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x = sage.all.r('c(1,2,3)') type(x) v = x.sage(); print(v) print(type(v))
<class 'sage.interfaces.r.RElement'> [1, 2, 3] <type 'list'>
# Also get a string if you want (no copy/paste) str(x)
'[1] 1 2 3'
# The global variable "r" in a Sage worksheet is just a Jupyter kernel, and it has # no useful "magic" regarding interfacing with the sage session. Use sage.all.r, # which is a pexpect interface to R and is very powerful for this. Alternatively, # if your data is HUGE, then use rpy2. r??
File: /cocalc/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smc_sagews/sage_salvus.py Source: def r(code=None, **kwargs): r""" Run R code in a sage worksheet. INPUT: - ``code`` -- a string containing code Use as a decorator. For example, put this in a cell and evaluate it to see a scatter plot of built-in mtcars dataframe variables `mpg` vs `wt`:: %r with(mtcars,plot(wt,mpg)) .. note:: SMC %r mode uses the jupyter `ir` kernel. """ if r.jupyter_kernel is None: r.jupyter_kernel = jupyter("ir") r.jupyter_kernel('options(repr.plot.res = 240)') r.jupyter_kernel.smc_image_scaling = .5 return r.jupyter_kernel(code, **kwargs)
%sage.all.r v <- c(1,2,3)
[1] 1 2 3
[1, 2, 3]