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Average energy released in beta decay 90^{90}Y

Reference: Targeted Radionuclide Therapy By Tod W. Spee

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Joule = 6.24150934 * 10^12 # MeV GBqh = (10**9) * 3600 # Bq s u1 = 0.93337 # MeV / (Bq s) u2 = 0.5385 # Gy kg / (GBq h) u2MeVBqs = u2 * Joule / GBqh # Bozunum başına ortalama yayılan enerji # Average energy released in beta decay $^{90}$Y print u2,"Gy kg / (GBq h) = " ,u2MeVBqs, " MeV / (Bq s)"
0.538500000000000 Gy kg / (GBq h) = 0.933625772108333 MeV / (Bq s)

( MeV/Bq-s )

XR l      3.44       7.4 % 3    2.55E-4 9 
XR kα2     25.044      19.1 % 5    0.00479 14 
XR kα1     25.271      35.4 % 9    0.00894 23 
XR kβ3     28.444       3.21 % 8    9.13E-4 24 
XR kβ1     28.486       6.18 % 17    0.00176 5 
XR kβ2     29.111       1.69 % 5    4.93E-4 13 
   156.02 3        2.113 % 12    0.003297 18 
   158.56 2       86.4 %   0.1370
   314.3 3        4.23E-4 % 10    1.33E-6 3 


MeV / (Bq s): average energy released (Dose) in a decay (or energy released (Dose) per decay)