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Project: scikit
Views: 19
Kernel: Python 3 (Ubuntu Linux)

Computational Exploration: Timing E. coli

In this Computational Exploration, we make a crude estimate of the mean division time by using a time laplse video of dividing bacteria like that shown in figure below.

Here a snapshot of the growing bacterial culture is shown every 30 minutes. The consecutive images show successive bacterial growth and division process.

The idea in this exercise is to write code that examines the images and determines the total area of the cells as a function of time.

Below is shown how to read one example snapshot, and identify area corresponding to the bacterial cells.

First install the package scikit-image


import skimage from numpy import* from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

If no errors are shown by the execution of the above statement then proceed ahead.

%pylab inline import as skio
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Reading image

Following images are available.

!ls images/
ls: cannot access 'images/': No such file or directory

We use gc4.jpg for example purposes.

image=[0,0,0,0,0,0] for i in range (6): image[i] = skio.imread('gc'+str(i+1)+'.png') imshow(image[3]);
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Segmenting E. coli

Segmentation, the act of extracting interesting features from an image, is probably the most common taks in image processing. Your brain is very good at this. You probably recognized E. coli right away? But how can we explicitly define features of E. coli that isolate it from the other regions in this image? We can essentially define a brightness filter that will keep only pixels in a certain color or grayscale range. In doing so, it becomes straightforward to isolate E. coli. This process is called thresholding.

Let us plot the histogram of image brighness.

scan = skimage.color.rgb2gray(image[3]) '''plt.hist(scan) plt.xlabel('Brightness (0=black, 1 = white)') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.title('Distribution of pixel brightness');'''
"plt.hist(scan)\nplt.xlabel('Brightness (0=black, 1 = white)')\nplt.ylabel('Count')\nplt.title('Distribution of pixel brightness');"

Identifying E. coli

Which of these regions corresspond to the brightness of E. coli?

Is it the one between 0.5 to 0.6?

Let us check.

mask = (scan > 0.1) & (scan < 0.45) print(mask)
[[False False False ..., False False False] [False False False ..., False False False] [False False False ..., False False False] ..., [False False False ..., False False False] [False False False ..., False False False] [False False False ..., False False False]]

This returns True for any pixel that falls into the brightness values of 0.7 and 0.77, and False everywhere else. This process of boolean indexing is also referred to as masking. Let's visualize our mask:

plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray');
Image in a Jupyter notebook

We were wrong. That brightness level did not correspond to that of E. coli, but to that shown in white in the image above.

Make another try.

mask = (scan < 0.443) & (scan > 0.0) plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fbd7e24cf98>
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Measuring area

'Area: %s square pixels' % np.sum(mask)
'Area: 5788 square pixels'

The total number of pixels (px) in the image is just the x dimension of the image times the y dimension.

px_x = image[5].shape[0] px_y = image[5].shape[1] netarea = px_x * px_y print ('X px: %s Y px: %s Total Area: %s px^2') print(px_x, px_y, netarea)
X px: %s Y px: %s Total Area: %s px^2 141 207 29187
print ('Percent of image occupied by E. coli: %.2f%%') % print(100.0 * np.sum(mask) / netarea)
Percent of image occupied by E. coli: %.2f%% 9.10679412067
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-11-9c7c7e58c6d2> in <module>() ----> 1 print ('Percent of image occupied by E. coli: %.2f%%') % print(100.0 * np.sum(mask) / netarea) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'

The example ends here. Your turn now.

area=[] for i in range(6): scan = skimage.color.rgb2gray(image[i]) mask = (skimage.color.rgb2gray(image[i]) < 0.44) & (skimage.color.rgb2gray(image[i]) > 0.0) area.append(sum(mask)) print(area)
[549, 927, 1642, 2652, 4185, 5769]

Find the doubling time of E. coli

If we assume that the cells are doubling steadily, this implies that the number of cells as a function of time can be written as N(t)=N0ektN(t) = N_0 e^{kt}. On the assumption that all cells have the same area, by multiplying both sides by the area er cell A0A_0, we can rewrite this euation oas A(t)=A0ektA(t) = A_0 e^{kt}. The time constant for doubling can be determined by noting that 2N0=N0ektdouble2N_0 = N_0 e^{kt_{double}}, which results in tdouble=(1/k)ln2t_{double} = (1/k) \ln 2. The rate constant, in turn, can be read off a graph you will obtain.

Try fitting a curve to the data points, and get better estimate of kk.

area=[] for i in range(6): scan = skimage.color.rgb2gray(image[i]) mask = (scan < 0.443) area.append(sum(mask)) print(area) t=linspace(0,2.5,6) plot(t,area,'b*', label = 'data set') N=5000 dif=np.zeros([N]) for i in range(N): k=ones(6)*i/N*1.0 ex=area[0]*exp(k*t) dif[i]=sum((ex-area)**2) k=argmin(dif)/N print('Decay const') disp(k) thalf=log(2)/k*60 print('doubling time') print("Doubling time in minutes= ", thalf) decay=area[0]*pow(exp(t),k) plot(t,decay,'g', label = 'fitting curve')
[551, 928, 1645, 2658, 4195, 5788] Decay const 0.9614 doubling time Doubling time in minutes= 43.2586133073
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fbd7e26d518>]
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Growth curves

Numerically solve the following differential equation: dNdt=kN \frac{dN}{dt} = kN and plot NN as a function of tt it. Take N(t=0)=N0=1N(t=0) = N_0 = 1, and k=1k=1.

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fb3e36c1da0>]
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Numerically, solve the following differential equation: dNdt=kN(1NK) \frac{dN}{dt} = kN\left(1-\frac{N}{K}\right) and plot NN as a function of tt it. Take N(t=0)=N0=1N(t=0) = N_0 = 1, k=1k=1, and K=1K=1.

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fb3e3626cf8>]
Image in a Jupyter notebook

Compare the growth curves in the above two cases.