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LIGO neutron-star collision

Views: 175
Kernel: Python 3 (Anaconda)

Working with LIGO Data

LIGO - Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

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# verify software installation # import packages and plot a parabola # import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import h5py vector=np.arange(20) plt.plot(vector**2)
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# read data for neutron star merger event GW170817 # # H1, 4K samples/sec, 2048 sec of data, HDF5 file type, Version 1, # CLN (H-H1_LOSC_CLN_4_V1-1187007040-2048.hdf5, 55.2 MB) fileName = 'H-H1_LOSC_CLN_4_V1-1187007040-2048.hdf5' dataFile = h5py.File(fileName, 'r')
for key in dataFile.keys(): print(key)
meta quality strain
# extract strain data strain = dataFile['strain']['Strain'].value ts = dataFile['strain']['Strain'].attrs['Xspacing']
# display metadata metaKeys = dataFile['meta'].keys() meta = dataFile['meta'] for key in metaKeys: print(key, meta[key].value)
Description b'Strain data time series from LIGO' DescriptionURL b'' Detector b'H1' Duration 2048 GPSstart 1187007040 Observatory b'H' Type b'StrainTimeSeries' UTCstart b'2017-08-17T12:10:22'
# Create a time vector gpsStart = meta['GPSstart'].value duration = meta['Duration'].value gpsEnd = gpsStart + duration time = np.arange(gpsStart, gpsEnd, ts)
# Plot the time series #---------------------- plt.plot(time, strain) plt.xlabel('GPS Time (s)') plt.ylabel('H1 Strain')
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Examine Data Quality

to search for transient gravitational wave sources, such as supernovae or compact object mergers, keep track of the DATA category and all BURST categories.

# display names of data quality flag bits dqInfo = dataFile['quality']['simple'] bitnameList = dqInfo['DQShortnames'].value nbits = len(bitnameList) for bit in range(nbits): print(bit, bitnameList[bit])
0 b'DATA' 1 b'CBC_CAT1' 2 b'CBC_CAT2' 3 b'CBC_CAT3' 4 b'BURST_CAT1' 5 b'BURST_CAT2' 6 b'BURST_CAT3'
qmask = dqInfo['DQmask'].value sci = (qmask >> 0) & 1 burst1 = (qmask >> 9) & 1 goodData_1hz = sci & burst1
# This plot shows that all the data points in our sample have acceptable quality plt.plot(goodData_1hz + 4, label='Good_Data') plt.plot(burst1 + 2, label='BURST_CAT1') plt.plot(sci, label='DATA') plt.axis([0, 4096, -1, 8]) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
Text(0.5,0,'Time (s)')
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import scipy.signal as sig
# apply 4th order Butterworth bandpass filter fs = 4096 (B,A) = sig.butter(4, [80/(fs/2.0), 250/(fs/2.0)], btype='pass') data_pass = sig.lfilter(B, A, strain)
# Plot the time series after bandpass filtering #---------------------------------------------- numSamples = 500 plt.plot(time[0:numSamples], data_pass[0:numSamples]) #plt.plot(time, data_pass) plt.xlabel('GPS Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Filtered H1 Strain')
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