Hecke "Screen Shots"

[was@cusp web]$ hecke

          HECKE:  Modular Forms Calculator   (old version) 

                           W. Stein
Send bug reports and suggestions to [email protected]
Type ? for help.

  m: Modular symbols calculator
  M: 'm' mode but with more features
  f: Formula calculator
  g: Method of graphs calculator
  t: Table making routines
  a: About
  q: Quit


This program was written by William Stein ([email protected]).
Kevin Buzzard and Hendrik Lenstra contributed to the design.

Define a space M_k(N,chi;K) of modular symbols.
level N = 100
(100 = 2^2*5^2)
character chi = 0
Loading 0_Chi
weight k = 2
Loading Manin symbols list (size=180, name = 0_MSymbols_2):
	0% 7% 14% 21% 28% 36% 43% 50% 57% 65% 72% 79% 86% 93% 
Initializing M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2))^+
Making binomial table. Done.
Now computing M_k = (Manin Symbols) / (S, T, and I Relations).
Step 1: mod out by S and I relations. Done.
[loading 28x18 matrix: ]Precomputing Heilbronn matrices.
 Loading from database. Done.
Initialization of Manin symbols data complete.

Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=M_2, dim=18
M_2(100) ? t
Tn: Enter values of n, then q when done.
[loading 18x18 matrix: ]f2=[charpoly 18]
(x + 2)*(x + 1)^2*(x -2)^2*(x -1)^4*(x )^9;
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=M_2, dim=18
M_2(100) ? v
Select one:
c: CUSP forms
m: MODULAR forms
n: NEW cusp forms
e: Eisenstein part
s: save V
l: load V
x: cancel
> ? c
[loading 18x7 matrix: ]
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_2, dim=7
M_2(100) ? t
Tn: Enter values of n, then q when done.
Computing Tn_On for n = 2 ..[loading 18x18 matrix: ][simple echelon]
f2=[charpoly 7]
(x -1)*(x + 1)*(x )^5;
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_2, dim=7
M_2(100) ? m
matrix display on
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_2, dim=7
M_2(100) ? t
Tn: Enter values of n, then q when done.
Computing Tn_On for n = 2 ..[loading 18x18 matrix: ][simple echelon]
f2=[charpoly 7]
(x -1)*(x + 1)*(x )^5;
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_2, dim=7
M_2(100) ? v
Select one:
c: CUSP forms
m: MODULAR forms
n: NEW cusp forms
e: Eisenstein part
s: save V
l: load V
x: cancel
> ? n
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
M_2(100) ? t
Tn: Enter values of n, then q when done.
Computing Tn_On for n = 2 ..[loading 18x18 matrix: ][simple echelon]
f2=[charpoly 1]
x ;
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
M_2(100) ? ?
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
  a: ap list -- Hecke eigenvalues
  b: basis of rational q-expansions
  c: toggle charpoly display [on]
  d: disc(T|V) - discriminant of Hecke algebra
  e: compute subspace with given Tp eigenvalues
  f: fast computation of Tp|subspace
  g: compute subspace with f(Tp)=0, f some polynomial
  h: display the basis for M_k in terms of Manin and modular symbols.
  i: compute the winding element -{0,oo} on the free basis
  j: compute the complex conjugation involution.
  l: computes if the winding element vanishes on the dual of V.
  m: toggle matrix display [on]
  n: basis (up to conjugates) of q-expansions of eigenforms
  o: L(A_f,1)/Omega
  p: reduce modulo p.
  q: Quit
  r: toggle trace display [off]
  s: display current space
  t: Hecke operator Tn on V
  u: convert a modular symbol to a sum of Manin symbols
  v: change v to the full space of modular forms, newforms, or cusp forms.
  w: Atkin-Lehner involution Wn on V
  x: Exit
  z: integral basis for for H_1(X_0(N),Z).

Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
M_2(100) ? b
number of terms? 10
** Loading dual eigenbasis from datafile.
Loading MatVecList, size=1
Finding e.
Computing the values 1/. [[NTL XGCD]
0% (0s)]
Computing ap:  [2 3 5 7 ][Recursively computing an...
f0: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
F-rational basis of q-expansions (NOT eigenforms) for V
f[1] = q+2*q^3-2*q^7+q^9+O(q^10);
Top Level
Current space:   M_2(Gamma_0(100=2^2*5^2); Q)^+, dim=18
Hecke action on: V=S_k^{new}, dim=1
M_2(100) ? x