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SI - Homework4

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def _gcd(a, b): """ Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b. """ if b == 0: #show('2') return a else: quociente, resto = (a).quo_rem(b) if resto == 0: #show('3') return b show(a, '= (', b,')*(', quociente,')+(', resto,')') return _gcd(b, resto.monic()) def my_xgcd(n, m): if n == 0: return (m, 0, 1) if m >= 0 else (-m, 0, -1) else: g, x, y = my_xgcd(m % n, n) return (g, y - (m // n) * x, x) R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x') R1.<t> = GF(5)[] lista1 = [3, 1, 0, 1] lista2 = [7, 23, 0, 0, 0, 1] poly1 = R(lista1) poly2 = R1(lista2) poly3 = R1.random_element(degree=6) poly4 = 3*x**4 + 5*x**2 + 3 poly1.is_irreducible() #True or False poly2.factor() #factorization #show(poly1) show(poly2) show(poly3) #show(poly4) #show(gcd(poly2, poly3)) show(xgcd(poly2, poly3)) show(my_xgcd(poly2, poly3))