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Project: Test
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def DFS_Visit(g, i, color): # print for strongly connected components print " " + str(i) # color vertex red color[i] = 1; for j in g.neighbors_out(i): if color[j] == 0: color = DFS_Visit(g, j, color) # we are finished visiting this vertex #print "vertex " + str(i) + " is colored blue." color[i] = 2 return color # end def DFS_Visit def DFS_finish(g, i, cur_time, fin, color): #print "vertex " + str(i) + " start time = " + str(cur_time) # color vertex red #print "vertex " + str(i) + " is colored red." color[i] = 1; for j in g.neighbors_out(i): if color[j] == 0: # increment the cur_time to the next time step (cur_time, fin, color) = DFS_finish(g, j, cur_time + 1, fin, color) # we are finished visiting this vertex #print "vertex " + str(i) + " is colored blue." color[i] = 2 #print "vertex " + str(i) + " finish time = " + str(cur_time) fin[i] = cur_time; # return the data structures return (cur_time + 1, fin, color) #end def DFS_finish # generate a random directed graph n = 20; p = .1 g = digraphs.RandomDirectedGNP(n, p, false); # show the strongly connected components using built-in functions for scc in g.strongly_connected_components_subgraphs(): # initialize all variables having to do with implementation # of StronglyConnectedComponents # initialize all beginning variables color = [0]*n fin = [0]*n cur_time = 0 # main loop of the depth first search to calculate finishing times for i in range(0, n): if color[i] == 0: (cur_time, fin, color) = DFS_finish(g, i, cur_time, fin, color) # get the indices of the sorted list s_fin = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(fin), key=lambda x:x[1])] # reverse the graph g_rev = g.reverse(); # reinitialize the color array to restart your DFS color = [0]*n # iterate over the list in reverse for i in range(n-1,-1,-1): if color[s_fin[i]] == 0: print "strongly connected component:" color = DFS_Visit(g_rev, s_fin[i], color) # helper code to help sort lists # myList = [1, 2, 3, 100, 5] # L = [i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(myList), key=lambda x:x[1])] # L #for i in range(4,-1,-1): iterate the list in reverse # myList[L[i]]
strongly connected component: 16 strongly connected component: 18 strongly connected component: 14 strongly connected component: 13 strongly connected component: 19 strongly connected component: 7 strongly connected component: 0 8 9 15 10 2 1 4 17 5 11 3 6 strongly connected component: 12