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Project: DTC_LAB
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#3.2 reset() import numpy as np from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft f0=200 #center freq duration = 4.0 fs = 1000.0 # number of samples/duration samples = int(fs*duration) t = -2+np.arange(samples)/fs #arange is used to construct array [0...samples-1] x = (np.sinc(100*t)) # discrete lowpass signal lt=np.array(t).tolist() #convert array t to list lx=np.array(x).tolist() #convert array x to list Px=list_plot(zip(lt,lx),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-0.2,xmax=0.2) P1=text("t",(0.2,-0.2)) P2=text("$x_l(t)=\sinc(100t)$)",(0.1,1)) show(Px+P1+P2) Fx=np.fft.fft(x) # Fast Fourier Transform f=np.fft.fftfreq(len(t),1/fs) #Compute Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies magx=np.abs(Fx) lmagx=np.array(magx).tolist() lf=np.array(f).tolist() Mx=list_plot((zip(lf,lmagx)),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-550,xmax=550) M1=text("f",(600,-0.2)) M2=text("$|X_l(f)|=\Pi(f/100)$)",(300,12.5)) show(Mx+M1+M2)
#3.3 # Returns the lowpass equivalent of the signal x # f0 is the center frequency reset() def loweq(x,t,f0): z=hilbert(x) # compute analytic signal, z(t)=x(t)+ix^(t) xl=z*np.exp(-i*2*pi*f0*t) return xl
#3.3 # lowpass signal xl(t) by numerical computation # and its magnitude spectrum import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import hilbert, chirp from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft f0=200 #center freq duration = 4.0 fs = 1000.0 # number of samples/duration samples = int(fs*duration) t = -2+np.arange(samples)/fs #arange is used to construct array [0...samples-1] x = (np.sinc(100*t))*np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*t) # discrete bandpass signal xl=loweq(x,t,f0) Fx=np.fft.fft(xl) # Fast Fourier Transform f=np.fft.fftfreq(len(t),1/fs) #Compute Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies magx=np.abs(Fx) lmagx=np.array(magx).tolist() lf=np.array(f).tolist() Mx=list_plot((zip(lf,lmagx)),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-550,xmax=550) M1=text("f",(600,-0.2)) M2=text("$|X_l(f)|=\Pi(f/100)$)",(300,12.5)) show(Mx+M1+M2)
#3.1 # bandpass signal x(t) # and its magnitude spectrum import numpy as np from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft f0=200 #center freq duration = 4.0 fs = 1000.0 # number of samples/duration samples = int(fs*duration) t = -2+np.arange(samples)/fs #arange is used to construct array [0...samples-1] x = (np.sinc(100*t))*np.cos(2*np.pi*f0*t) # discrete bandpass signal lt=np.array(t).tolist() #convert array t to list lx=np.array(x).tolist() #convert array x to list Px=list_plot(zip(lt,lx),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-0.2,xmax=0.2) P1=text("t",(0.2,-0.2)) P2=text("$x(t)=\sinc(100t)\cos(400\pi t$)",(0.1,1)) show(Px+P1+P2) Fx=np.fft.fft(x) # Fast Fourier Transform f=np.fft.fftfreq(len(t),1/fs) #Compute Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies magx=np.abs(Fx) lmagx=np.array(magx).tolist() lf=np.array(f).tolist() Mx=list_plot((zip(lf,lmagx)),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-550,xmax=550) M1=text("f",(600,-0.2)) M2=text("$|X(f)|=\Pi((f-f0)/100)+\Pi((f+f0)/100)$)",(300,5.5)) show(Mx+M1+M2)
#3.4 # In-phase component x_s(t) of x_l(t) and envelope V(t) of x(t) # by analytic # Returns the lowpass equivalent of the signal x # f0 is the center frequency reset() import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import hilbert, chirp from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft f0=200 #center freq duration = 4.0 fs = 1000.0 # number of samples/duration samples = int(fs*duration) t = -2+np.arange(samples)/fs #arange is used to construct array [0...samples-1] xl = np.sinc(100*t) # discrete lowpass signal xc=xl # discrete inphase component of lowpass signal v=np.abs(xc) # discrete envelope of signal x(t) lxc=np.array(xc).tolist() lt=np.array(t).tolist() lv=np.array(v).tolist() Pxc=list_plot((zip(lt,lxc)),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-0.2,xmax=0.2) P1=text("t",(0.2,-0.2)) P2=text("$x_c(t)=\sinc(100t)$)",(0.1,1)) show(Pxc+P1+P2) Mv=list_plot((zip(lt,lv)),plotjoined=true,figsize=(5,3),xmin=-0.2,xmax=0.2) M1=text("t",(0.2,-0.2)) M2=text("$V(t)=|\sinc(100t)|$",(0.1,1)) show(Mv+M1+M2)