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Project: Tarea Final
Views: 81
Kernel: Python 3 (Anaconda 2019)
import scipy as sc import pylab as pl from scipy.integrate import odeint #from scipy import stats #import scipy.linalg as lin import matplotlib.pylab as gr %matplotlib inline from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np
#Definición de parametros del sistema NumNa=0.003 NumKd=0.001 NumL=0.0001 NumNaK=0.05 rNa=0.1 rKd=0.5 rL=0.01 rNak=0.3 #Definición de parametros que se refieren al flujo VNa=55 sigNa=1 sNa=0.5 VKd=-72 sigKd=1 sKd=0.5 VL=-50 sigL=1 sL=0.5 VNak=-70 sigNak=1 sNak=0.5 VT=1 Cm= 20
# Definición de estados estable w_inf, m_inf, las escales de tiempo tau_w y ta_c y la función m_L a=0.005 V_hw=-46 V_hm=-31 Ld=0.08 def w_inf(V): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-2*a*(V-V_hw))) def m_inf(V): return 1/(1+ np.exp(-2*a*(V-V_hm))) def tau_w(V): return 1/(Ld*np.exp(a*(V-V_hw))+Ld*np.exp(-a*(V-V_hw)))
# Definición de la funcion de Flujo def Flujo(V,Vr,sig,s): return sig*(np.exp((s-1)*(Vr-sig*V)/VT)-np.exp(s*(Vr-sig*V)/VT)) t = np.arange(0.0, 1000.0, 0.1)
#Definición del sistema def sistema(U,t): V,w =U dV=-NumNa*rNa*m_inf(V)*Flujo(V,VNa,sigNa,sNa)*(1-w)+NumKd*rKd*Flujo(V,VKd,sigKd,sKd)*w + NumL*rL*Flujo(V,VL,sigL,sL)*(1-w)*m_inf(V) dw=(w_inf(V)-w)/tau_w(V) return dV,dw U = odeint(sistema,[-50,0.1],t) V = U[:,0] w = U[:,1] pl.figure() pl.title('Modelo minimal') pl.plot(t, V, 'k') pl.ylabel('V (mV)') pl.xlabel('t (seg)')
/ext/anaconda-2019.03/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/integrate/ ODEintWarning: Excess work done on this call (perhaps wrong Dfun type). Run with full_output = 1 to get quantitative information. warnings.warn(warning_msg, ODEintWarning)
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