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Image: ubuntu2004
Kernel: Python 3 (system-wide)
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#Generating a 2 by 100 array of all peg locations pegLocations=np.zeros([2,100]) for i in range(0,10): for j in range(0,10): #Saving x-locations of all pegs if i%2==0: pegLocations[0,j+i*10]=10*j if i%2!=0: pegLocations[0,j+i*10]=10*j+5 #Saving all y-locations of pegs pegLocations[1,(i*10):(i+1)*10]=86.66-(8.66*(i+1))
#Defining gravitational constant g=981 #cm/s #Defining x and y acceleration expressions #Note that if statements are used to account for direction of drag def ax(Vx,C): if Vx<=0: ans=C*Vx**2 else: ans = -C*Vx**2 return ans def ay(Vy,C): if Vy<=0: ans=-g+C*(Vy)**2 else: ans=-g-C*(Vy)**2 return ans
h=0.001 #initializing time step used throughout code #Defining velocity function using forward Euler's method def Vel(V0x,V0y,C): vx=V0x+h*ax(V0x,C) vy=V0y+h*ay(V0y,C) return vx,vy
#defining a function to model the position of the ball using forward Euler's method def Pos(x0,Vx,y0,Vy,h): x=x0+h*Vx y=y0+h*Vy return x,y
#Defining a simple function to model bouncing off pegs. This function outputs velocities vx and vy def bounce(x,y,pegx,pegy,vx,vy): xdist=x-pegx ydist=y-pegy #Accounting for case where disk hits peg straight on causing the velocity in y direction to 'flip' if xdist==0: return vx,-vy #Accounting for the case where the disk hits the peg at an angle else: theta=np.arctan(ydist/xdist) #introducing randomness of up to 10% to angle that disk bounces off the peg highThresh=theta+(theta*0.1) lowThresh=theta-(theta*0.1) thetaRand=float(np.random.uniform(lowThresh,highThresh)) #Applying vector reflection matrix reflMat=np.array(([np.cos(2*thetaRand),np.sin(2*thetaRand)],[np.sin(thetaRand*2),-np.cos(2*thetaRand)])) velMat=np.array(([vx],[vy])) VxRef,VyRef=-np.matmul(reflMat,velMat)[0],-np.matmul(reflMat,velMat)[1] #Introducing random reduction of velocity of up to 5% upon hitting peg VxRef2=float(np.random.uniform(VxRef-(VxRef*0.05),VxRef)) VyRef2=float(np.random.uniform(VyRef-(VyRef*0.05),VyRef)) return VxRef2,VyRef2
#Applying simp 1/3 method of integration def integrate(y, h): ind = 1 tot = y[0] + y[-1] for i in y[1:-1]: if (ind % 2) == 0: tot += 2 * i else: tot += 4 * i ind += 1 return tot * (h / 3.0)
def Plinko(xstart,drag,totaltime): #Setting initial conditions t=0 N=int(totaltime*1000) C=drag y0= np.random.uniform(89.8,90.2) x0=np.random.uniform(xstart-0.2,xstart+0.2) prevVx=np.random.uniform(0,0.2) prevVy=np.random.uniform(0,0.2) #Plotting the pegs in blue plt.plot(pegLocations[0],pegLocations[1],'.') #Initializing position and velocity arrays so that values can be plotted xArray=np.zeros(N) yArray=np.zeros(N) vxArray=np.zeros(N) vyArray=np.zeros(N) #The dummy variable below is simply used to ensure bounce function is not triggered in consecutive time iterations as that causes the ball to move in physically impossible ways. dumVar=0 #Initializing variables used to calculate total distance travelled by the disk dist=0 totaldist=0 #Looping through all possible time values for i in range(0,N): velx,vely=Vel(prevVx,prevVy,C) x1,y1=Pos(x0,velx,y0,vely,h) dist=float(np.sqrt((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)) #Change in position of the disk totaldist=dist+totaldist x0=np.copy(x1) y0=np.copy(y1) #Converting these values from 1x1 arrays to floats so functions work properly x0f=float(x0) y0f=float(y0) velxf=float(velx) velyf=float(vely) #If statements are used to ensure that disk will go to opposite end of board if x=0 or x=100 if x0f > 100: x0f = x0f-100 if x0f< 0: x0f = x0f+100 #Plotting position of disk in red plt.plot(x0f,y0f,'ro') #storing position and velocity values in an array so they can be plotted later xArray[i]=x0f yArray[i]=y0f vxArray[i]=velxf vyArray[i]=velyf #Stops iterating through time if disk reaches bottom of board if y0f<=0: t=0.001*i numIterations=i #determining which bin the disk landed in if x0f<=5.0 or x0f>95.0: Bin=int(0) else: Bin=(x0f+5)//10 break #Looping through pegLocations array to determine if disk is bouncing off of a peg or falling at any given moment for j in range(0,np.size(pegLocations[0,:])): if (np.sqrt(((x0f-pegLocations[0,j])**2)+(y0f-pegLocations[1,j])**2)<=3.0) and dumVar==0: #If above conditions are met, bounce function will be applied. The 3.0cm threshold is based off the sum of the radius of the peg and the disk (2.5cm+0.5cm). posPegx=pegLocations[0,j] posPegy=pegLocations[1,j] newVel=bounce(x0f,y0f,posPegx,posPegy,velxf,velyf) prevVx=np.copy(newVel[0]) prevVy=np.copy(newVel[1]) dumVar=1 break #If rebounding function is not called, ball will just move according to velocity function else: prevVx=np.copy(velx) prevVy=np.copy(vely) #If the for loop reaches the end of the pegLocations array without triggering the bounce function, the disk experiences 'falling motion'. We set dumVar to 0 in this case because it is now physically possible for the disk to fall and hit another peg so the bounce function can be called. if j==(np.size(pegLocations[0,:]))-1: dumVar=0 #Truncating x,y,vx, and vy arrays and initializing time array xArrayt=xArray[0:numIterations] yArrayt=yArray[0:numIterations] vxArrayt=vxArray[0:numIterations] vyArrayt=vyArray[0:numIterations] timeArray=np.zeros(numIterations) for i in range(0,numIterations): timeArray[i]=i*0.001 #Using fft to calculate the maximally occurring frequency freq = np.fft.fft(vyArrayt[1:]) maxfreqoccur = np.argmax(freq[1:150]) freqarea = abs(integrate(freq[1:200],1)) #Plotting position vs t, velocity vs t, and frequency plt.figure(2) plt.plot(timeArray,xArrayt,'-',label="x(t)") plt.plot(timeArray,yArrayt,'-',label="y(t)") plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("position [m]") plt.legend() plt.figure(3) plt.plot(timeArray,vxArrayt,'-',label="vx(t)") plt.plot(timeArray,vyArrayt,'-',label="vy(t)") plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("velocity [m/s]") plt.legend() plt.figure(4) plt.plot(abs(freq[1:150])) plt.xlabel("Frequency of change of direction [Hz]") plt.ylabel("Number of Occurences") return t,Bin,totaldist,maxfreqoccur,freqarea
#Copying above plinko function but removing all plotting parts as they're unnecessary for histogram generation def PlinkoHist(xstart,drag,totaltime): #Setting initial conditions numIterations=0 Bin=0 t=0 N=int(totaltime*1000) C=drag y0= np.random.uniform(89.8,90.2) x0=np.random.uniform(xstart-0.2,xstart+0.2) prevVx=np.random.uniform(0,0.2) prevVy=np.random.uniform(0,0.2) #Initializing position and velocity arrays so that values can be plotted xArray=np.zeros(N) yArray=np.zeros(N) vxArray=np.zeros(N) vyArray=np.zeros(N) #The dummy variable below is simply used to ensure bounce function is not triggered in consecutive time iterations as that caused the ball to move in physically impossible ways. dumVar=0 dist=0 totaldist=0 #Looping through all possible time values for i in range(0,N): velx,vely=Vel(prevVx,prevVy,C) x1,y1=Pos(x0,velx,y0,vely,h) dist=float(np.sqrt(abs(x1**2-x0**2)+abs(y1**2-y0**2))) totaldist=dist+totaldist x0=np.copy(x1) y0=np.copy(y1) #Converting these values from 1x1 arrays to floats so functions work properly x0f=float(x0) y0f=float(y0) velxf=float(velx) velyf=float(vely) vyArray[i]=velyf #If statements are used to ensure that disk will go to opposite end of board if x=0 or x=100 if x0f > 100: x0f = x0f-100 if x0f< 0: x0f = x0f+100 #Stops iterating through time if disk reaches bottom of board if y0f<=0: t=0.001*i numIterations=i #determining which bin the disk landed in if x0f<=5.0 or x0f>95.0: Bin=int(0) else: Bin=(x0f+5)//10 break #Looping through pegLocations array to determine if disk is bouncing off of a peg or falling at any given moment for j in range(0,np.size(pegLocations[0,:])): if (np.sqrt(((x0f-pegLocations[0,j])**2)+(y0f-pegLocations[1,j])**2)<=3.0) and dumVar==0: #If these conditions are met, bounce function will be applied. The 3.0cm threshold is based off the sum of the radius of the peg and the disk (2.5cm+0.5cm). posPegx=pegLocations[0,j] posPegy=pegLocations[1,j] newVel=bounce(x0f,y0f,posPegx,posPegy,velxf,velyf) prevVx=np.copy(newVel[0]) prevVy=np.copy(newVel[1]) dumVar=1 break #If rebounding function is not called, ball will just move according to velocity function else: prevVx=np.copy(velx) prevVy=np.copy(vely) #If the for loop reaches the end of the pegLocations array without triggering the bounce function, the disk experiences 'falling motion'. We set dumVar to 0 in this case because it is now physically possible for the disk to fall and hit another peg so the bounce function can be called. if j==(np.size(pegLocations[0,:]))-1: dumVar=0 timeArray=np.zeros(numIterations) vyArrayt=vyArray[0:numIterations] for i in range(0,numIterations): timeArray[i]=i*0.001 #max frequency and area freq = np.fft.fft(vyArrayt[1:]) maxfreqoccur = np.argmax(freq[1:150]) freqarea = abs(integrate(freq,1)) return t,Bin,totaldist,maxfreqoccur, freqarea

For a Total Drag Coefficient of 0.5

test,Bin,td,maxf,farea=Plinko(50,0.5,5.0) print("It takes ",test, "seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board.") print("The disk lands in bin",Bin) print("The total distance travelled by disk is", td,"cm") print("The Area Under the Frequency Curve is",farea,"s^-2" ) print("Maximum Frequency Occurance is at",maxf,"Hz")
It takes 3.753 seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board. The disk lands in bin 5.0 The total distance travelled by disk is 123.11054192049028 cm The Area Under the Frequency Curve is 31173.038126919964 s^-2 Maximum Frequency Occurance is at 10 Hz
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
#generating histograms #Note that code will take approximately 50 seconds to do 20 'runs' and 80 seconds for 30 runs #Initializing the number of runs num=20 tArr=np.zeros(num) binArr=np.zeros(num) tdArr=np.zeros(num) maxfreqArray=np.zeros(num) freqAreaArray=np.zeros(num) for i in range(0,num): tArr[i],binArr[i],tdArr[i],maxfreqArray[i],freqAreaArray[i]=PlinkoHist(50,0.5,5.0) #plotting histograms for all output values plt.figure(1) plt.hist(tArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(2) plt.hist(binArr,bins=10,range=(0,10)) plt.xlabel("Bin Number") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(3) plt.hist(tdArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Total displacement [m]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(4) plt.hist(maxfreqArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Maximum Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(5) plt.hist(freqAreaArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Integrated Area under all frequencies [s^-2]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence")

For a Total Drag Coefficient of 0.1

test,Bin,td,maxf,farea=Plinko(50,0.1,5.0) print("It takes ",test, "seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board.") print("The disk lands in bin",Bin) print("The total distance travelled by disk is", td,"cm") print("The Area Under the Frequency Curve is",farea,"s^-2" ) print("Maximum Frequency Occurance is at",maxf,"Hz")
It takes 1.744 seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board. The disk lands in bin 8.0 The total distance travelled by disk is 133.25542101575226 cm The Area Under the Frequency Curve is 74718.38236147874 s^-2 Maximum Frequency Occurance is at 0 Hz
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
#generating histograms #Note that code will take approximately 30 seconds to do 20 'runs' and 50 seconds for 30 runs #Initializing the number of runs num=30 tArr=np.zeros(num) binArr=np.zeros(num) tdArr=np.zeros(num) maxfreqArray=np.zeros(num) freqAreaArray=np.zeros(num) for i in range(0,num): tArr[i],binArr[i],tdArr[i],maxfreqArray[i],freqAreaArray[i]=PlinkoHist(50,0.1,5.0) #plotting histograms for all output values plt.figure(1) plt.hist(tArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(2) plt.hist(binArr,bins=10,range=(0,10)) plt.xlabel("Bin Number") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(3) plt.hist(tdArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Total displacement [m]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(4) plt.hist(maxfreqArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Maximum Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(5) plt.hist(freqAreaArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Integrated Area under all frequencies [s^-2]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence")
Text(0, 0.5, 'frequency of occurence')
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook

For a Total Drag Coefficient of 0.05

test,Bin,td,maxf,farea=Plinko(50,0.05,5.0) print("It takes ",test, "seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board.") print("The disk lands in bin",Bin) print("The total distance travelled by disk is", td,"cm") print("The Area Under the Frequency Curve is",farea,"s^-2" ) print("Maximum Frequency Occurance is at",maxf,"Hz")
It takes 1.997 seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board. The disk lands in bin 2.0 The total distance travelled by disk is 175.30274951349813 cm The Area Under the Frequency Curve is 210229.8617088856 s^-2 Maximum Frequency Occurance is at 7 Hz
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
#generating histograms #Note that code will take approximately 30 seconds to do 20 'runs' and 50 seconds for 30 runs #Initializing the number of runs num=30 tArr=np.zeros(num) binArr=np.zeros(num) tdArr=np.zeros(num) maxfreqArray=np.zeros(num) freqAreaArray=np.zeros(num) for i in range(0,num): tArr[i],binArr[i],tdArr[i],maxfreqArray[i],freqAreaArray[i]=PlinkoHist(50,0.05,5.0) #plotting histograms for all output values plt.figure(1) plt.hist(tArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(2) plt.hist(binArr,bins=10,range=(0,10)) plt.xlabel("Bin Number") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(3) plt.hist(tdArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Total displacement [m]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(4) plt.hist(maxfreqArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Maximum Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(5) plt.hist(freqAreaArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Integrated Area under all frequencies [s^-2]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence")
Text(0, 0.5, 'frequency of occurence')
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook

For a Total Drag Coefficient of 0.01

test,Bin,td,maxf,farea=Plinko(50,0.01,5.0) print("It takes ",test, "seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board.") print("The disk lands in bin",Bin) print("The total distance travelled by disk is", td,"cm") print("The Area Under the Frequency Curve is",farea,"s^-2" ) print("Maximum Frequency Occurance is at",maxf,"Hz")
It takes 3.106 seconds for the disk to move through the plinko board. The disk lands in bin 2.0 The total distance travelled by disk is 305.9541055132145 cm The Area Under the Frequency Curve is 265278.0908554586 s^-2 Maximum Frequency Occurance is at 13 Hz
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook
#generating histograms #Note that code will take approximately 30 seconds to do 20 'runs' and 50 seconds for 30 runs #Initializing the number of runs num=30 tArr=np.zeros(num) binArr=np.zeros(num) tdArr=np.zeros(num) maxfreqArray=np.zeros(num) freqAreaArray=np.zeros(num) for i in range(0,num): tArr[i],binArr[i],tdArr[i],maxfreqArray[i],freqAreaArray[i]=PlinkoHist(50,0.01,5.0) #plotting histograms for all output values plt.figure(1) plt.hist(tArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("time [s]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(2) plt.hist(binArr,bins=10,range=(0,10)) plt.xlabel("Bin Number") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(3) plt.hist(tdArr,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Total displacement [m]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(4) plt.hist(maxfreqArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Maximum Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence") plt.figure(5) plt.hist(freqAreaArray,bins=5) plt.xlabel("Integrated Area under all frequencies [s^-2]") plt.ylabel("frequency of occurence")
Text(0, 0.5, 'frequency of occurence')
Image in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebookImage in a Jupyter notebook