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['dynamic', 'hide', 'julia', 'md', 'smc', 'attach', 'jupyter', 'mediawiki', 'sage_salvus', 'typeset_mode', 'hideall', 'fortran', 'fork', 'reset', 'time', 'perl', 'default_mode', 'search_doc', 'sh', 'sage_server', 'wiki', 'require', 'show', 'checkbox', 'search_src', 'timeit', 'sage_chat', 'prun', 'modes', 'plot3d_using_matplotlib', 'runfile', 'input_box', 'pretty_print_default', 'ruby', 'input_grid', 'range_slider', 'go', 'capture', 'help', 'pandoc', 'script', 'interact', 'selector', 'clear', 'restore', 'color_selector', 'license', 'load', 'coffeescript', 'pylab', 'cython', 'button', 'cell', 'exercise', 'raw_input', 'slider', 'sage_eval', 'view', 'javascript', 'delete_last_output', 'python', 'auto', 'text_control', 'python3', 'var']
File: /projects/sage/sage-6.7/src/sage/misc/session.pyx Source: def show_identifiers(hidden=False): r""" Returns a list of all variable names that have been defined during this session. By default, this returns only those identifiers that don't start with an underscore. INPUT: - ``hidden`` -- bool (Default: ``False``); If ``True``, also return identifiers that start with an underscore. OUTPUT: A list of variable names EXAMPLES: We reset the state of all variables, and see that none are defined:: sage: reset() sage: show_identifiers() [] We then define two variables, one which overwrites the default factor function; both are shown by :func:`show_identifiers()`:: sage: a = 10 sage: factor = 20 sage: show_identifiers() ['a', 'factor'] To get the actual value of a variable from the list, use the :func:`globals()` function.:: sage: globals()['factor'] 20 By default :func:`show_identifiers()` only returns variables that don't start with an underscore. There is an option hidden that allows one to list those as well:: sage: _hello = 10 sage: show_identifiers() ['a', 'factor'] sage: '_hello' in show_identifiers(hidden=True) True Many of the hidden variables are part of the IPython command history, at least in command line mode.:: sage: show_identifiers(hidden=True) # random output ['__', '_i', '_6', '_4', '_3', '_1', '_ii', '__doc__', '__builtins__', '___', '_9', '__name__', '_', 'a', '_i12', '_i14', 'factor', '__file__', '_hello', '_i13', '_i11', '_i10', '_i15', '_i5', '_13', '_10', '_iii', '_i9', '_i8', '_i7', '_i6', '_i4', '_i3', '_i2', '_i1', '_init_cmdline', '_14'] """ state = caller_locals() return [x for x, v in state.iteritems() if _is_new_var(x, v, hidden)]
File: /projects/sage/sage-6.7/src/sage/misc/session.pyx Source: def _is_new_var(x, v, hidden): """ Return whether or not the variable named ``x`` with value ``v`` is considered newly defined in the current session. INPUT: - ``x`` -- string - ``v`` -- object - ``hidden`` -- bool; if ``True``, always return ``False`` on variables that start with ``_``) OUTPUT: A bool EXAMPLES: We reset the session, then check whether the builtin factor function is newly defined (it isn't):: sage: reset() sage: sage.misc.session._is_new_var('factor', factor, True) False We then redefine factor, and find that it is newly defined:: sage: factor = 10 sage: sage.misc.session._is_new_var('factor', factor, True) True We define a new variable ``'blue'``, and test:: sage: blue = 10 sage: sage.misc.session._is_new_var('blue', blue, True) True sage: sage.misc.session._is_new_var('_blue', blue, True) True sage: sage.misc.session._is_new_var('_blue', blue, False) False """ # We ignore all _ variable names unless hidden is True if not hidden and x.startswith('_'): return False # If a variable names was not there at init time then it is # definitely new. if x not in state_at_init: return True # A variable could also be new even if it was there at init, say if # its value changed. return x not in state_at_init or state_at_init[x] is not v
sage.misc.session.state_at_init = dict(globals())
['smc', 'require', 'salvus']
x = 10
['smc', 'require', 'x', 'salvus']
abc = 15
['smc', 'require', 'abc', 'x', 'salvus']