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Jupyter notebook 2016-05-27-182935.ipynb

Views: 111
Kernel: Python 2 (Ubuntu, plain)

Comparing FCC & CFPB Complaint Data

by Mark Silverberg (@Skram) [email protected]


Tinker with Sage Math Cloud-powered Jupyter Python notebooks and Socrata-powered federal open data from two different organizations: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

The puzzle pieces

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Dependencies and variables

# for top secret credentials import json with open('secrets.json') as data_file: secrets = json.load(data_file) # for data analysis import pandas as pd import urllib # for plotly plotting import plotly.plotly as py py.sign_in(secrets["PLOTLY"]["USER"], secrets["PLOTLY"]["API_KEY"]) # for Census querying from census import Census from us import states census = Census(secrets["CENSUS"]["API_KEY"]) # dummy API account # for iPython displaying from IPython.display import display, Image, HTML # variables variables = { "date_received":{ "fcc":"ticket_created", "cfpb":"date_received" }, "state":{ "fcc":"state", "cfpb":"state" }, "endpoint":{ "fcc":"", "cfpb":"" } } provider_keys = variables['endpoint'].keys() query_templates = { # always make sure there is a LIMIT statement with a {n} variable 'count_by_state':{ "template":"SELECT {0} as state, count(*) as complaints GROUP BY {0} LIMIT {1}", "variables":["state"] }, # 'count_by_month_and_state':{ # "template":"SELECT {0} as state, date_trunc_ym({1}) as date_received, count(*) GROUP BY {0}, {1} ORDER BY date_received LIMIT {2}", # "variables":["state","date_received"] # } } query_template_keys = query_templates.keys() a_big_number = 10000000 # for SODA query limits

Helper functions

# function to marry a query template and provider's normalized variables into an API query string def form_query_url(template,provider): base_url = variables['endpoint'][provider] query_template = query_templates[template] # form array of variables for the query template format_variables = [] for variable in query_template['variables']: format_variables.append(variables[variable][provider]) format_variables.append(a_big_number) # put template and format_variables together query_str = query_template['template'].format(*format_variables) return "{0}?$query={1}".format(base_url, urllib.quote(query_str)) # function to create a plotly-powered US-state choropleth def us_state_choropleth(df,col_to_color_by,units,title,zmin=None,zmax=None): plotly_data = [ dict( type='choropleth', autocolorscale = True, locations = df['state'], z = df[col_to_color_by], locationmode = 'USA-states', marker = dict( line = dict ( color = 'rgb(255,255,255)', width = 2 ) ), colorbar = dict( title = units ) ) ] if zmin != None: plotly_data[0]['zmin'] = zmin if zmax != None: plotly_data[0]['zmax'] = zmax plotly_layout = dict( title = title, geo = dict( scope='usa', projection=dict( type='albers usa' ), ), ) fig = dict( data=plotly_data, layout=plotly_layout ) return fig # function used with df.apply to normalize count per 100,000 popualation def normalize_for_pop(row): pop = state_population_lookup.get(row['state'], None) if pop != None: rate = (int(row['complaints']) / float(pop))*100000 else: # print "** state={0} isnt in state_population_lookup and wont have a rate calculated for it".format(row['state']) rate = None return rate # function powered by TextBlob to return a dictionary of sentiment attributes def sentiment_to_dict(str): blob = TextBlob(str) blob_sentiment = blob.sentiment return {'polarity':blob_sentiment.subjectivity, 'subjectivity': blob_sentiment.polarity}

Fetch the data (for each query template and provider)

# fetch the data data = dict() ## fetch data for all query templates and providers for template in query_template_keys: data[template] = {} for provider in provider_keys: url = form_query_url(template,provider) print "Fetching {0} for {1} at {2}".format(template,provider,url) data[template][provider] = pd.read_json(url)
Fetching count_by_state for cfpb at$query=SELECT%20state%20as%20state%2C%20count%28%2A%29%20as%20complaints%20GROUP%20BY%20state%20LIMIT%2010000000 Fetching count_by_state for fcc at$query=SELECT%20state%20as%20state%2C%20count%28%2A%29%20as%20complaints%20GROUP%20BY%20state%20LIMIT%2010000000
images_to_display = [] print "Some summary data and graphics:" template = 'count_by_state' for provider in provider_keys: d = data[template][provider] print " - {0} for {1} has {2} rows for a total of {3} complaints".format(template, provider, len(d), d['complaints'].sum()) fig = us_state_choropleth(d,'complaints','Number of Complaints','{0} Complaints by State'.format(provider.upper())) image_name = 'pyimage_{0}-{1}.png'.format(template, provider) py.image.save_as(fig, 'images/'+image_name) images_to_display.append(image_name) counts_by_state_html = "<h2 style='text-align: center;'>Total # of Complaints per Data Source</h2><table><tr>" for image_path in images_to_display: counts_by_state_html += '<td><img src="images/{0}" alt="{0}" /></td>'.format(image_path) counts_by_state_html += "</tr></table>" display(HTML(counts_by_state_html))
Some summary data and graphics: - count_by_state for cfpb has 63 rows for a total of 573023 complaints - count_by_state for fcc has 57 rows for a total of 488576 complaints

Total # of Complaints per Data Source


Let's try normalizing complaint counts per 100k population

First, get state populations from the US Census

## consistent with Census Fact Finder 'TOTAL POPULATION / Universe: Total population / 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates' pop_est_table_id = 'B01003_001E' state_populations = census.acs.state(('NAME',pop_est_table_id), Census.ALL, year=2013) # ## create lookup dictionary of population state_population_lookup = dict() for row in state_populations: state = states.lookup(row['state']).abbr pop = row[pop_est_table_id] state_population_lookup[state] = pop print "Got population data for {0} 'states'".format(len(state_population_lookup))
Got population data for 52 'states'

Plot normalized counts

# Normalized complaint counts per 100k population images_to_display = [] template = 'count_by_state' for provider in provider_keys: d = data[template][provider] d['complaint_rate_per_100k_pop'] = d.apply(normalize_for_pop, axis=1) fig = us_state_choropleth(d,'complaint_rate_per_100k_pop','Complaints Per 100k Pop.','{0} Complaints by State (per 100k population)'.format(provider.upper())) # py.iplot( fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map' ) image_name = 'pyimage_{0}-{1}-per100k.png'.format(template, provider) py.image.save_as(fig, 'images/'+image_name) images_to_display.append(image_name) counts_by_state_html = "<h2 style='text-align: center;'>Normalized # of Complaints per 100k population per Data Source</h2><table><tr>" for image_path in images_to_display: counts_by_state_html += '<td><img src="images/{0}" alt="{0}" /></td>'.format(image_path) counts_by_state_html += "</tr></table>" display(HTML(counts_by_state_html))

Normalized # of Complaints per 100k population per Data Source


Check out the top states by normalized complaint count

data['count_by_state']['fcc'].sort_values('complaint_rate_per_100k_pop', ascending=False).head(5)
complaints state complaint_rate_per_100k_pop
8 2314 DC 373.604835
22 17324 MD 296.933702
6 11872 CO 231.905392
10 39859 FL 208.782538
52 14029 WA 205.716511
data['count_by_state']['cfpb'].sort_values('complaint_rate_per_100k_pop', ascending=False).head(5)
complaints state complaint_rate_per_100k_pop
11 3332 DC 537.965129
12 3006 DE 330.894737
26 18256 MD 312.908200
13 55374 FL 290.050534
39 23139 NJ 261.978446

Beginnings of playing with sentiment analysis

from textblob import TextBlob # read for a good overview # fetch all CFPB complaints and their associated state url = variables['endpoint']['cfpb']+"?$query="+urllib.quote("SELECT state, complaint_what_happened WHERE state IS NOT NULL AND complaint_what_happened IS NOT NULL LIMIT {0}".format(a_big_number)) all_cfpb = pd.read_json(url) print "Got {0} complaints to CFPB with a non-null state and complaint narrative ".format(len(all_cfpb))
Got 74810 complaints to CFPB with a non-null state and complaint narrative
# collect sentiment (polarity and subjectivity) and merge into dataframe sentiment_series = all_cfpb.complaint_what_happened.apply(lambda s: pd.Series(sentiment_to_dict(s))) all_cfpb['polarity'] = sentiment_series['polarity'] all_cfpb['subjectivity'] = sentiment_series['subjectivity']
# get average by state cfpb_state_avgs = all_cfpb.groupby(['state']).mean() # hacks because of Mark's pandas newbness from StringIO import StringIO csv = cfpb_state_avgs.to_csv() CSV_DATA=StringIO(csv) cfpb_state_avgs = pd.read_csv(CSV_DATA)
fig = us_state_choropleth(cfpb_state_avgs,'polarity','Polarity','Average Polarity of CFPB Complaints by State<br />(-1=negative to 1=positive)') # py.iplot( fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map' ) image_name = 'pyimage_count_by_state-cfpb-sentiment_polarity.png' py.image.save_as(fig, 'images/'+image_name) Image('images/'+image_name)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
fig = us_state_choropleth(cfpb_state_avgs,'subjectivity','Subjectivity','Average Subjectivity of CFPB Complaints by State<br />(0=less subjective to 1=most subjective)',0,1) # py.iplot( fig, filename='d3-cloropleth-map' ) image_name = 'pyimage_count_by_state-cfpb-sentiment_subjectivity.png' py.image.save_as(fig, 'images/'+image_name) Image('images/'+image_name)
Image in a Jupyter notebook