, $$a_0(F_{2,N}) = \frac{-1}{6 \cdot 8} L(\chi_D, -1) = \alpha $$ $$ a_1(F_{2,N}) = S_2(D,4) = \alpha \cdot 240$$

Comparing coefficients, we deduce that $$ L(\chi_D, -1) = \frac{- \cdot 6 \cdot 8}{240} \cdot S_2(D,4) = \frac{-1}{5} S_2(D,4) $$

In [1]:
def Sk(k,m,N):
    o = sigma(ZZ(m).divide_knowing_divisible_by(N), k = k-1) if m%N == 0 else 0
    cur = m-1
    diff = 3
    while cur > 0:
        if (cur)%N ==0:
            o += 2*sigma((cur).divide_knowing_divisible_by(N), k=k-1)
        cur = cur - diff
        diff = diff + 2
    return o

def fund_discs(B,sqmod=1,cong=1,cl=0):
    return [d for d in range(1, B, 1) if is_fundamental_discriminant(d) and Integers(sqmod)(d).is_square() and d % cong == cl]

In case the space $M_{2k}(\Gamma)$ has dimension larger than $1$, writing $F_{k,N}$ in an appropriate basis, we can get other formulas:

$$L(\chi_D, -3) = S_4(D,4)$$

$$L(\chi_D,-5) = -\frac{8S_6(D,4)}{65} -\frac{S_6(D,1) + 2^5 \left(\frac{D}{2}\right)S_6(D,4)}{195}$$ $$ = -\frac{2^3(3+2^2 \left(\frac{D}{2}\right))S_6(D,4) + S_6(D,1)}{195}$$

$$L(\chi_D,-7) = -\frac{24S_8(D,4)}{17} +\frac{S_8(D,1) + 2^{8-1} \left(\frac{D}{2}\right)S_8(D,4)}{153}$$ $$ = -\frac{2^3(3^3 +2^5\left(\frac{D}{2}\right))S_8(D,4) + S_8(D,1)}{153}$$


$$L(\chi_D,-11) = \frac{-9783S_{12}(D,4)}{13820} +3\frac{S_{12}(D,1) + 2^{12-1} \left(\frac{D}{2}\right)S_{12}(D,4)}{17275} + \frac{S_{12}(3^2D,4) + 3^{12-1} \left(\frac{D}{3}\right)S_{12}(D,4)}{276400}$$ $$ = \frac{(-20\cdot 9783 +3\cdot16\cdot2^{12-1} \left(\frac{D}{2}\right) + 3^{12-1} \left(\frac{D}{3}\right))S_{12}(D,4)+ S_{12}(3^2D,4)+ 3\cdot16S_{12}(D,1)}{276400}$$

There exists a more general version of Theorem 2.1 which works for general $k$.

Theorem 2.3: Let $D>1$ be a fundamental discriminant and let $k\geq 2$ be any integer. Let $\psi$ be a primitive character modulo $F$ with $\psi(-1) = (-1)^k$. Let $N$ be a squarefree integer such that $\gcd(F,ND) = 1$. Set $$c_{k,D}(0) = \frac{L(\psi,1-k)L(\phi\chi_D,1-k)}{4}\prod_{p\mid N} (1-\phi\chi_D(p)p^{k-1})$$ and for $n\geq 1$: $$c_{k,D}(n) = \sum_{d\mid n,\gcd(d,N)=1}\phi\chi_D(d)d^{k-1}\sum_{s\in\mathbf Z}\sigma_{k-1,\psi}\left(\frac{(n/d)^2D-s^2}{4N}\right)$$ where $\sigma_{k-1,\psi}(m) = 0$ if $m$ is not a positive integer and otherwise $\sigma_{k-1,\psi}(m) = \sum_{d\mid }\psi(d)d^{k-1}$. Then $$\sum_{n\geq 0}c_{k,D}(n)q^n\in M_{2k}(\Gamma_0(FN),\psi^2).$$

A consequence of this theorem is that there always exist relations as we found before between $L(\chi_D,1-k)$ and $S_k(mD)$ for appropriate $m$.

Corollary: Let $k\geq 2$ be even and $N\geq 1$ with $4\mid N$. Then there exists $t$ and constants $c_n$ for $1\leq n\leq t$ such that whenever $D$ is a square modulo $N$ we have

$$L(\chi_D,1-k) = \sum_{1\leq n\leq t}c_n S_k(n^2D,N)$$

So instead of finding relations theoretically we can search for them, knowing that they must exist.

In [3]:
N = 4*4
for D in fund_discs(3000, sqmod=N, cong=8, cl=1):
    pts +=[(quadratic_L_function__exact(-1,D), Sk(2,D,N))]
In [4]:
Vector space of degree 2 and dimension 1 over Rational Field
Basis matrix:
[1 2]
In [5]:
N = 4*12
for D in fund_discs(3000, sqmod=N, cong=3, cl=1):
    pts +=[(quadratic_L_function__exact(-1,D), Sk(2,D,N))]
In [6]:
N = 4*12
for D in fund_discs(1000, sqmod=N, cong=3, cl=1):
    pts +=[(quadratic_L_function__exact(-1,D), Sk(2,D,N),Sk(2,9*D,N))]


Our next goal is to find such relations for different $N$ and determine which relations are ''best'' to compute the special value $L(\chi_D,1-k)$ (i.e. find some cost function for these relations).

In [7]:
class QuadraticLValueRelation():
    def __init__(self,N,Dcong,Dmod,k,dic):
        self._k=  k
        self._N=  N
        self._Dcong = Dcong
        self._Dmod= Dmod
        self._dic= dic
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Quadratic L-value relation given by sigma_%d(%d)L(chi_D,%d) = "%(self._k-1,self._N/4,1-self._k) + "+".join(r"%d/%d*S_%d(%d^2 D,%d)" %(v.numerator(),v.denominator(),self._k,ke,self._N) for ke,v in self._dic.iteritems()) + " for D = %d (mod %d)" % (self._Dmod,self._Dcong)
    def _latex_(self):
        return "\sigma_{%d}(%d)L(\chi_D,%d) = "%(self._k-1, self._N/4,1-self._k) + "+".join(r"%sS_%d\left(%d^2 D,%d\right)" %(latex(v),self._k,ke,self._N) for ke,v in self._dic.iteritems())+ " \\text{ when }D \equiv %d \pmod{%d}" % (self._Dmod,self._Dcong)
    def cost(self):
        N = ZZ(self._N)
        Dcong= ZZ(self._Dcong)
        Dmod = ZZ(self._Dmod)
        mx = 0
        gc = gcd(Dcong,N)
        for D in Integers(N):
            if Integers(Dcong)(D.lift()) != Dmod:
            new = sum([1 for n in Integers(N) if n^2 == D])
            if new > mx:
                mx = new

        return max(self._dic.keys())*mx/N

    def probapplies(self):
        Dcong= ZZ(self._Dcong)
        Dmod = ZZ(self._Dmod)
        produ = 1
        if Dcong % 2 == 0 and Dmod % 4 in [2,3]:
            return 0
        for (p,e) in factor(Dcong):
            if p == 2:
                mod16 =[1,5,9,13,8,12]
                if e >=4:
                    if Dmod % 16 in mod16:
                        produ *= 1/(6*2^(e-4))
                    else: return 0
                if e == 3:
                    if Dmod % 8 == 0 or Dmod % 8 ==4:
                        produ *= 1/6
                    else: produ *=1/3
                if e == 2 or e ==1:
                    if Dmod % 4 ==0:
                        produ *= 1/3
                    else: produ *= 2/3
            if e >= 2 and Dmod % p^2 == 0:
                return 0
            if e == 1:
                if Dmod % p == 0:
                    produ *= (p-1)/((p^2-1))
                produ *= p/(p^2-1)
                produ *= 1/(p^e - p^(e-2))

        return produ

    def test(self):
        for D in fund_discs(1000, self._N, self._Dcong, self._Dmod):
            if (sigma(self._N/4, k = self._k - 1)*quadratic_L_function__exact(1-self._k,D) != sum(v*Sk(self._k,ke^2*D,self._N) for ke,v in self._dic.iteritems())):
                print quadratic_L_function__exact(1-self._k,D) , sum(v*Sk(self._k,ke^2*D,self._N) for ke,v in self._dic.iteritems()),self._dic
                raise Exception
In [8]:
def find_relations(N, k=2, sample=10000, tmax=5, confidence=40):
    fails = []
    rell = []
    divs = N.divisors()

    for c in range(N):
        found = False
        discs = fund_discs(sample, sqmod=N, cong=N, cl=c)
        if len(discs) >= confidence:
            for t in range(len(divs)):
                pts = [tuple([(sigma(N/4,k-1) if True else 1) * quadratic_L_function__exact(1-k,D)] + [Sk(k,d*d*D,N) for d in divs[:t]]) for D in discs[:confidence]]

            #for t in range(tmax):
            #    pts = [tuple([sigma(N/4,k-1) * quadratic_L_function__exact(1-k,D)] + [Sk(k,n*n*D,N) for n in range(1,t+1)]) for D in discs[:confidence]]
                if len(pts) >= confidence:
                    M = Matrix(pts)
                    R = M.right_kernel()
                    if R.dimension() == 1:
                        rel = R.basis()[0]
                        if (rel[0] != 0):
                            found = True
                            di = {n:-v for n,v in zip(divs[:t],rel[1:]) if n != 0 and v != 0}
                            ne = QuadraticLValueRelation(N,N,c,k,di)
                            #print rel,ne
                            rell += [ne]
            if not found:
        elif discs:
            print "not enough discriminants: ",c
    if fails:
        print "failed: ",fails
    return rell

We can now find relations for different $N$. For example for $N=12$:

In [9]:
relations = find_relations(12, 2, sample=6000, tmax=50, confidence=30)
for rel in sorted(relations, key=lambda rel: rel.cost()):
    print "                        Cost of this relation:  ", rel.cost()
    print "Probability this relation applies to random D:  ", rel.probapplies()
                        Cost of this relation:   1/6
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/12
                        Cost of this relation:   1/6
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/6
                        Cost of this relation:   1/3
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/4
                        Cost of this relation:   1/3
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/8


The cost of computing $$S_k(m,N) = \sum_{s\in \mathbf Z} \sigma_{k-1}\left(\frac{m - s^2}{N}\right)$$


$$ \{ s \leq \sqrt{m} : s^2 \equiv D \text{ (mod } N )\} = \frac{\{ s \leq \sqrt{m} : s^2 \equiv m \text{ (mod } N )\}}{\{ s \leq \sqrt{m}\}} \sqrt{m}$$

approximated by

$$ \frac{\{ s \leq N : s^2 \equiv m \text{ (mod } N)\}}{\{ s \leq N \}} \sqrt{m} $$

In [10]:
relations = find_relations(28, 2, sample=6000, tmax=50, confidence=30)
for rel in sorted(relations, key=lambda rel: rel.cost()):
    print "                        Cost of this relation:  ", rel.cost()
    print "Probability this relation applies to random D:  ", rel.probapplies()
                        Cost of this relation:   1/7
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/24
                        Cost of this relation:   2/7
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/144
                        Cost of this relation:   2/7
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/144
                        Cost of this relation:   2/7
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/144
                        Cost of this relation:   1/2
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/12
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/72
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/72
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   7/72


In [11]:
relations = find_relations(124, 2, sample=10000, tmax=50, confidence=30)
for rel in sorted(relations, key=lambda rel: rel.cost()):
    print "                        Cost of this relation:  ", rel.cost()
    print "Probability this relation applies to random D:  ", rel.probapplies()
                        Cost of this relation:   1/2
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/96
                        Cost of this relation:   1/2
Probability this relation applies to random D:   1/48
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/2880
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440
                        Cost of this relation:   1
Probability this relation applies to random D:   31/1440