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Jupyter notebook Chapeter 4.ipynb

Project: Physics
Views: 75
Kernel: Python 2 (SageMath)

Physics Chapter 4

Practice E

import numpy def dsin(degrees): return (numpy.sin(numpy.radians(degrees))) def dcos(degrees): return (numpy.cos(numpy.radians(degrees))) def dtan(degrees): return (numpy.tan(numpy.radians(degrees))) gravity = 9.81 giraffes = input("Do you want to find acceleration or uk? Acceleration is 1, Accleration up is 2, Uk is 3, Uk up is 4, Free acceleration is 5.") if giraffes == 1: #questions AppliedForce = input("What is the given applied force?") AngleH = input("What is the Angle?") Uk = input("What is the uk?") Mass = input("What is the mass?") #equations fay = (AppliedForce * (dsin(AngleH))) fax = (AppliedForce * (dcos(AngleH))) fg= (Mass * gravity) fn= (fg-fay) fk= (Uk * fn) a= (fax-fk)/(Mass) print("Acceleration is: %s " % a) if giraffes == 2: AppliedForce = input("What is the given applied force?") AngleH = input("What is the angle horozontal to the ground?") AngleVertical = input ("What is the angle being pulled up at?") Uk = input("What is the uk?") Mass = input("What is the mass?") Fyup = (AppliedForce * (dsin(AngleVertical))) Fg = (Mass * gravity) Fn = (Fg * (dcos(AngleH))) Fxx = (AppliedForce * (dcos(AngleVertical))) FDR = (Fg * (dsin(AngleH))) Ff = (Fn-Fyup) Fk = (Uk * Ff) Acc = (Fxx-Fk-FDR)/Mass print("Acceleration is: %s " % Acc) if giraffes == 3: Acc = input ("What is the acceleration?") Angle = input ("What is the given angle?") Mass = input ("What is the mass?") fg = (gravity * Mass) fn = (fg * (dcos(Angle))) fdr = (fg * (dsin(Angle))) f = (Mass* Acc) fk = (fdr-f) Uk = (fk/fn) print("Uk is : %s " % Uk) if giraffes == 4: Fg = input ("What is the weight?") Fax = input ("What is the applied force?") Ang = input ("What is the Angle") fk = (Fax * (dcos(Ang))) fn = (Fg - (Fax * (dsin(Ang)))) uk = (fk/fn) print("Uk is : %s" % uk) if giraffes == 5: gravity = 9.81 mass = ("What is the Mass?") Uk = ("What is the Uk?") ang = ("What is the angle?") fg = (gravity* mass) fn = (fg* (dcos(ang))) fdr = (fg * (dsin(ang))) fk = (fn* Uk) Sf = (fdr-fk) a = (Sf/m) print("Acceleration is: %s " % a)
Do you want to find acceleration or uk? Acceleration is 1, Accleration up is 2, Uk is 3, Uk up is 4, Free acceleration is 5.1 What is the given applied force?200 What is the Angle?34 What is the uk?.23 What is the mass?41 Acceleration is: 2.41517287977