Andrew's top 9: Week 6 HW

1 Not knowing how to/not subselecting both dimensions properly (i.e. arr[0::10] instead of arr[0::10, 0::10])

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2 Not realizing that if you run whichever cell, it'll be ready to use in other cells (i.e. I keep seeing some students redefine/import the same thing from previous cells).

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3 Some students using for loop to loop through each dimension instead of using axis input in np.sum(arr, axis=0) although that's partly due to me telling them to do that (forgot that the axis=0/1 input existed during office hours).

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4 Poorly defined variable names (i.e. variable names are completely irrelevant or using built-in keywords such as sum, max, min as their variable names).

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5 Mixing up less than with greater than...?

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from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
Image(url= "")

6 Instead of using np.pi, they type 3.14.

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7 Not saving to memory/a variable.

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8 Not trying the questions at all (I had to give a lot of 0s in part 2 because the cells were blank, couldn't even give partial credit.)

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9 Poor time management/starting the homework way too late to give it a full try/use the discussion board/email/attend office hours (lots of people who came to my review session did not start part 2 so I went through it in my review session).

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