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def picard_iteration(f, a, c, N): ''' Computes the N-th Picard iterate for the IVP x' = f(t,x), x(a) = c. EXAMPLES: sage: var('x t s') (x, t, s) sage: a = 0; c = 2 sage: f = lambda t,x: 1-x sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 0) 2 sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 1) 2 - t sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 2) t^2/2 - t + 2 sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 3) -t^3/6 + t^2/2 - t + 2 sage: var('x t s') (x, t, s) sage: a = 0; c = 2 sage: f = lambda t,x: (x+t)^2 sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 0) 2 sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 1) t^3/3 + 2*t^2 + 4*t + 2 sage: picard_iteration(f, a, c, 2) t^7/63 + 2*t^6/9 + 22*t^5/15 + 16*t^4/3 + 11*t^3 + 10*t^2 + 4*t + 2 ''' if N == 0: return c*t**0 if N == 1: #print integral(f(s,c*s**0), s, a, t) x0 = lambda t: c + integral(f(s,c*s**0), s, a, t) return expand(x0(t)) for i in range(N): x_old = lambda s: picard_iteration(f, a, c, N-1).subs(t=s) #print x_old(s) x0 = lambda t: c + integral(f(s,x_old(s)), s, a, t) return expand(x0(t)) v=var('x t s') a = 0; c = 1 f = lambda t,x: x z=[] for i in range(5): z.append(picard_iteration(f, a, c, i)) z[i] from sage.plot.colors import rainbow c=rainbow(7) where = [x,a,3] p=plot(exp(t),where,color='gray') #Solución exacta. p+=plot(z[0],where,gridlines=True) for i in range(1,5): p+=plot(z[i],where,color=c[i]) p
1 t + 1 1/2*t^2 + t + 1 1/6*t^3 + 1/2*t^2 + t + 1 1/24*t^4 + 1/6*t^3 + 1/2*t^2 + t + 1