V960 Mon

Ref: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/801/1/L5/meta Reports upto Hershel SPIRE 500 um

250 $\mu m$ = 8.83 Jy

350 $\mu m$ = 6.24 Jy

500 $\mu m$ = 3.83 Jy

350 GHz -> 856.5 $\mu m$

FIR flux is dominated by a second embeded class 0 source. We will not be able to resolve them using APEX. Hence taking continuum is not needed.

Our main interest is to detect CO outflows and any change in CO lines in this source.

V899 Mon

Ref: Ninan et al 2015

250 $\mu m$ = 6.86 Jy

350 $\mu m$ = 5.68 Jy

500 $\mu m$ = 4.06 Jy

350 GHz -> 856.5 $\mu m$

Flux expected at 350 GHz = 2.7 Jy

Size of the clump in 500 $\mu m$ SPIRE images = 50"

In [3]:
from scipy.constants import c
def micronToHz(micron):
    return c/(micron*1e-6)

print('Test 856.5 micron = {0} Hz'.format(micronToHz(856.5)))
Test 856.5 micron = 3.50020382954e+11 Hz
In [16]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
FnuArray = np.array([6.86,5.68,4.06])
MicronArray = np.array([250,350,500])
HzArray = micronToHz(MicronArray)
plt.xlabel(r'$\mu m$')
P1 = np.polyfit(np.log(MicronArray),np.log(FnuArray*HzArray), 1)
SED = np.poly1d(P1)
print('Extrapolated Jy at 856.5 micron  ie. at 350 GHz = {0} Jy'.format(np.exp(SED(np.log(856.5)))/350e9))
Extrapolated Jy at 856.5 micron  ie. at 350 GHz = 2.75729295109 Jy

V900 Mon

Ref: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/748/1/L5/meta#apjl420091r30

Longest wavelength available is only AKARI 160 $\mu m$ = 14.8 Jy

Very similar to V733 Cep and FU Ori.

If we assume an SED simillar to other FU Ors the expected flux at 350 Ghz is ~ 0.3 Jy

So we expect CO outflow detection.

V1647 Ori

Sub-mm SCUBA measurements give 0.3 Jy at 350 GHz ; size 14"

We are looking for CO outflow signatures

V2775 Ori

Ref: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-637X/756/1/99/meta

APEX SABOCA ( 350 $\mu m$) measurment in 2011 : 3.2 Jy

APEX LABOCA (870 $\mu m$) : 0.5 Jy

This source possibly show change in sub-mm flux between post and pre outburst. Hence good to study change in gas temperaure from CO lines. We are also looking fo CO outflow signatures.

In [ ]: