[was@form fearnley]$ [was@form fearnley]$ Magma V2.7-1 Thu Nov 16 2000 21:07:37 on form [Seed = 3454253939] Type ? for help. Type -D to quit. Loading startup file "/home/was/modsym/init-magma.m" C IndexGamma0 R ellap idxG0 CS MS S factormod modcharpoly DC ND Tn factorpadic padiccharpoly ES NS Z fcp qexp F Q charpoly fn x > M:=ModularSymbols(11,2); > M; Full Modular symbols space of level 11, weight 2, and dimension 3 > Basis(M); [ {-1/7, 0}, {-1/5, 0}, {oo, 0} ] > D:=Decomposition(M,7); > D; [ Modular symbols space of level 11, weight 2, and dimension 1, Modular symbols space of level 11, weight 2, and dimension 2 ] > qEigenform(D[2],17); q - 2*q^2 - q^3 + 2*q^4 + q^5 + 2*q^6 - 2*q^7 - 2*q^9 - 2*q^10 + q^11 - 2*q^12 + 4*q^13 + 4*q^14 - q^15 - 4*q^16 + O(q^17) > E:=D[2]; > qEigenform(E,200); q - 2*q^2 - q^3 + 2*q^4 + q^5 + 2*q^6 - 2*q^7 - 2*q^9 - 2*q^10 + q^11 - 2*q^12 + 4*q^13 + 4*q^14 - q^15 - 4*q^16 - 2*q^17 + 4*q^18 + 2*q^20 + 2*q^21 - 2*q^22 - q^23 - 4*q^25 - 8*q^26 + 5*q^27 - 4*q^28 + 2*q^30 + 7*q^31 + 8*q^32 - q^33 + 4*q^34 - 2*q^35 - 4*q^36 + 3*q^37 - 4*q^39 - 8*q^41 - 4*q^42 - 6*q^43 + 2*q^44 - 2*q^45 + 2*q^46 + 8*q^47 + 4*q^48 - 3*q^49 + 8*q^50 + 2*q^51 + 8*q^52 - 6*q^53 - 10*q^54 + q^55 + 5*q^59 - 2*q^60 + 12*q^61 - 14*q^62 + 4*q^63 - 8*q^64 + 4*q^65 + 2*q^66 - 7*q^67 - 4*q^68 + q^69 + 4*q^70 - 3*q^71 + 4*q^73 - 6*q^74 + 4*q^75 - 2*q^77 + 8*q^78 - 10*q^79 - 4*q^80 + q^81 + 16*q^82 - 6*q^83 + 4*q^84 - 2*q^85 + 12*q^86 + 15*q^89 + 4*q^90 - 8*q^91 - 2*q^92 - 7*q^93 - 16*q^94 - 8*q^96 - 7*q^97 + 6*q^98 - 2*q^99 - 8*q^100 + 2*q^101 - 4*q^102 - 16*q^103 + 2*q^105 + 12*q^106 + 18*q^107 + 10*q^108 + 10*q^109 - 2*q^110 - 3*q^111 + 8*q^112 + 9*q^113 - q^115 - 8*q^117 - 10*q^118 + 4*q^119 + q^121 - 24*q^122 + 8*q^123 + 14*q^124 - 9*q^125 - 8*q^126 + 8*q^127 + 6*q^129 - 8*q^130 - 18*q^131 - 2*q^132 + 14*q^134 + 5*q^135 - 7*q^137 - 2*q^138 + 10*q^139 - 4*q^140 - 8*q^141 + 6*q^142 + 4*q^143 + 8*q^144 - 8*q^146 + 3*q^147 + 6*q^148 - 10*q^149 - 8*q^150 + 2*q^151 + 4*q^153 + 4*q^154 + 7*q^155 - 8*q^156 - 7*q^157 + 20*q^158 + 6*q^159 + 8*q^160 + 2*q^161 - 2*q^162 + 4*q^163 - 16*q^164 - q^165 + 12*q^166 - 12*q^167 + 3*q^169 + 4*q^170 - 12*q^172 - 6*q^173 + 8*q^175 - 4*q^176 - 5*q^177 - 30*q^178 - 15*q^179 - 4*q^180 + 7*q^181 + 16*q^182 - 12*q^183 + 3*q^185 + 14*q^186 - 2*q^187 + 16*q^188 - 10*q^189 + 17*q^191 + 8*q^192 + 4*q^193 + 14*q^194 - 4*q^195 - 6*q^196 - 2*q^197 + 4*q^198 + O(q^200) > phi:=PeriodMapping(E,200); > phi; Mapping from: ModSym: M to Full Vector space of degree 1 over Complex Field given by a rule [no inverse] > M; Full Modular symbols space of level 11, weight 2, and dimension 3 > Basis(M); [ {-1/7, 0}, {-1/5, 0}, {oo, 0} ] > M.1; {-1/7, 0} > M.2; {-1/5, 0} > M.3; {oo, 0} > phi(M.1); (-0.6346046521397767108443973084 - 1.458816616938495229330889613*i) > phi(M!<1,[17/3,5/19]>); ( 0.E-28 + 2.917633233876990458661779226*i) > M:=ModularSymbols(40); > D:=Decomposition(M,7); > D; [ Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 7, Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 2, Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 4 ] > C:=CuspidalSubspace(M); > C; Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 6 > D:=Decomposition(C,7); > D; [ Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 2, Modular symbols space of level 40, weight 2, and dimension 4 ] > E:=EllipticCurve(D[1]); > E; Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 - 7*x - 6 over Rational Field > phi:=PeriodMapping(D[1],200); > phi(M!<1,[17/3,5/19]>); (1.484412473422423143066783777 + 0.E-38*i) > Periods(D[1],200); [ (1.484412473422423143066783777), (-1.484412473422423143066783777 + 2.018905819978457432553363756*i) ] > Periods(E); [ 1.48441247342238645290734388792589795816719556345366739111, 0.E-57 + 2.01890581997842321558401443999893246506804199670414762466*i ] > quit; Total time: 8.210 seconds [was@form fearnley]$ exit exit Process magma finished