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Quick tests of qdap lib on CoCalc

Kernel: R (R-Project)


Loading required package: qdap Loading required package: qdapDictionaries Loading required package: qdapRegex Loading required package: qdapTools Loading required package: RColorBrewer Attaching package: ‘qdap’ The following object is masked from ‘package:base’: Filter
with(rajSPLIT, gantt_plot(text.var = dialogue, grouping.var = person, size=4)) with(rajSPLIT, gantt_plot(text.var = dialogue, grouping.var = list(fam.aff, sex), rm.var = act, title = "Romeo and Juliet's dialogue")) with(rajSPLIT, gantt_plot(dialogue, list(fam.aff, sex), act, transform=T)) rajSPLIT2 <- rajSPLIT rajSPLIT2$newb <- as.factor(sample(LETTERS[1:2], nrow(rajSPLIT2), replace=TRUE)) z <- with(rajSPLIT2, gantt_plot(dialogue, list(fam.aff, sex), list(act, newb), size = 4)) library(ggplot2); library(scales); library(RColorBrewer); library(grid) z + theme(panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines")) + scale_colour_grey() z + scale_colour_brewer(palette="Dark2") ## Fill Variable Example dat <- rajSPLIT[rajSPLIT$act == 1, ] dat$end_mark <- factor(end_mark(dat$dialogue)) with(dat, gantt_plot(text.var = dialogue, grouping.var = list(person, sex), fill.var=end_mark)) ## Repeated Measures with Fill Example rajSPLIT$end_mark <- end_mark(rajSPLIT$dialogue) with(rajSPLIT, gantt_plot(text.var = dialogue, grouping.var = list(fam.aff), rm.var = list(act), fill.var=end_mark, title = "Romeo and Juliet's dialogue")) ## Repeated Measures Sentence Type Example with(rajSPLIT, gantt_plot(text.var = dialogue, grouping.var = list(fam.aff, sex), rm.var = list(end_mark, act), title = "Romeo and Juliet's dialogue")) ## Reset rajSPLIT rajSPLIT <- qdap::rajSPLIT
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Attaching package: ‘ggplot2’ The following object is masked from ‘package:qdapRegex’: %+%
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dataframe <- sentSplit(DATA, "state") tot_plot(dataframe, "state") tot_plot(DATA, "state", tot=FALSE) tot_plot(dataframe, "state", bar.space=.03) tot_plot(dataframe, "state", "sex") tot_plot(dataframe, "state", "person", tot = "sex") tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", "fam.aff", tot=FALSE) tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", "died", tot=FALSE) tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", c("sex", "fam.aff"), tot=FALSE) + scale_fill_hue(l=40) tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", c("sex", "fam.aff"), tot=FALSE)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="Spectral") tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", c("sex", "fam.aff"), tot=FALSE)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") ## repeated measures rajSPLIT2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(rajSPLIT, rajSPLIT$act), head, 25)) tot_plot(rajSPLIT2, "dialogue", "fam.aff", facet.var = "act") ## add mean and +/- 2 sd tot_plot(mraja1, "dialogue", grouping.var = c("sex", "fam.aff"), tot=FALSE)+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=mean(word.count))) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=mean(word.count) + (2 *sd(word.count)))) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=mean(word.count) + (3 *sd(word.count)))) + geom_text(parse=TRUE, hjust=0, vjust=0, family="serif", size = 4, aes(x = 2, y = mean(word.count) + 2, label = "bar(x)")) + geom_text(hjust=0, vjust=0, family="serif", size = 4, aes(x = 1, y = mean(word.count) + (2 *sd(word.count)) + 2, label = "+2 sd")) + geom_text(hjust=0, vjust=0, family="serif", size = 4, aes(x = 1, y = mean(word.count) + (3 *sd(word.count)) + 2, label = "+3 sd"))
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word cloud

terms <- list( I=c("i", "i'm"), mal=qcv(stinks, dumb, distrust), articles=qcv(the, a, an), pronoun=qcv(we, you) ) with(DATA, trans_cloud(state, person, target.words=terms, cloud.colors=qcv(red, green, blue, black, gray65), expand.target=FALSE, proportional=TRUE, legend=c(names(terms), "other"))) with(DATA, trans_cloud(state, person, target.words=terms, stopwords=exclude(with(DATA, unique(bag_o_words(state))), unique(unlist(terms))), cloud.colors=qcv(red, green, blue, black, gray65), expand.target=FALSE, proportional=TRUE, legend=names(terms))) #color the negated phrases opposite: DATA <- qdap::DATA DATA[1, 4] <- "This is not good!" DATA[8, 4] <- "I don't distrust you." DATA$state <- space_fill(DATA$state, paste0(negation.words, " "), rm.extra = FALSE) txt <- gsub("~~", " ", breaker(DATA$state)) rev.neg <- sapply(negation.words, paste, negative.words) rev.pos <- sapply(negation.words, paste, positive.words) tw <- list( positive=c(positive.words, rev.neg[rev.neg %in% txt]), negative=c(negative.words, rev.pos[rev.pos %in% txt]) ) with(DATA, trans_cloud(state, person, target.words=tw, cloud.colors=qcv(darkgreen, red, gray65), expand.target=FALSE, proportional=TRUE, legend=names(tw))) DATA <- qdap::DATA ## Reset DATA
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