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File: /projects/4a5f0542-5873-4eed-a85c-a18c706e8bcd/.sagemathcloud/sage_server.py Signature : smc.file(self, filename, show=True, done=False, download=False, once=False, events=None, raw=False) Docstring : Display or provide a link to the given file. Raises a RuntimeError if this is not possible, e.g, if the file is too large. If show=True (the default), the browser will show the file, or provide a clickable link to it if there is no way to show it. If show=False, this function returns an object T such that T.url (or str(t)) is a string of the form "/blobs/filename?uuid=the_uuid" that can be used to access the file even if the file is immediately deleted after calling this function (the file is stored in a database). Also, T.ttl is the time to live (in seconds) of the object. A ttl of 0 means the object is permanently available. raw=False (the default): If you use the URL /blobs/filename?uuid=the_uuid&download then the server will include a header that tells the browser to download the file to disk instead of displaying it. Only relatively small files can be made available this way. However, they remain available (for a day) even *after* the file is deleted. NOTE: It is safe to delete the file immediately after this function (salvus.file) returns. raw=True: Instead, the URL is to the raw file, which is served directly from the project: /project-id/raw/path/to/filename This will only work if the file is not deleted; however, arbitrarily large files can be streamed this way. This function creates an output message {file:...}; if the user saves a worksheet containing this message, then any referenced blobs are made permanent in the database. The uuid is based on the Sha-1 hash of the file content (it is computed using the function sage_server.uuidsha1). Any two files with the same content have the same Sha1 hash.