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Project: alchemist
Views: 134
Kernel: Python 3 (Anaconda 2019)
#### import sys class Alchemist: def __init__(self, filename, resnum, resname, ffbonded, rtp, charge_file=None, types_file=None): """ alch = Alchemist('file.itp', 10) """ self.filename = filename self.deprot = {"ASH":"ASP", "GLH":"GLU", "GLU":"GLU", "ASP":"GLU", "HSP":"HSD", "GLUP":"GLU", "ASPP":"ASP"} self.resnum = resnum self.resname = resname self.rtp = rtp self.ffbonded = [l for l in open(ffbonded)] self.content = [line for line in open(self.filename)] self.sections, self.sections_names = self.get_sections() self.names_to_types_A, self.nums_to_names, self.names_to_nums = self.get_types() if charge_file and types_file: self.charges = {line.split()[0]:line.split()[1] for line in open(charge_file)} self.names_to_types_B = self.parse_types(types_file) else: self.charges, self.names_to_types_B = self.parse_rtp() self.different_types = self.find_different_types() self.prefix = 'alch-' def __call__(self): """ alch() """ self.add_state_B() self.all_sections_add_B() self.write() def parse_rtp(self): # read and return charges & names_to_types with open(self.rtp, 'r') as f: lista=[] x = 0 for line in f: if len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[0] == '[' and line.split()[1] == self.deprot[self.resname]: x=1 if x==1 and line.split()[0] != '[': lista.append(line) if len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[0] == '[' and line.split()[1] == 'bonds' and x==1: x=0 break charges_dict={} name_types_dict={} for line in lista: name_types_dict[line.split()[0]]= line.split()[1] charges_dict[line.split()[0]]=line.split()[2] return charges_dict, name_types_dict def get_types(self): # return a dict of names:types in state A # self.names_to_types_A, self.nums_to_names, self.names_to_nums = self.get_types() section = [l for l in self.get_section_content('atoms') if len(l.split()) > 5 and l.split()[2] == str(self.resnum) and l.split()[3] == self.resname and not l.lstrip().startswith('[') and not l.lstrip().startswith(';')] ntta = {l.split()[4]:l.split()[1] for l in section} ntna = {l.split()[0]:l.split()[4] for l in section} natn = {l.split()[4]:l.split()[0] for l in section} return ntta, ntna, natn def find_different_types(self): diffs = [] for num in self.nums_to_names.keys(): print(num) name = self.nums_to_names[num] try: if self.names_to_types_A[name] != self.names_to_types_B[name]: diffs.append(num) except KeyError: diffs.append(num) return diffs def parse_types(self, types_file): #nazwa atomu pierwsza kolumna, typ druga kolumna types = [line for line in open(types_file)] return {line.split()[0]:line.split()[1] for line in types if len(line.split())>1} def get_sections(self): # petla po content # dwie listy # jesli zaczyna sie od '[', to nazwa do listy z nazwami, a pusta lista do listy z sekcjami # dodajemy kolejne linijki do ostatniej podlisty names,section_insides =[],[] section_insides.append([]) names.append('header') for line in self.content: if line.strip().startswith('['): names.append(line.split()[1]) section_insides.append([]) section_insides[-1].append(line) return section_insides, names def get_section_content(self, section_name, order=0): # znalezc wszystkie instancje nazwy "section_name" w self.sections_names # ustalic, o ktora chodzi (order) -> numer sekcji w self.sections # zwrocic odpowiedni element self.sections n = len(self.sections_names) indegz = [j for j in range(n) if self.sections_names[j]==section_name][order] return self.sections[indegz] def set_section_content(self, section_name, order, line_num, new_line): n = len(self.sections_names) indegz = [j for j in range(n) if self.sections_names[j]==section_name][order] self.sections[indegz][line_num] = new_line def add_state_B(self): section_content = self.get_section_content('atoms') # w petli po liniach: # (1) sprawdzic, czy linia jest legitna # (2) znalezc typ, ladunek i mase # (3) dodac w odp kolejnosci do linii # (4) zapisac zmodyfikowana linie w odpowiednim elemencie self.sections num = 0 for linenum, line in enumerate(section_content): if len(line.split()) > 7 and not line.lstrip().startswith(';') and str(line.split()[2])==str(self.resnum): nazwa, typ, masa = line.split()[4], line.split()[1], line.split()[7] try: ladunek = self.charges[nazwa] except KeyError: ladunek = "0.00" if nazwa in self.names_to_types_B.keys(): typ = self.names_to_types_B[nazwa] else: typ = 'DH' self.names_to_types_B[nazwa] = 'DH' line = line.rstrip() if ';' in line: line = line[:line.index(';')] suffix = "{:10s} {:10s} {:10s}".format(typ, ladunek, masa) new_line = line + suffix + '\n' self.set_section_content('atoms', 0, linenum, new_line) num += 1 def all_sections_add_B(self): self.add_B_to_section('bonds', 2) self.add_B_to_section('angles', 3) self.add_B_to_section('dihedrals', 4) def add_B_to_section(self, section, n_entries): section_content = self.get_section_content(section) for linenum, line in enumerate(section_content): atomnum_list = line.split()[0:n_entries] if any([True for i in atomnum_list if i in self.different_types]): parA=[self.names_to_types_A[self.nums_to_names[l]] for l in atomnum_list] if parA is None: raise RuntimeError('{} not found in ffbonded'.format(' '.join(parA))) parB=[self.names_to_types_B[self.nums_to_names[l]] for l in atomnum_list] form="{:10} "*len(self.find_param(parA))*2 try: suffix = form.format(*self.find_param(parA), *self.find_param(parB)) except KeyError: suffix = form.format(*self.find_param(parA), *self.find_param(parA)) new_line = line.rstrip() + suffix + '\n' self.set_section_content(section,0,linenum,new_line) def find_param(self, atomtypes_list): nparams = len(atomtypes_list) interaction_types = ['1', '2', '4', '5', '9'] param = None for line in self.ffbonded[::-1]: lspl = line.split() if len(lspl) > nparams and lspl[nparams] in interaction_types: if self.test_line(lspl[:nparams], atomtypes_list): if ';' not in lspl[nparams+1:]: param = [float(x) for x in lspl[nparams+1:]] else: endpos = lspl.index(';') param = [float(x) for x in lspl[nparams+1:endpos]] if param: return param else: raise KeyError() def test_line(self, line_list, ref_list): assert len(line_list) == len(ref_list) if 'X' in line_list: non_x_nums = [x for x in range(len(line_list)) if line_list[x] != "X"] line_list = [line_list[a] for a in non_x_nums] ref_list = [ref_list[a] for a in non_x_nums] n = len(line_list) if all([line_list[i] == ref_list[i] for i in range(n)]) or all([line_list[i] == ref_list[n-i-1] for i in range(n)]): return True else: return False def write(self): with open(self.prefix + self.filename, 'w') as outfile: for section in self.sections: for line in section: outfile.write(line) q = Alchemist('topol.itp', 23, 'GLU', '/home/miloszw/gmx5_plu21/share/gromacs/top/amber99bsc1.ff/ffbonded.itp', '/home/miloszw/gmx5_plu21/share/gromacs/top/amber99bsc1.ff/aminoacids.rtp') q()