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cayley graphs for semigroups

Project: semigroups
Views: 167
Kernel: My mdtraj

Cayley Graphs

A semigroup SS is a set with a closed and associative binary operation. One can generate a semigroup by taking elements in a generating set and repeatedly multiplying them. One can make a right cayley graph, which is a directed graph, by taking as vertex set the elements of S --- factored in terms of the generators --- and adjoining vertices x,y∈Vx,y \in V if there exists aa in the generating set such that xa=yxa = y. Similarly, one can make the left cayley graph, by adjoing vertices x,yx,y if there exists aa in the generating set such that ax=yax = y.

import networkx as nx from libsemigroups_cppyy import Transformation, Permutation, FroidurePin, BooleanMat import numpy as np import matplotlib

Define your semigroup creating a Froidure-Pin class, and placing generating elements in the function. The following produces a group.

#Define your Semigroup. This is the one from the notes. S = FroidurePin(Permutation([1, 2, 3, 0]), Permutation([1, 0, 2, 3])) S.size()

This is the right cayley graph of S.

np.random.seed(2) def right_cayley(semigroup): edges = [] for i in range(S.size()): for j in range(S.nr_generators()): edges.append((str(S.factorisation(S[i])),str(S.factorisation(S.right(i,j))))) G=nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(edges) return(nx.draw(G, with_labels = True)) right_cayley(S)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

This is the left cayley graph of S.

np.random.seed(2) def left_cayley(semigroup): edges = [] for i in range(S.size()): for j in range(S.nr_generators()): edges.append((str(S.factorisation(S[i])),str(S.factorisation(S.left(i,j))))) G=nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(edges) return(nx.draw(G, with_labels = True)) left_cayley(S)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Cayley graphs of transformations

The following semigroups and cayley graph were made in the notes. We construct it here.

S = FroidurePin(Transformation([1,1,2]), Transformation([1,0,1]))
np.random.seed(2) right_cayley(S)
Image in a Jupyter notebook
np.random.seed(2) left_cayley(S)
Image in a Jupyter notebook

So left and right cayley graphs of semigroups can look very different!