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Python3-based SageMath in CoCalc

SageMath is being ported to Python 3.

This is an ongoing effort, and some things might not work in the Python3-based SageMath.

If you already want to try it however, there are several ways to go:

  • just copy a folder to a CoCalc project of yours,

  • or build from source in CoCalc,

  • or build from source elsewhere.

Here we document the first two options.

For the third option, see the "Installation from source" section of the Sage installation manual:

Get started by copying a folder to your project

In CoCalc, just copy this folder to your project:

In a CoCalc terminal, you can then use Python3-based SageMath by typing:

$ sage/sage

which will give you the famous Sage prompt


at which you can type any Sage command.

To add a "Sage Py3" Jupyter kernel to your project, we follow instructions adapted from the "Custom Jupyter Kernel" page on the CoCalc wiki:

Here, just run the following in a CoCalc terminal

$ cd $ OLD_KERNEL=/ext/jupyter/kernels/sage-develop $ NEW_KERNEL=/home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/sage_py3 $ cp -arv $OLD_KERNEL $NEW_KERNEL $ cd $NEW_KERNEL $ open kernel.json

and then replace the content of kernel.json by:

{ "display_name": "Sage Py3", "argv": [ "/home/user/sage/sage", "--python", "-m", "sage.repl.ipython_kernel", "--matplotlib=inline", "-f", "{connection_file}" ] }

Now if you open a Jupyter notebook worksheet (file ending in .ipynb), you can select the "Sage Py3" kernel from the "Kernel > Change kernel" menu.

Or build from source

Instead of copying a ready-to-go Sage folder as above, you might prefer to build from source. Here is how to do that.

In a CoCalc project with internet access and some extra disk space, open a terminal.

If your project has many cores (say 4) and you want to build in parallel, first run the following command (replacing 4 by the number of cores available):

$ export MAKE='make -j4'

Or you could edit your .bashrc, adding the following line to it.

export MAKE='make -j4'

and then either close the terminal and open it again, or run

source /home/user/.bashrc

Once you have set MAKE as above (or skipped that), run:

$ cd $ mkdir bin $ git clone https://github.com/sagemath/sage.git $ cd sage $ make configure $ ./configure --with-python=3 $ make build $ ln -s /home/user/sage/sage /home/user/bin

You can then try:

$ sage --version $ sage --python --version
$ sage -q # start Sage in quiet mode (no banner) sage: print(version()) # SageMath version sage: print(sys.version) # Python version

and try your favourite Sage commands, see if they work!

You can also install a "Sage Py3" Jupyter kernel, by following the instructions at the end of the previous section.