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Test runtime of simple search algorithms.

Project: Algorithms
Views: 312
Kernel: Python 3 (system-wide)

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from linkedlist import List import pylab as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from time import perf_counter

Simple Linear Search algorithm

We expect O(n)O(n) running time where nn is the length of the array or list.

def LinearSearch(array_like, target): for item in array_like: if item is target: return True return False

Binary Search

We expect O(log(n))O(\log(n)) running time when using an array and O(nlog(n))O(n\,\log(n)) when using a linked list.

def BinarySearchRec(array_like, target): N = len(array_like) if N == 1: return target == array_like[0] elif target < array_like[N // 2]: return BinarySearch(array_like[:N // 2], target) else: return BinarySearch(array_like[N // 2:], target)

It might be preferable to use a non-recursive binary search as the recursive one actually builds new sub-arrays in the recursion steps. The following simply resets indices.

def BinarySearch(array_like, target): hi = len(array_like) low = 0 while low < hi - 1: # current sub-array is array_like[lo:hi] if target < array_like[(low + hi) // 2]: hi = (low + hi) // 2 else: low = (low + hi) // 2 return target == array_like[low]

Functions to time runs

This function takes two parameter NN, the number of items in the list, and MM the number of repititions for this NN. It is good to repeat so as to smooth out some of the noise in the system.

def times(f, *args, **kwargs): start_time = perf_counter() f(*args, **kwargs) return perf_counter() - start_time def testLinearSearch(N, M, linked_list = False): results = [] for i in range(M): items = np.sort(np.random.randint(0, 2**16, N)) target = np.random.randint(0, 2**16) if linked_list: results += [times(LinearSearch, List(items), target)] else: results += [times(LinearSearch, items, target)] return np.mean(results) def testBinarySearch(N, M, linked_list = False): results = [] for i in range(M): items = np.sort(np.random.randint(0, 2**16, N)) target = np.random.randint(0, 2**16) if linked_list: results += [times(BinarySearch, List(items), target)] else: results += [times(BinarySearch, items, target)] return np.mean(results)

Test run time of LinearSearch

First run on arrays.

xdata = np.array([N for N in range(10, 1000, 10)]) ydata = np.array([testLinearSearch(N, 50) for N in range(10,1000, 10)]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xdata,ydata,"b.")
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A few models to fit

def linear(x, a, b): return a*x + b def log_n(x, a, b): return a*np.log2(x) + b def n_log_n(x, a, b): return a*x*np.log2(x) + b

Fit a model and plot the result

We expect LinearSearch to have O(n)O(n) running time. So try the linear fit.

coeffs, cov = curve_fit(linear, xdata, ydata) Y = [[x, 1])) for x in xdata] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xdata,ydata,"b.") ax.plot(xdata, Y, 'r-')
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Repeat analysis of Linear Search with linked lists

Notice, the running time has increased but the linear model is still correct.

xdata = np.array([N for N in range(10, 1000, 10)]) ydata = np.array([testLinearSearch(N, 50, linked_list = True) for N in range(10,1000, 10)]) coeffs, cov = curve_fit(linear, xdata, ydata) Y = [[x, 1])) for x in xdata] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xdata,ydata,"b.") ax.plot(xdata, Y, 'r-')
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Repeat analysis for binary search

Here we expect O(log(n))O(log(n)) running time, so try to model with log_n fit function.

xdata = np.array([N for N in range(100, 10000, 100)]) ydata = np.array([testBinarySearch(N, 50) for N in range(100, 10000, 100)]) coeffs, cov = curve_fit(log_n, xdata, ydata) Y = [[np.log2(x), 1])) for x in xdata] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xdata,ydata,"b.") ax.plot(xdata, Y, 'r-')
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Analysis of binary search using linked lists

Here our analysis suggests O(n)O(n).

xdata = np.array([N for N in range(100, 10000, 100)]) ydata = np.array([testBinarySearch(N, 50, linked_list = True) for N in range(100, 10000, 100)]) coeffs, cov = curve_fit(linear, xdata, ydata) Y = [[x, 1])) for x in xdata] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(xdata,ydata,"b.") ax.plot(xdata, Y, 'r-')
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