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Kernel: R (R-Project)

Lecture 17


  1. Review of hypotesis test

  2. Application: A/B Testing

    • Example

  3. Causality

1. Review of hypotesis test

A possible rule for rejecting the null hypothesis:

  • establish cutoff for p-value

  • for example, a 5% cutoff: if the observed p-value is 5% or less, then reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, do not reject it

2. A/B Testing: Comparing Two Samples

  • compare values of sampled individuals in group a with values of sampled individuals in group b

  • example: random sample of visiotrs to etsy. comparing A) click rate using design A vs B) click rate using design B

Example: smoking behaviors of mothers and its influence on babies weights

  • comparing A) birth weights of babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy vs. B) birth weights of babies of mothers who didn't smoke. question: could the difference be due to chance alone?


  • Null: In the population, the distributions of the birth weights of babies in two groups are the same

  • Alternate: babies of the mothers who smoked weighed less than the babies of the non-smokers

  • To test this we have to compute a test statistic (one number) between group A and group B. the test statistic is group b - group a

    • the statistic for the null hypothesis would be 0


  • If the null is true, all rearrangements of the birth weights among the two groups are equally likely.

  • Plan:

    • shuffle birth weights

    • assign some to "group a" and the rest to "group b," maintaining sample sizes

    • find the difference b/t the averages of two shuffled groups -repeat

library('dplyr') library('ggplot2')
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’ The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: filter, lag The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
babyweight <- read.csv("babyweight.csv")
  1. 32
  2. 4
1 294038 yes
2 313038 no
3 242036 yes
4 245034 no
5 276039 yes
6 244035 yes
smokers <- filter( babyweight, Smoke == "yes") head(smoker) ave_weight_smokers <- mean(smokers$Wgt) ave_weight_smokers
1 294038 yes
3 242036 yes
5 276039 yes
6 244035 yes
8 330142 yes
11 271536 yes
nonsmokers <- filter( babyweight, Smoke == "no") ave_weight_nonsmokers <- mean(nonsmokers$Wgt) ave_weight_nonsmokers
babyweight_grouped <- group_by( babyweight, Smoke ) babyweight_summary <- summarize(babyweight_grouped, AveWeight = mean(Wgt)) babyweight_summary
no 3066.125
yes 2973.625
# observed statistic observed_diff <- ave_weight_nonsmokers - ave_weight_smokers observed_diff
# Selecting elements from a list shuffled_babies <- sample( babyweight$Wgt, 32, replace = FALSE ) shuffled_babies shuffled_babies[c(1, 3)] #selecting first and third baby shuffled_babies[1:16] #first sixteen numbers in the list; telling R what index to select shuffled_babies[17:32] #last sixteen numbers in the list
  1. 2420
  2. 3523
  3. 3459
  4. 2440
  5. 2520
  6. 3200
  7. 2957
  8. 3346
  9. 2928
  10. 2450
  11. 2920
  12. 3446
  13. 2619
  14. 3244
  15. 3226
  16. 3095
  17. 2760
  18. 3175
  19. 3322
  20. 2729
  21. 3500
  22. 2740
  23. 2715
  24. 3530
  25. 2841
  26. 3130
  27. 3410
  28. 3130
  29. 2580
  30. 2940
  31. 3301
  32. 3040
  1. 2420
  2. 3459
  1. 2420
  2. 3523
  3. 3459
  4. 2440
  5. 2520
  6. 3200
  7. 2957
  8. 3346
  9. 2928
  10. 2450
  11. 2920
  12. 3446
  13. 2619
  14. 3244
  15. 3226
  16. 3095
  1. 2760
  2. 3175
  3. 3322
  4. 2729
  5. 3500
  6. 2740
  7. 2715
  8. 3530
  9. 2841
  10. 3130
  11. 3410
  12. 3130
  13. 2580
  14. 2940
  15. 3301
  16. 3040
# simulate num_simulations <- 1000 # set up data frame with 1000 rows, each row being an observation. one column would be the test statistic. test statistic = mean weight of group b - mean weight of group a. two other columns would be average weight group A and average weight of group B. simulated_data <- data.frame(ave_weight_A = double(num_simulations), ave_weight_B = double(num_simulations), statistic = double(num_simulations) ) count <- 1 while( count <= num_simulations ) { shuffled_babies <- sample( babyweight$Wgt, 32, replace = FALSE ) group_A <- shuffled_babies[1:16] group_B <- shuffled_babies[17:32] #find mean of weight in each group, place in correct data frame, and then find the difference simulated_data$ave_weight_A[count] <- mean(group_A) simulated_data$ave_weight_B[count] <- mean(group_B) simulated_data$statistic[count] <- simulated_data$ave_weight_B[count] - simulated_data$ave_weight_A[count] count <- count + 1 }
3034.6883005.062 -29.625
2990.9383048.812 57.875
2994.2503045.500 51.250
3011.4383028.312 16.875
3019.2503020.500 1.250
ggplot(simulated_data, aes( x = statistic)) + geom_histogram( bins = 10 )
Image in a Jupyter notebook
# find percentile of observed stat: sum( simulated_data$statistic <= observed_diff ) / 1000 # area to the left is 76.6th percentile
# p-value 1-sum(simulated_data$statistic <= observed_diff) / 1000 # area to the right is 23.4th percentile