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import itertools def HPSonP (Generator, Target, P): Unknown = 0 N = P - 1 K = factor(N) K = list(K) #print K for pk in K: #print pk primes =pk[0] powers = pk[1] Z = N / primes chi = power_mod(int(Generator), int(Z),int(P)) n = 0 t = [0]*powers a = [0]*powers d = [0]*powers for j in range(0, powers): #print j if j == 0: a[j - 1] = Target else: Z2 = (d[j - 1 - 1] * power_mod(int(primes),int(j - 1),int(N))) % N Pt = power_mod(int(Generator), int(Z2),int(P))# % P a[j-1] = (a[j - 1 - 1] / Pt) % P y = Z / primes ** j t[j-1] = power_mod(int(a[j - 1]),int(y),int(P))# % P s = 1 for k in itertools.count(): #print "k",k if t[j - 1] == s: d[j - 1] = k break s = (s * chi) % P n = (n + d[j - 1] * primes ** j) % N NN = N / primes ** powers X = (1 / NN) % primes ** powers Unknown = (Unknown + NN * n * X) % N #unassign(t) return(Unknown) def Dirichlet (q): j=0 #for j in numpy.arange(0.10e1, infinity + 0.10e1, 0.10e1): while True: j+=1 p = 2 * j * q + 1 if is_prime(p) == True: return(p) def findLargePrimitiveRoot(n,p): n=n+1 eulerp = euler_phi(p) Q = list(factor(eulerp)) while n<p: found = True for Q2 in Q: q=Q2[0] totest = power_mod(ZZ(n),ZZ(eulerp/q),ZZ(p)) # print(totest) if totest==1: found = False if found: return n n+=1
def ASCIIPad(Message): newList = [] messLen = len(Message) tempIter = messLen - 1 while tempIter >= 0: newList.append(Message[tempIter]) tempIter -= 1 x = [100+ord(newList[i]) for i in range(messLen)]; x = ZZ(x,1000); return(x); def ASCIIDepad(Number): n = Number.ndigits() % 3; if (n > 0): print("This is not a padded ASCII string\n"); else: L = [((Number - (Number % (1000^i)))/1000^i)%1000 - 100 for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3)]; N = ""; for i in range(Number.ndigits()/3): N = chr(L[i]) + N; return(N)
################## Public Signature Key P= 634404508895808192310313936486634711780110256438029402544697478374579200001 g= 369453800891893802517289247828810138682703208596756001785976436264055339058 b= 618412742800474831309763217987552595958100274226513299534696990325703710427 message="El Gamal" M=ASCIIPad(message) ################# Trapdoor Information y= 5823678520857072221167 r= 825693824659243777 ################# Note that w=gcd(y,P-1) w= 342569324756298365951 f=power_mod(b,w,P) h=power_mod(g,w,P) z=HPSonP(h,f,P) ################ Note that y=c*w c=17 ################ Creating a valid signature s=((M-w*z*c)/r) % (P-1) y= 5823678520857072221167 ############### Verification that the signature (y,s) is a valid signature V1= power_mod(y,s,P)*power_mod(b,y,P) % P V2=power_mod(g,M,P)
Error in lines 11-11 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/cocalc/lib/python3.11/site-packages/smc_sagews/", line 1244, in execute exec( File "", line 1, in <module> File "", line 19, in HPSonP File "/ext/sage/10.0/src/sage/arith/", line 2269, in power_mod return a.parent().one() ^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'parent'