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Kernel: Python 3


# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook %matplotlib inline # Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment %config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign' # import functions from the module from modsim import * from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def make_system(dt, gamma, mu, tau, beta, rho, alpha, sigma, delta, pi): init = State(R=200, L=0, E=0, V=4e-7) """ make_system creates a system to store the parameters and initial conditions. Arguments: dt: time step gamma - delta: model parameters """ t_0 = 0 t_end = 120 # days return System( init=init, t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, dt=dt, gamma=gamma, mu=mu, tau=tau, beta=beta, rho=rho, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma, delta=delta, pi=pi )
def update_func(state, t, system): """ update_func updates accepts a state and returns a new state with updated values Arguments: state (State) -> a state variable containing values for R, L, E, and V t -> the time step system -> the system variable containing dt and the various parameters """ r, l, e, v = state s = system # use shorthand for system variables drdt = (s.gamma * s.tau) - ( * r) - (s.beta * r * v) dldt = (s.rho * s.beta * r * v) - ( * l) - (s.alpha * l) dedt = (1 - s.rho) * (s.beta * r * v) + (s.alpha * l) - ( * e) dvdt = (s.pi * e) - (s.sigma*v) r += drdt * s.dt l += dldt * s.dt e += dedt * s.dt v += dvdt * s.dt return State(R=r, L=l, E=e, V=v)
def run_simulation(system, update_func): """ run_simulation accepts a system and update function and simulates the evolution of the HIV virus Arguments: system (System): the system variable, including the initial state update_func (function): the function that handles the updating of state """ # R = TimeSeries() # L = TimeSeries() # E = TimeSeries() # V = TimeSeries() frame = TimeFrame(columns=system.init.index) # state = system.init frame.row[system.t_0] = system.init # R[system.t_0], L[system.t_0], E[system.t_0], V[system.t_0] = state for t in linrange(system.t_0, system.t_end, system.dt): # state = update_func(state, t, system) # R[t+1], L[t+1], E[t+1], V[t+1] = state frame.row[t + system.dt] = update_func(frame.row[t], t, system) return frame
def plot_results(*args, **kwargs): """ plot_results accepts any arguments and keyword arguments and creates a graph using the keyword arguments (ignoring the arguments) Arguments: (any) Keyword Arguments: (any) """ for key in kwargs: plot(kwargs[key], '-', label=key) decorate(xlabel='Time (days)', ylabel="Quantity")
system = make_system( dt= 80.0 / (60 * 24), gamma=1.36, mu=1.36e-3, tau=.2, beta=.00027, rho=0.1, alpha=3.6e-2, sigma=2.0, delta=0.33, pi=100 ) frame = run_simulation(system, update_func) R = frame.R L = frame.L E = frame.E V = frame.V fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() color = 'tab:red' ax1.set_xlabel("Time (days)") ax1.set_ylabel("R") ax1.set_ylim([0, 250]) ax1.plot(R, label="R") ax1.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor='black') ax2 = ax1.twinx() color = "tab:blue" ax2.set_ylabel("L and E") ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.set_ylim([1e-1, 1e2]) ax2.plot(L, label="L") ax2.plot(E, label="E") ax2.tick_params(axis="y", labelcolor='black') fig.tight_layout() fig.legend()
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