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Project: Testing 18.04
Views: 502
License: APACHE
title: Python3 in RMarkdown on CoCalc
# set include=FALSE to hide the setup library(reticulate) use_python("/usr/bin/python3")
import sys print(sys.executable) print(sys.version) import numpy as np x = np.array([1,2,3,-1,2.3,12])


import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xx = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000) yy = np.sin(2 * np.exp(-xx)) plt.plot(xx, yy)

R still works, too

plotting same plot via R

plot(py$xx, py$yy, type = 'l', col = "blue", lwd=2)

Interactions between R and Python

This uses the reticulate R library:

Retrieve the value of x from the Python session again:


Assign to a variable in the Python session from R:

py$y = 1:5

See the value of y in the Python session:

# colorFunc <- "heat.colors" colorFunc <- "terrain.colors" # colorFunc <- "topo.colors" # colorFunc <- "cm.colors" # colorFunc <- "rainbow"

Base R comes with many functions for generating colors. The code below demonstrates the r colorFunc function.

Blah blah!

r colorFunc

image(volcano, col = get(colorFunc)(5))