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Author: Vincent J. Matsko Date: 13 March 2016, Day031 Post: Number Searches
# Recursive pair of functions to find prime factors (including repetitions). # test is the factor to check. # If n is divisible by test, try again! It may be a repeated prime factor. # Otherwise, recurse with the current n (which keeps getting smaller as more factors are found), # but increment test to test + 1. # Don't use for numbers too large - the recursive depth will be exceeded! def primefactorsaux(n, factorlist, test): if n == 1: return factorlist elif n % test == 0: factorlist.append(test); return primefactorsaux(n/test, factorlist, test) else: return primefactorsaux (n, factorlist, test + 1) def primefactors(n): return primefactorsaux(n, [], 2)
[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 643]
# Iterative version. # Note the similarity to the recursive version. # test becomes testfactor here, and is a local variable (rather than an argument to a function). def factorize (n): factorlist = []; testfactor = 2; currentn = n; done = False; while not done: if currentn == 1: done = True elif currentn % testfactor == 0: factorlist.append(testfactor) currentn = currentn / testfactor else: testfactor += 1 return factorlist
[3, 3, 3607, 3803]
# This is helpful in solving Number Search puzzles! def tobase(n,b): result = "" place = floor(log(n,b)) # Highest power of b less than n. nleft = n # Keeps track of what we still need to convert. while place >= 0: digit = floor(nleft / b^place) # Leading digit of what's left. result = result + str(digit) # Adds this digit to the number (as a string). nleft = nleft - digit * b^place # Finds what's left to convert. place = place - 1 # Moves one place to the right. return result