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Jupyter notebook vpython.ipynb

Views: 333
Kernel: VPython

umask 022; /projects/sage/sage-7.3/sage -pip install --no-deps --ignore-installed vpython vpnotebook ivisual ujson crayola

from __future__ import division import vpython
from ivisual import * redbox=box(pos=vector(4,2,3), size=(8,4,6), ball=sphere(pos=vector(4,7,3),radius=2,
MIME type unknown not supported
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MIME type unknown not supported
from __future__ import division, print_function from ivisual import *
ERROR! Session/line number was not unique in database. History logging moved to new session 93
print( "hello")
import ivisual #print ivisual
from ivisual import * scene = canvas('Ball in Box') print(""" Right button drag to rotate "camera" to view scene. On a one-button mouse, right is Command + mouse. Middle button to drag up or down to zoom in or out. On a two-button mouse, middle is left + right. On a one-button mouse, middle is Option + mouse. """) side = 4.0 thk = 0.3 s2 = 2*side - thk s3 = 2*side + thk wallR = box (pos=( side, 0, 0), size=(thk, s2, s3), color = wallL = box (pos=(-side, 0, 0), size=(thk, s2, s3), color = wallB = box (pos=(0, -side, 0), size=(s3, thk, s3), color = wallT = box (pos=(0, side, 0), size=(s3, thk, s3), color = wallBK = box(pos=(0, 0, -side), size=(s2, s2, thk), color = (0.7,0.7,0.7)) #ball = sphere (color =, radius = 0.4) ball = sphere (color =, radius = 0.4, make_trail=True, interval=5, retain=30) #ball = cone (color =, radius = 0.4, make_trail=True, interval=5, retain=30) ball.mass = 1.0 ball.p = vector (-0.15, -0.23, +0.27) side = side - thk*0.5 - ball.radius display(scene) dt = 0.5 t=0.0 while t < 2000: rate(100) t = t + dt ball.pos = ball.pos + (ball.p/ball.mass)*dt if not (side > ball.x > -side): ball.p.x = -ball.p.x if not (side > ball.y > -side): ball.p.y = -ball.p.y if not (side > ball.z > -side): ball.p.z = -ball.p.z
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Right button drag to rotate "camera" to view scene. On a one-button mouse, right is Command + mouse. Middle button to drag up or down to zoom in or out. On a two-button mouse, middle is left + right. On a one-button mouse, middle is Option + mouse.