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reset() # Assuming that 1 >= q >= p >0 # Using the D_KL version of the Chernoff Bound def deviation_bound(p,q,n) : q_bar = 1 - q p_bar = 1 - p return ( (q/p)^q * (q_bar/p_bar)^q_bar )^(-n) # Assuming that 1 >= q >= p > 0 # Using the D_KL version of the Chernoff Bound def log_deviation_bound(p,q,n) : q_bar = 1 - q p_bar = 1 - p S1 = 0 if (q==0) else (-n)*q*log(q/p) S2 = 0 if (q_bar==0) else (-n)*q_bar*log(q_bar/p_bar) return S1 + S2 # Given p, n, and eps, find smallest q such that log_deviation_bound(p,q,n) <= log(eps), up to granularity def binary_search_q(p,n,gran,eps) : if (eps<=0 or eps >=1) : return -1 ### Sanity check of the input if (log_deviation_bound(p,1,n) > log(eps) ) : return -1 ### Sanity check at the right boundary case q_min = p q_max = 1.0 ### Assumption: At q_min deviation probabiliy is > eps, and at q_max deviation probability is <= eps while(true) : if (q_max <= q_min + gran) : return q_max q_mid = (q_min + q_max)/2 #print q_mid val = log_deviation_bound(p,q_mid,n) if ( val > log(eps) ) : q_min = q_mid else : q_max = q_mid # Given n, eps, find the ``recursion of weights'' def recursive_probability_list(n,eps,init_balls) : gran = 1/n ball_list = [ floor(n/init_balls) ] p_list = [ ball_list[-1]/n ] old_ball_num = ball_list[-1] #print old_ball_num while (true) : p = p_list[-1]^2 q = binary_search_q(p,n,gran,eps) new_ball_num = floor(q*n) to_abort = (old_ball_num == new_ball_num) if (to_abort) : return (ball_list,p_list) #p_list.append(q) p_list.append(new_ball_num/n) ball_list.append(new_ball_num) old_ball_num = new_ball_num #print old_ball_num if (new_ball_num==0) : return (ball_list,p_list) def edge_case(n,a,eps) : if (a==0) : return 0 return ceil(log((a^2)/eps)/log(n)) #p = (a/n)^2 #q = (4/n^2) #return 1+min(ceil(log((eps*q)/(n*p^2)) / log(((n^2)*(q^2))/2)), floor(n/a)) def chain_calculate(n,t,init_balls) : print "For n=" , n, "t=", t gran = 1/n eps = 2^(-t) (ball_list,p_list) = recursive_probability_list(n,eps,init_balls) print "\t" , ball_list at_end = edge_case(n,ball_list[-1],eps) print "\t" , "End correction:" , at_end print "\t", "Chain length:", init_balls + len(ball_list) - 1 + at_end + (-1 if (ball_list[-1]==0) else 0) #n = 10^(4) #t = 20 #init_balls=2 #gran = 1/n #eps = 2^(-t) #(ball_list,p_list) = recursive_probability_list(n,eps,init_balls) #print ball_list #print p_list #print "Chain Length:", init_balls + (len(ball_list)-1) + ball_list[-1] for (n,t,init_balls) in [(10^3,20,2), (10^4,20,2), (10^6,20,2), (10^(12),20,2), (10^4,40,2), (10^6,40,2), (10^9,40,2), (10^(12),40,2)] : chain_calculate(n,t,init_balls) #gran = 1/n #eps = 2^(-t) #(ball_list,p_list) = recursive_probability_list(n,eps,init_balls) #print "For n=" , n, "t=", t, #print "Chain Length:", init_balls + (len(ball_list)-1) + (ball_list[-1]-1), #print ball_list #print edge_case(n,ball_list[-1],eps)
For n= 1000 t= 20 [500, 324, 160, 56, 16, 7, 4, 3, 2] End correction: 3 Chain length: 13 For n= 10000 t= 20 [5000, 2730, 887, 130, 12, 3, 2] End correction: 2 Chain length: 10 For n= 1000000 t= 20 [500000, 252282, 64935, 4563, 49, 2, 1] End correction: 2 Chain length: 10 For n= 1000000000000 t= 20 [500000000000, 250002280047, 62502414628, 3906880306, 15284290, 319, 1, 0] End correction: 0 Chain length: 8 For n= 10000 t= 40 [5000, 2827, 1008, 184, 24, 7, 4] End correction: 4 Chain length: 12 For n= 1000000 t= 40 [500000, 253229, 65957, 4849, 68, 4, 2] End correction: 3 Chain length: 11 For n= 1000000000 t= 40 [500000000, 250101971, 62608027, 3934489, 16416, 10, 1] End correction: 2 Chain length: 10 For n= 1000000000000 t= 40 [500000000000, 250003224474, 62503414812, 3907141400, 15294858, 357, 1] End correction: 2 Chain length: 10