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import numpy import itertools ############################################################################################################################ # For all these procedures we are working with elliptic curve (EC) groups over Z_p where p is a prime number larger than 3.# # An Elliptic Curve group will be represented by a triple [A,B,p] where # # (1) p is a prime number larger than 3 # # (2) A is the coefficient of x and # # (3) B is the constant term in y^2 = x^3 + A*x + B mod p. # # # # A point in the group will be represented as a pair [x,y] where # # (1) x is the x-coordinate of a solution # # (2) y is the y-coordinate of a solution # # (3) The identity will be represented by [] # ############################################################################################################################ def TonSh (a, Prime): if kronecker(a, Prime) == -1: pass print "{0} does not have a square root mod {1}".format(a, Prime) return None elif Prime % 4 == 3: x = power_mod(ZZ(a), ZZ((Prime+1)/4),ZZ(Prime)) return(x) else: ################################################################################# # Determine e so that Prime-1 = (2^e)*q for some odd number q # ################################################################################# e = ZZ(0) q = ZZ(Prime - 1) # for j in range(1, Prime): for j in itertools.count(1): if q % 2 == 0: e = ZZ(e + 1) q = ZZ(q / 2) else: break for i in range(1, 101): n = i if kronecker(n, Prime) == -1: break z = power_mod(ZZ(n),ZZ(q),ZZ(Prime)) y = ZZ(z) r = ZZ(e) x = power_mod(ZZ(a),ZZ( (q-1)/2),ZZ( Prime)) b = (a * x ** 2) % Prime x = (a * x) % Prime #for i in range(1, e + 1): for i in itertools.count(1): if b == 1: break else: for m in itertools.count(1): t = power_mod(ZZ(b), ZZ(2^m) , ZZ(Prime)) if t == 1: mm = m break t = power_mod(ZZ(y), ZZ(2^(r - mm - 1)),ZZ(Prime)) y = power_mod(ZZ(t), ZZ(2),ZZ(Prime)) r = mm x = (x * t) % Prime b = (b * y) % Prime return(x)
import math def ASCIIPad(Mess,Mod): K = [] for letter in Mess: K.append(ord(letter)) L = Mod.ndigits() l = len(K) y = ZZ(math.floor(L/3))-1 count = 0 padded = [] buffer = "" for numChar in K: numChar+=100 buffer+=str(numChar) count+=1 if count==y: padded.append(ZZ(buffer)) buffer = "" count = 0 if len(buffer)>0: padded.append(ZZ(buffer)) return padded def ASCIIDepad(Number): #print "the padded number is" #print Number N = ""; #Number = ZZ(Number[0]) n = Number.ndigits() % 3; if (n > 0): print("This is not a padded ASCII string\n"); else: L = [((Number - (Number % (1000^i)))/1000^i)%1000 - 100 for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3)]; for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3): #print L[i] N = chr(L[i]) + N; return(N);
import itertools def IsIn(pt, lucgp): if(((pt[0]^2-lucgp[0]*(pt[1]^2)) % lucgp[1]) == (4 % lucgp[1])): return True else: return False def LUCIdentity(): return [2,0] def LUCInverse(point, lucasgroup): return([point[0],lucasgroup[1]-point[1]]) def LUCTimes(pt1, pt2, lucgp): if(not IsIn(pt1,lucgp)): print "Point 1 is not in the group" raise Exception("Point is not in group") #print "in luctimes" #print pt2 if(not IsIn(pt2,lucgp)): print "Point 2 is not in the group" raise Exception("Point is not in group") else: luctimesx=((lucgp[1]+1)/2)*(pt1[0]*pt2[0]+lucgp[0]*pt1[1]*pt2[1]) % lucgp[1]; luctimesy=((lucgp[1]+1)/2)*(pt1[0]*pt2[1]+pt1[1]*pt2[0]) % lucgp[1]; return([luctimesx,luctimesy]) def LUCSquare(pt,lucgp): lucsqx=(pt[0]^2-2) % lucgp[1]; lucsqy=(pt[0]*pt[1]) % lucgp[1]; lucsqresult=[lucsqx,lucsqy] return lucsqresult def LUCexp(Point,scalar,Group): if Point == LUCIdentity() or scalar == 0: return LUCIdentity() else: m = scalar pt = Point x = LUCIdentity() for j in itertools.count(1): if m%2==0: m = m/2 else: m=(m-1)/2 x = LUCTimes(x,pt,Group) if m==0: return x else: pt = LUCSquare(pt, Group) def LUCSearch(lower,higher,lucgp): ##for j in xrange(lower,higher+1): for j in itertools.count(lower): #if j >= higher: # print "No point found in range" # break luctester = (( j ^ 2 - 4 ) / lucgp[0]) % lucgp[1] #print luctester if(kronecker(luctester,lucgp[1])==1): foundx=j foundy=TonSh(luctester,lucgp[1]) return [foundx,foundy] def GroupOrder(group): d = group[0] N = group[1] return(N-kronecker(d,N))
def listproduct(primelist): x = primelist k = len(primelist) result = 1 for i in xrange(k): result = result * x[i][0]^x[i][1] return result def ptorder(pt, Group, factoredGpOrder): x = factoredGpOrder k = len(factoredGpOrder) result = listproduct(factoredGpOrder) for i in xrange(k): p = x[i][0] a = x[i][1] for j in xrange(a): result = result/p test = LUCexp(pt,result,Group) if (test!=LUCIdentity()): result = result*p return result def listptorder(pt, Group, factoredGpOrder): x = factoredGpOrder k = len(factoredGpOrder) orderList = []; result = listproduct(factoredGpOrder) for i in xrange(k): p = x[i][0] a = x[i][1] ord =0 for j in xrange(a): result = result/p test = LUCexp(pt,result,Group) if (test!=LUCIdentity()): result = result*p ord = ord+1 if ord>0: orderlist.append([p,ord]) return orderlist
def LUCNumberembed(xvalue,Gp,tolerance): if ((xvalue+1)*tolerance-1 < Gp[1]): pt=LUCSearch(xvalue*tolerance, (xvalue+1)*tolerance-1,Gp) # print "LUCNumberemed pt" # print pt return pt else: print "The embedding interval is too large for the group" def LUCEmbed(Message,Gp,tolerance): AMessage = ASCIIPad(Message,QQ(Gp[1]/(tolerance+1)).floor()) print AMessage numPackets = len(AMessage) pt = [0]*numPackets for j in xrange(numPackets): N =AMessage[j] pt[j]=LUCNumberembed(N,Gp,tolerance) return pt
def LUCUnembed(ptlist,tolerance): k = len(ptlist) X=[0]*k for j in xrange(k): X[j]=QQ(ptlist[j][0]/tolerance).floor() #print X outStr="" for numInX in X: #print numInX outStr=outStr+ASCIIDepad(numInX) return outStr
p=next_prime(25690124917473078519589117498847803496088971697834615853141266) d=72346328764328726438722 Gp=[d,p] g=LUCSearch(11,100,Gp) #base point g x=89547698435765984367549867459867459867345980678659 #Private key b=LUCexp(g,x,Gp) T=43 #Tolerance
[11, 1628342822613782923813271849118328187965774221410763278289230]
m=LUCEmbed("This is an example of how Lucas Groups work with El Gamal",Gp,T) #Embedding message into group len(m) #number of packets
[184204205215132205215132197210132201220197209212208201132, 211202132204211219132176217199197215132171214211217212215, 132219211214207132219205216204132169208132171197209197208] 3
r=[0]*3 # randomly chosen numbers r[0]=34957938474395793847 #r[0]=1234567912345679123456789123456789123456789123456789 r[1]=72345678346534278654385634978 #r[1]=23454329875239475349287594328789798797979456611592347592374957234975932759324759437 r[2]=7238346534278654385634978
s=[] t=[] e=[] #Encrypted m for j in xrange(len(m)): s.append(LUCexp(b,r[j],Gp)) t.append(LUCexp(g,r[j],Gp)) e.append(LUCTimes(m[j],s[j],Gp)) e t
[[12978542507941831925355599870844676472485307062340579215046946, 9425837678571132093421978829744267996390889911761413886196016], [1539969592052388022440409952032274795373398190131342694347118, 20437286178065279694747620930632408755708063013238300669031323], [11212751871891993839312260025710823501731952985300283831043994, 14461032339344387130153074480413772330498220826017442854459599]] [[23942592244348157959882812324155287198745138629985975113338179, 13866923404317828534106169107228926378816121183617267774222497], [11230955370011598865311508570884433225662507640653708442491276, 11183925855208671272059615177146128241882221252578499079569966], [9360341030224142172432983253828579100333899185552216328333254, 10199688699815995078723847537373681890611269077289729490315925]]
S=[] Decr=[] for j in xrange(len(m)): S.append(LUCInverse(LUCexp(t[j],x,Gp),Gp)) Decr.append(LUCTimes(e[j],S[j],Gp)) Decr
[[7920780824250684824250684480035684652468479996124952648679, 20860395421573180612401552938954322660748664513010107563913107], [9081691684781082422683577339565480250683362211082340125253, 19597476104097406889100286690935312772381832950772484172985413], [5685426082210906685425824296777683275949683361479995479945, 6443416298780942756753322562413327551001661620393346455522847]]
'This is an example of how Lucas Groups work with El Gamal'