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Plot of a complex circle, inspired by

Views: 133
License: APACHE
Image: ubuntu2004

I wonder what the plot of x2+y2=1x^2 + y^2 = 1, with x,yC2x,y \in \CC^2 looks like?

It's a 2-dimensional surface inside a four dimensional R4\RR^4, so to visualize it, we need to map it to R3\RR^3 somehow.

How? There are of course many ways, so let's just do one arbitrary way first, e.g., setting the imaginary part of the second complex number to 0, i.e., we are projecting to that space...

In any case, the surface in R4\RR^4 is (x0+ix1)2+(y0+iy1)2=1 (x_0+i x_1)^2 + (y_0 + iy_1)^2 = 1

R.<x0,x1,y0,y1> = QQ[] R2.<I> = R[] R3.<i> = R2.quotient([I^2+1]) f = expand((x0+i*x1)^2 + (y0+i*y1)^2); show(f)
(2x0x1+2y0y1)i+x02x12+y02y12\displaystyle \left(2 x_{0} x_{1} + 2 y_{0} y_{1}\right) i + x_{0}^{2} - x_{1}^{2} + y_{0}^{2} - y_{1}^{2}
[x0^2 - x1^2 + y0^2 - y1^2, 2*x0*x1 + 2*y0*y1]

So the equations of the surface in R4\RR^4 is:

x02x12+y02y12=1x_0^2 - x_1^2 + y_0^2 - y_1^2 = 1x0x1+y0y1=0x_0x_1 + y_0y_1 = 0

Hmmm, it's tempting to eliminate one variable, and end up with a surface in R3\RR^3, so might as well do that. We have y1=x0x1/y0 y_1 = -x_0 x_1 / y_0 so x02x12+y02(x0x1/y0)2=1x_0^2 - x_1^2 + y_0^2 - (-x_0 x_1 / y_0)^2 = 1

Multiply through by y02y_0^2:

x02y02x12y02+y04x02x12=y02.x_0^2 y_0^2 - x_1^2 y_0^2 + y_0^4 -x_0^2x_1^2 = y_0^2.
var('x,y,z') f = x^2*y^2 - z^2*y^2 + y^4 - x^2*z^2 == y^2 show(f)
(x, y, z)
x2y2+y4x2z2y2z2=y2\displaystyle x^{2} y^{2} + y^{4} - x^{2} z^{2} - y^{2} z^{2} = y^{2}
complex_circle = implicit_plot3d(f, [x,-2,2], [y,-2,2], [z, -2,2], mesh=.05, opacity=0.4, color='green') real_plane = plot3d(0, [x,-2,2], [y,-2,2], color='blue', mesh=.1, opacity=0.2) circle2d = circle([0,0], 1, color='red', thickness=5) complex_circle+real_plane + circle2d
3D rendering not yet implemented