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Project: SageTour
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Kernel: SageMath (Development)

Solving a differential equation with SageMath

'SageMath version 8.2.rc2, Release Date: 2018-04-10'
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Exact solutions: desolve

x = var('x') y = function('y')(x) y
eq = diff(y, x) - y == x*y^4 eq
-y(x) + diff(y(x), x) == x*y(x)^4
desolve(eq, y)
print(desolve(eq, y))
e^x/(-1/3*(3*x - 1)*e^(3*x) + _C)^(1/3)
desolve(eq, y, show_method='True')
desolve(eq, y, ics=[0, 2])
f(x) = desolve(eq, y, ics=[0, 2]) diff(f(x), x) - f(x) - x*f(x)^4
z = diff(f(x), x) - f(x) - x*f(x)^4 z
z = diff(f(x), x) - f(x) - x*f(x)^4

System of differential equations

y1 = function('y_1')(x) y2 = function('y_2')(x) y3 = function('y_3')(x) y = vector([y1, y2, y3]) y
A = matrix([[2,-2,0], [-2,0,2], [0,2,2]]) A
eqs = [diff(y[i],x) == (A*y)[i] for i in range(3)] eqs
for eq in eqs: show(eq)
sol = desolve_system(eqs, [y1,y2,y3], ics=[0, 2, 1, -2]) sol

Numerical solutions

rho = function('rho', latex_name=r'\rho') p = function('p') m = function('m') Phi = function('Phi', latex_name=r'\Phi') r = var('r') G = var('G')
eq1 = diff(m(r), r) == 4*pi*r^2*rho(r) eq2 = diff(Phi(r), r) == G*m(r)/r^2 eq3 = diff(p(r), r) == -rho(r)*G*m(r)/r^2 for eq in [eq1, eq2, eq3]: show(eq)
k = var('k') gam = var('gam', latex_name=r'\gamma') p_eos(r) = k*rho(r)^gam p_eos(r)
eq3_rho = eq3.substitute_function(p, p_eos) eq3_rho
eq3_rho = (eq3_rho / (gam*k*rho(r)^(gam-1))).simplify_full() eq3_rho
eqs = [eq1, eq2, eq3_rho] for eq in eqs: show(eq)
k0 = 1/4 gam0 = 2 rhs = [eq.rhs().subs({k: k0, gam: gam0, G: 1}) for eq in eqs] rhs
rhs[0] = rhs[0] * unit_step(rho(r)) rhs[2] = rhs[2] * unit_step(rho(r)) rhs
rhs.append(1 * unit_step(rho(r))) rhs
var('m_1 Phi_1 rho_1 r_1') rhs = [y.subs({m(r): m_1, Phi(r): Phi_1, rho(r): rho_1}) for y in rhs] rhs
rho_c = 1 r_min = 1e-8 r_max = 1 np = 200 delta_r = (r_max - r_min) / (np-1)
sol = desolve_system_rk4(rhs, vars=(m_1, Phi_1, rho_1, r_1), ivar=r, ics=[r_min, 0, 0, rho_c, r_min], end_points=r_max, step=delta_r)
rho_sol = [(s[0], s[3]) for s in sol] rho_sol[:10]
graph = line(rho_sol, axes_labels=[r'$r$', r'$\rho$'], gridlines=True) graph
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Phi_sol = [(s[0], s[2]) for s in sol] Phi_sol[:10]
graph = line(Phi_sol, axes_labels=[r'$r$', r'$\Phi$'], gridlines=True) graph
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M = Manifold(2, 'M') print(M)
2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
X.<x,y> = M.chart()
v = 2*x*X.frame()[0] - X.frame()[1]
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import numpy as np
z = cos(x).series(x, 8)