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%md This is a cool <font color="#110ddb"> feature</font>, lets try it: <br> - a - b <br>
<font color="\&quot;#110ddb\&quot;"> feature</font>, let’s try it:\n <br> \n\n- a\n- b\n\n <br> \n”}
<br> \n\n- a\n- b\n\n <br> \n”}

This is a cool feature, let’s try it:

  • a

  • b

The Specific Matrix 

basic_matrix = matrix (ZZ, [[-32, 69, 89, -60, -83, -22, -14, -58, 85, 56, -65, -30, -86, -9], [6, 99, 11, 57, 47, -42, -48, -65, 25, 50, -70, -3, -90, 31], [78, 38, 12, 64, -67, -4, -52, -65, 19, 71, 38, -17, 51, -3], [-93, 30, 89, 22, 13, 48, -73, 93, 11, -97, -49, 61, -25, -4], [54, -22, 54, -53, -52, 64, 19, 1, 81, -72, -11, 50, 0, -81], [65, -58, 3, 57, 19, 77, 76, -57, -80, 22, 93, -85, 67, 58], [29, -58, 47, 87, 3, -6, -81, 5, 98, 86, -98, 51, -62, -66], [93, -77, 16, -64, 48, 84, 97, 75, 89, 63, 34, -98, -94, 19], [45, -99, 3, -57, 32, 60, 74, 4, 69, 98, -40, -69, -28, -26], [-13, 51, -99, -2, 48, 71, -81, -32, 78, 27, -28, -22, 22, 94], [11, 72, -74, 86, 79, -58, -89, 80, 70, 55, -49, 51, -42, 66], [-72, 53, 49, -46, 17, -22, -48, -40, -28, -85, 88, -30, 74, 32], [-92, -22, -90, 67, -25, -28, -91, -8, 32, -41, 10, 6, 85, 21], [47, -73, -30, -60, 99, 9, -86, -70, 84, 55, 19, 69, 11, -84]]) small_matrix = matrix (ZZ, [[528, 853, -547, -323, 393, -916, -11, -976, 279, -665, 906, -277, 103, -485], [878, 910, -306, -260, 575, -765, -32, 94, 254, 276, -156, 625, -8, -566], [-357, 451, -475, 327, -84, 237, 647, 505, -137, 363, -808, 332, 222, -998], [-76, 26, -778, 505, 942, -561, -350, 698, -532, -507, -78, -758, 346, -545], [-358, 18, -229, -880, -955, -346, 550, -958, 867, -541, -962, 646, 932, 168], [192, 233, 620, 955, -877, 281, 357, -226, -820, 513, -882, 536, -237, 877], [-234, -71, -831, 880, -135, -249, -427, 737, 664, 298, -552, -1, -712, -691], [80, 748, 684, 332, 730, -111, -643, 102, -242, -82, -28, 585, 207, -986], [967, 1, -494, 633, 891, -907, -586, 129, 688, 150, -501, -298, 704, -68], [406, -944, -533, -827, 615, 907, -443, -350, 700, -878, 706, 1, 800, 120], [33, -328, -543, 583, -443, -635, 904, -745, -398, -110, 751, 660, 474, 255], [-537, -311, 829, 28, 175, 182, -930, 258, -808, -399, -43, -68, -553, 421], [-373, -447, -252, -619, -418, 764, 994, -543, -37, -845, 30, -704, 147, -534], [638, -33, 932, -335, -75, -676, -934, 239, 210, 665, 414, -803, 564, -805]]) dm = diagonal_matrix(ZZ,[10^123, 10^152, 10^185, 10^220, 10^397, 10^449, 10^503, 10^563, 10^979, 10^1059, 10^1143, 10^1229, 10^1319, 10^1412])
m = basic_matrix*dm+small_matrix m[0,0]
%timeit m.det()
625 loops, best of 3: 176 ns per loop


Randomized testing

d=diagonal_matrix(ZZ,[10^123, 10^152, 10^185, 10^220, 10^397, 10^449, 10^503, 10^563, 10^979, 10^1059, 10^1143, 10^1229, 10^1319, 10^1412])
# check to make sure we are generating matrices with appropriate entries m=random_matrix(ZZ,14, x=-99,y=99)*d+random_matrix(ZZ,14,x=-999,y=999) print m[0,0] # top left element
results = [] for i in range(50): m=random_matrix(ZZ,14, x=-99,y=99)*d+random_matrix(ZZ,14,x=-999,y=999) a=m.det() del m._cache['det'] # Sage caches the determinant for future calculations, so we clear the cache b=m.det() results.append(a==b) print ".", print print "We had %d equal results, and %d unequal results"%(results.count(True), results.count(False))
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We had 50 equal results, and 0 unequal results