{{ define "breadcrumbs" }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ end }} {{ define "content" }} {{ $tracks := where .Data.Pages ".Params.type" "track" }}

Here are the current Tracks (with multiple Working Sessions)

{{ range $tracks }} {{ $track_name := .Title }}

{{ .description }}

Working Sessions 3

Here are the working sessions that are currently being planned.

{{ $sessions := where (where .Data.Pages ".Params.type" "working-session") ".Params.track" $track_name }} }} {{ range $sessions }} {{ end }}
Title Track Description
{{ .Title }} {{ .track }} {{ .description | truncate 45 }}

User Sessions 1

Here are the users sessions that are currently being planned.

{{ $sessions := where (where .Data.Pages ".Params.type" "user-session") ".Params.track" $track_name }} }} {{ range $sessions }} {{ end }}
Title Track Description
{{ .Title }} {{ .track }} {{ .description | truncate 45 }}
{{ end }}

Please Help

If you want to be involved please make the changes on GitHub and send a Pull Request with your ideas.
If you feel that there is missing working session that we NEED to have at the Summit, please create it.


{{ end }}