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title: "Rmarkdown with code" author: "Sadaf Masood" date: "02/12/2020"

I am going to import the proper libraries and load the addhealth4 data, Also going to select variables for our research.

This command loads our data


This command names our data


now we will load our packages so that we can use commands.

library(dplyr) library(janitor) load("~/Data/addhealth4.RData")

selection of Variables

  1. H4ED1 what is your high school graduation status?

  • Categorical Variable

mydata <- addhealth4 %>% select (H4ED1, H4ED2,H4EC2,H4ED4A)

next I will be cleaning the variables.

clean <- mydata %>% mutate(new_H4ED1 = recode(H4ED1, "1" = "finished high school with diploma", "2" = "earned a high school degree (GED)", "3" = "earned a certificate of attendance or a certificate of completion", "4" = "did not receive a high school diploma, equivalency degree (GED), or other certificate", "8" = "don’t know"))%>% mutate(new_H4ED2 = recode(H4ED2, "1" = "8th grade less", "2" = "Some high school", "3" = "highschool graduate", "4" = "some vocational/technical training (after Highschool)", "5" = "completed vocational/technical training (after highschool)", "6" = "some college", "7" = "completed college bachelors degree", "8" = "some graduate school", "9" = "completed masters degree", "10" = "some graduate training", "11" = "completed doctoral degree", "12" = "some post baccalaureate professional education"))
save(clean, file="~/Data/first_project.RData")