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a simulation of vibrating square membrane.

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Kernel: SageMath 9.4

From Japanese translation of E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th ed. (E. クライツィグ著,阿部寛治訳,「フーリエ解析と偏微分方程式」,培風館,p.168-170.) This is a computer simlatoin of a vibration of an unit sqare membrane.

A wave equation of 2 dimension 2ut2=c2(2ux2+2uy2)\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 \left(\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}\right) subject to boundary conditions $$u(x,y,t)=0 \text{ if $(x,y)ParseError: KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '}' at position 20: …on the boundary}̲,\quad u(x,y,0)…$ the second and the third conditions are initial conditions.

Now we use a method of 'separation of variables'. Let F(x,y)F(x,y) and G(t)G(t) be a spatial part and a time dependent part of the solutoin u(x,y,t)u(x,y,t): u(x,y,t)=F(x,y)G(t)u(x, y, t) = F(x,y)G(t). By a standard procedure, we have an ODE G¨+λG=0\ddot{G}+\lambda G=0 (time dependent part), and a PDE Fxx+Fyy+ν2F=0F_{{xx}} + F_{yy} + \nu^{2}F=0 (spatial part). The dot notation means that a differential with respect to tt, and the subscript means a partial derivative with respect to xx or yy.

The time dependent part is governed by the eigenvalue λm,n=cπm2+n2. \lambda_{m,n} = c\pi \sqrt{m^{2}+n^{2}}. For a λm,n\lambda_{m,n}, we have an eigenfunctoin Gm,n(t)=Bm,ncos(λm,nt)+Bm,nsin(λm,nt). G_{m,n}(t) = B_{m,n}\cos(\lambda_{m,n}t) + B_{m,n}^{*}\sin(\lambda_{m,n}t). So the solution of the original equation which corresponds to λm,n\lambda_{m,n} is um,n(x,y,t)=(Bm,ncos(λm,nt)+Bm,nsin(λm,nt))sin(mπx)sin(nπy). u_{m,n}(x,y,t) = (B_{m,n}\cos(\lambda_{m,n}t) + B_{m,n}^{*}\sin(\lambda_{m,n}t)) \sin(m\pi x)\sin(n\pi y).

The general solution of the equation is given as a superposition of um,nu_{m,n}. u(x,y,t)=m=1n=1um,n(x,y,t)=m=1n=1(Bm,ncos(λm,nt)+Bm,nsin(λm,nt))sin(mπx)sin(nπy). u(x,y,t) = \sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} u_{m,n}(x,y,t) = \sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} (B_{m,n}\cos(\lambda_{m,n}t) + B_{m,n}^{*}\sin(\lambda_{m,n}t)) \sin(m\pi x)\sin(n\pi y). The coefficients Bm,nB_{m,n} and Bm,nB_{m,n}^{*} is given by the integrals Bm,n=40101f(x,y)sin(mπx)sin(nπy)dxdy B_{m,n} = 4\int_{0}^{1}\int_{0}^{1} f(x,y)\sin(m\pi x)\sin(n\pi y)\,dx\,dy and Bm,n=4λm,n0101g(x,y)sin(mπx)sin(nπy)dxdy. B_{m,n}^{*} = \frac{4}{\lambda_{m,n}}\int_{0}^{1}\int_{0}^{1} g(x,y)\sin(m\pi x)\sin(n\pi y)\,dx\,dy.

x,y = var('x,y')
def b(m,n,f): """The coefficient of mode (m, n).""" return(4*numerical_integral(numerical_integral(f(x, y)*sin(m*pi.n()*x), 0, 1, params=[1])[0]*sin(n*pi.n()*y),0, 1)[0])
b(5,8, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2))
def u(t, m, n, f): """The mode (m, n) eigen function.""" return(b(m, n, f)*cos(pi.n()*sqrt(m^2 + n^2).n()*t)*sin(m*pi.n()*x)*sin(n*pi.n()*y))
u(0.1, 5, 13, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2))

A nodal curve of an eigenfunction of mode (4,7)(4,7).

iplt=implicit_plot(u(0.1, 4, 7, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2)), (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0));
Image in a Jupyter notebook

A density plot of the same function.

dplt= density_plot(u(0.1, 4, 7, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2)), (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0), cmap='jet');
Image in a Jupyter notebook
Image in a Jupyter notebook

It is interesting that the same eigenvalue λm,n\lambda_{m,n} is attained by some different pairs (m,n)(m,n) of integers. For example, λ4,7=λ1,8\lambda_{4,7} = \lambda_{1,8} holds since 42+72=65=12+824^2+7^2 = 65 = 1^2+8^2. This happens when m2+n2m^2+n^2 have two or more prime factors pp and qq which are congruent to 11 modulo 44. These pairs of integers provide different eigenfunctions um,n(t)u_{m,n}(t) associated to the same eigenvalue λm,n\lambda_{m,n}. The followings are examples of such eigenfunctions.

gr = plot3d(u(0.1, 4, 7, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2)), (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0), plot_points=80)'canvas3d')
MIME type unknown not supported
gr2 = plot3d(u(0.1, 5, 13, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2)), (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0), plot_points=80)'jmol')
MIME type unknown not supported
def w(t, f): """The superposition u(t, f) of u(t, m, n, f).""" return(sum(sum(u(t, m, n, f) for m in range(10)) for n in range(10)))
gr = plot3d(w(0.1, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2)), (x, 0, 1), (y, 0, 1), plot_points=80)'jmol', aspect_ratio=[1,1,0.3])
MIME type unknown not supported

To make an animation, first we prepare frames of animation.

def frames(t, m, n): return(plot3d(u(t, m, n, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2))*10^17, (x, 0, 1), (y, 0, 1)))

I'm not sure that the following method is the best way to restrict a region to be drawn. (To use implicit plot).

z = var('z') def framesw(t): return(implicit_plot3d(w(t, lambda x, y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2))-z, (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0), (z, -6.0, 6.0), plot_points=80))
fs= [frames(t, 2, 3) for t in sxrange(0.0, 2.0, 0.1)]
fsw = [framesw(t) for t in sxrange(0.0, 4.0, 0.05)]
anmw = animate(fsw) # ??? does not work on cocalc.
WARNING: Some output was deleted.

There is a different way to make an animation. I generate many pictures, then I make an animation by using 'convert (in ImageMagick)' on the command line.

gr = sage.plot.plot3d.parametric_surface.ParametricSurface(); gr c = 0 for t in srange(0.0, 2.0, 0.1): gr = implicit_plot3d(u(t, 1.0, 2.0, lambda x,y: (4*x-x^2)*(2*y-y^2))-z, (x, 0.0, 1.0), (y, 0.0, 1.0), (z, -1.0e-16, 1.0e-16), opacity=0.8, adoptive=True) gr.save_image("99wave%s.png"%t) print("done!")